Traffic Incident Management (TIM) Responder Training New

Course Description:
The primary goal of the TIM Responder Training Program is to improve safety through mutual support and communication.  TIM consists of a planned and coordinated multidisciplinary process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents so that traffic flow may be restored as safely and quickly as possible. This training improves the safety of emergency responders, crash victims, and motorists, and reduces the duration and impacts of traffic incidents.
Training topics include: Fundamentals of TIM & terminology, Notification and scene size-up, Safe vehicle positioning, Scene safety, Communication and coordination, Traffic management, Special considerations, Clearance & termination.

Target Audience:
It is strongly encouraged that Municipal interdisciplinary teams attend together (Public works, Fire and Rescue, police, town Safety officer, those involved with municipal -wide safety plans)

Credit Hours

Road Scholar Hours

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)


Road Scholar Credits

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