The 2024 Moving Together Conference

Date: 10/23/2024 7:45 AM - 10/23/2024 4:30 PM

Location: Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton St.

Boston, Massachusetts


MT24 logo

2024 Moving Together Conference

• Attend workshops and panels that highlight current pedestrian, bicyclist and public transportation topics
• Network with colleagues representing diverse interests from the public, academic and private sectors
• All new site visits and mobile workshops led by engineers and bicyclist/pedestrian advocates.

images of bicyclists and pedestrians

ATTENTION: This year's conference is Sold Out. No walk-ins will be accepted.

October 23, 2024 • 7:45 am - 4:30 pm

Sheraton Boston Hotel
39 Dalton Street
Boston, MA

Please be advised that the hotel is undergoing renovations to their lobby, guest rooms, restaurant, pool, and fitness center. When entering the front of the hotel take the elevator to the second floor. If entering from the Prudential Center proceed past elevators and to the left.

Some of the topics at this year's conference will include:

Transit Connectivity
Bicycle Counts
Systemwide Accessibility
Climate Resiliency
Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest
Site Visits

Walk-In Registrations will only be accepted if capacity permits*.

The History of the Moving Together Conference – 24 Years and Counting

In 1998, both the statewide bicycling action plan and statewide pedestrian action plan called for the establishment of an annual statewide conference for educational and networking purposes. The first two of these conferences were held in Worcester, MA in 2000. In May, at Clark University, 50 people gathered to discuss only walking issues. Later in the year, at the Worcester Holiday Inn, 50 people met and focused on bicycling issues.

In 2005, the conference moved to Boston, and since then, interest in the conference and attendance has continued to grow. As it has, the conference has changed venues a few times to accompany larger audiences.  In 2013, the conference was held for the first time at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel, and transit was added to the conference as a featured mode. The conference remained at the Park Plaza Hotel until 2023 when it moved to the Sheraton Boston Hotel.  In 2014, over 650 people attended the conference. In 2020 and 2021, during the Covid pandemic, the conference was held 100% online.  Since it returned in-person in 2022, the conference has sold out each year with over 1,100 people in attendance.  

Every year, the Moving Together Conference brings together transportation leaders and individuals involved in the areas of transportation safety, planning, public health, bicycling, walking, transit, advocacy, education, law enforcement, and elected office.   The conference sessions and speakers cover numerous related topics, sharing successful initiatives and programs, along with new tools and resources, and discussing strategies for addressing continuing challenges. 

MassDOT Logo     FHWA logo

This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at or 413-545-2604 at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.

If you have any dietary restrictions, we kindly ask that you alert us no later than Monday, September 16th. Please note that we will work with the venue and do our best to provide accommodations but can only fulfill what the venue is capable of providing. For a list of local eateries in the Prudential Center, please visit:

Credit Card Payments Only. Cancellations must be received 7 days prior to the event.

*Walk-In registrations must be paid in full at the registration table.

Note: there will be a $50.00 fee for any attendee badge swapping. This fee must be paid in full at the registration table.


Gold Level Sponsors

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

  stantec logo  wsp logo    GPI logo  Green International Affiliates Logo  nitsch logo  jacobs logo    hntb logo       Fuss and ONeil logo      vhb logo        arup logo  michael baker logo  aecom logo   

Silver Level Sponsors

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website 

 Home - Benesch    Howard Stein Hudson logo     the engineering corp logo   ocean state signal logobeta group logo        weston and sampson logo    ai engineers logo   tetra tech logo   mcfarland johnson logo    environmental partners logo             bl companies logo      Tighe and Bond logo   pare logo          brennan consulting logo   bowman logo  kleinfelder logo

Bronze Level Sponsors

Please click on our sponsor's logo to visit their website

 esri logo new england traffic solutions logo coastal traffic solutions   ideal block logo   EJ Prescott Logo  Felix A Marino logo   kittelson logo   Atane logo   CHA logo    mcclure logoGannett Fleming logo     toole design logo     john turner consulting fhi studios logo     Cambridge Systematics Logo   STV logo   CDW Logo  


walk massachusetts logo     mbta logo   rmv logo



What Moving Together Can Do For Your Company or Organization

When you exhibit at Moving Together, your company or organization will be seen by over 1,000 professionals involved in healthy transportation, planning, design, construction, public health, bike and pedestrian safety, transit, advocacy, elected offices, law enforcement and education. Take advantage of the opportunity to showcase your business or organization to the key decision makers involved in pedestrian, bicycle and public transportation. In addition, there are several opportunities to promote your company or organization through special sponsorship opportunities.


Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Is Now Available!

Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page. 

exhibitor images

Special Sponsorship Opportunities

Gold Level Sponsor

A GOLD Level Sponsor receives a booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:
• One additional complimentary attendee registration
Your logo on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Email marketing materials
  • Conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom
• Company banner displayed at the conference 
• Session agenda signs outside each meeting room

Early Bird (Until July 23) $3,500.00
Regular Rate (July 23 - Oct. 1) $4,500.00

Silver Level Sponsor

A SILVER Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:
Your logo on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Email marketing materials
  • Conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom

Early Bird (Until July 23) $2,000.00
Regular Rate (July 23 - Oct. 1) $3,000.00

Bronze Level Sponsor

A BRONZE Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:
Your logo on:
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
  • Conference slide show played throughout the event in the main ballroom

Early Bird (Until July 23) $1,250.00
Regular Rate (July 23 - Oct. 1) $2,250.00

Sponsor fees include a booth and one complimentary conference registration, continental breakfast, lunch, and breaks. Each sponsor assistant must pre-register online.

Non Profit/Government Exhibitor

Cost: $150.00

Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference. Agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.

Each booth includes:
• 6 foot skirted table, one chair and one waste paper basket
• Additional chairs are available on request, depending on the number of attendees that your organization registers.
• Indicate any special considerations and requests, including electrical outlets. 

Vendors will be required to pay for any exhibit-specific audiovisual equipment, such as a table-top or free-standing TV-DVD. Please contact the UMass Transportation Center, 413-230-6791, for specific equipment costs.

Online Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration Now Available!

Please click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page.

We welcome walking, bicycle-friendly and transit-friendly vendors, businesses, professional planning/design/engineering services, educational and non-profit advocacy groups.

map of booth locations in prefunction area 



The conference schedule is under development and will be updated as we finalize details. We appreciate your patience and encourage you to revisit this page for the most current information.

2024 Moving Together Conference Schedule 

Registration/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom
Breakfast Buffet - Constitution Ballroom: 7:45 am - 8:45 am

WELCOME SESSION: 8:45 am - 9:15 am

Grand Ballroom 

Pete Sutton - Master of Ceremonies, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, MassDOT  
Meredith Slesinger – Administrator, MassDOT Rail and Transit Division

Break/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom: 9:15 am - 9:30 am

CONCURRENT SESSION #1: 9:30 am - 10:45 am 

GIS Hands-On Learning Lab  - (ALL DAY) - Republic Foyer

The Hands-On Learning Lab (HOLL) is a dedicated space for free lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Each self-paced lesson takes about one hour to complete and includes conceptual information and step-by-step software exercises. Laptops and the ArcGIS software needed to complete each lesson are provided. Instructors are available to assist with lesson selection and answer any questions you may have.  The Learning Lab will be open throughout the conference.


Session 1A: MassTrails – Meeting Trails Needs Across the Commonwealth, One Project at a Time - Room A

MassTrails represents one vision, one action plan, and one team with the purpose of expanding and connecting the Commonwealth’s networks of off-road, shared use pathways and recreational trails for all users across Massachusetts. Find out how the MassTrails Team is part of a larger movement to complete the 104-mile Mass Central Rail Trail.  Also hear about successful wayfinding and how new grant scoring makes trail maintenance projects more competitive. 

Glenn Pransky
, Norwottuck Network 
Gerald Autler and Amber Christoffersen, MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR)
Pete Sutton and Phoebe Whitwell, MassDOT 
Jonah Chiarenza, Bike to the Sea, and Sarah Zeiberg, Office of Senator Jason Lewis 

Kurt Gaertner
, MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

*MassTrail Team members will also attend this session and be available during the Q&A.


Session 1B: Local Examples of Successful Innovative Bike-Ped Advocacy Projects - Room B 

This session will discuss a successful map exhibit that provided a history lesson showing how mapping can be used as a tool for improving pedestrian accessibility; and a free e-bike lending library allows potential cyclists the opportunity to try out e-bikes and learn more. Lastly, find out how a Boston-based advocacy group is advancing a bikeway and creating valuable greenspaces like urban gardens, food forests, and public parks for the community. 

Garrett Dash Nelson
, Boston Public Library 
Michelle Moon, Civic Space Collaborative/Fairmount Greenway
Christopher Schmidt, Community Pedal Power 

Patricia Cahill
, MassDOT


Session 1C: Multimodal Infrastructure Initiatives at Regional Planning Agencies - Room C 

Regional planning agencies (RPAs) continually face challenges balancing the urban, suburban and rural needs of their respective locales with limited resources. Come learn about one regional bicycle plan update as part of a Unified Planning Work Program, and how an in-person shared-use path user survey informed future priorities. Also hear how public input combined with data analysis helped build a third RPA’s safety action plan.

Tony Collins
, Merrimack Valley Planning Commission 
Jack Carolan, Franklin Regional Council of Governments 
Nick Russo, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission 

Derek Shooster
, MassDOT


Session 1D: Improving the Transit Connectivity Landscape - Room D 

Learn about new initiatives in Massachusetts to expand transit connections – by planning and implementing new transit services that help people connect across transit authority service areas, and by connecting potential riders to transit options through education, outreach, and support.

Andrew Koziol
, Director, MassDOT Rail and Transit 
Ruth Lindsay and Theresa Dickson, SeniorCare Inc. 
Angie Constantino, Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority 

Rachel Fichtenbaum
, MassDOT


Session 1E: Climate Resiliency Part 1– Shared-Use Trails and Boardwalks in Environmentally Sensitive Areas - Grand Ballroom

Responding to climate change and an ever-growing need for open space, this panel highlights three projects where environmental regulations dictate what can be built. Best practices on present and future sections of the Border to Boston Trail are featured, as is the under-construction Neponset River Greenway as well as a full boardwalk reconstruction on Cape Cod.

Sam Jensen
, Town of Sandwich, and Alan Pepin, GEI
Stella Lensing, DCR, and Kellan Lewis and Diana Walden, BSC Group
Aleece D’Onofrio, Stantec

Rachel Kelly
, MassDOT 


Session 1F: SWAG Meeting, Hosted by GeoDOT - Republic Ballroom

The Geospatial Technology Group at MassDOT created a forum for GIS users called SWAG (Spatial Website Analysis Group) to share applications, analyses and ideas that use GIS technology, either on the GeoDOT platform or in a standalone space that could be integrated with the GeoDOT platform. Over the last few years, MassDOT has elevated this forum to large-scale collaborative venues, such as MassDOT’s annual conferences, to allow the greater GIS community to share how they are innovating and building new and exciting GIS tools. There will also be trivia questions with prizes and an open forum brain teaser session.

Jose Simo
, MassDOT

Break/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom: 10:45 am - 11:15 am


CONCURRENT SESSION #2: 11:15 am - 12:30 pm

GIS Hands-On Learning Lab  - (ALL DAY) - Republic Foyer

The Hands-On Learning Lab (HOLL) is a dedicated space for free lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Each self-paced lesson takes about one hour to complete and includes conceptual information and step-by-step software exercises. Laptops and the ArcGIS software needed to complete each lesson are provided. Instructors are available to assist with lesson selection and answer any questions you may have.  The Learning Lab will be open throughout the conference.


Session 2A: Advocacy Success Stories: The Role of Volunteers and Active Transportation Events - Room A

Learn about the continued success and growing memberships of three advocacy organizations which thrive through events centered around active transportation. These groups promote a national heritage area comprised of 34 communities on the North Shore, the historic Blackstone River Corridor that runs from Worcester County into Rhode Island, and the miles of shoreline encapsulated along Boston Harbor. Each group taps an enormous well of volunteers who help to strengthen the local economy, increase access and awareness to outdoor recreation, and honor the rich history of their regions. 

Annie Harris
, Essex National Heritage Commission
Chris Mancini, Save the Harbor Save the Bay
Devon Kurtz, Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor

Chester Osborne
, MassDOT


Session 2B: Cutting-Edge Research to Improve Mobility and Safety - Room B

Catch up on the latest in cutting-edge statewide research: development of an Artificial Intelligence framework to detect crosswalk locations across the state as well as their type classification and location category; MIT’s City Form Lab’s approaches for understanding, modeling and operationalizing pedestrian mobility in cities; and how to meet accessibility needs and provide high-quality customer experience for transit riders, while simultaneously providing space for safe cycling along bus corridors.

Eleni Christofa
, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Andres Sevtsuk, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yuanchang Xie, UMass Lowell

Nicholas Zavolas
, MassDOT


Session 2C: Breaking Down Barriers to Access to Create More Livable, Healthy and Inclusive Communities - Room C

This session highlights three initiatives to break down barriers to access:  a unique local firm that uses a multi-tiered approach to improve livability in local communities, transforming unused spaces into vibrant social infrastructure; a  gateway city that promotes walking and bicycling as a means of improving the health of its residents; and a regional agency’s collection of ideas, tools, and resources which together offer a central starting point for improving multilingual language access to its work.

Aaron Greiner
, CultureHouse
Kristen Sykes, Holyoke Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee
Sasha Parodi and Najee Nunnally, Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Derek Krevat
, MassDOT


Session 2D: MassDOT Spotlight – Improving Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety through New MassDOT Programs and Policies - Room D

Join us for a review of upcoming changes to design controls within the MassDOT Project Development and Design Guide. Learn about a vulnerable roadway user assessment which investigated ways to prevent pedestrian fatalities close to bus stops, and an exciting new project to create a statewide pedestrian and bicycle facilities vision map for all applicable MassDOT roadways.

Pete Sutton
and Pedro Hernandez, MassDOT
Neil Boudreau, Francisco Lovera, and Chris Falcos, MassDOT
Kayla Sousa, MassDOT

Carrie Lavallee
, Chief Engineer, MassDOT


Session 2E: Thinking Strategically about Transportation Planning and Programming - Grand Ballroom

Learn about the MBTA’s strategic planning process and how the authority’s mission, vision, values, and goals are informing its work to deliver a safe, reliable and accessible transportation system. MBTA’s Policy and Strategic Planning Team will discuss the strategic vision and how it is informing short- and long-term capital planning. MassDOT’s Office of Transportation Planning will also discuss the scope, timeline, and innovative engagement approaches planned for the T’s upcoming long-range capital plan, the Program for Mass Transportation.

Laura Gilmore
, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jonathan Church, MassDOT
Josh Ostroff, MBTA

Caleb Plummer
, MassDOT



Grand Ballroom 

Speaker: Monica Tibbits-Nutt, Secretary and CEO, MassDOT
Awards: Safe Streets/Smart Trips High School Video Contest


CONCURRENT SESSION #3: 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm

GIS Hands-On Learning Lab  - (ALL DAY) - Republic Foyer

The Hands-On Learning Lab (HOLL) is a dedicated space for free lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Each self-paced lesson takes about one hour to complete and includes conceptual information and step-by-step software exercises. Laptops and the ArcGIS software needed to complete each lesson are provided. Instructors are available to assist with lesson selection and answer any questions you may have.  The Learning Lab will be open throughout the conference.


SITE VISIT: Walking Tour of Boylston St Separated Bike Lanes and Bus Lanes

Meet at the Registration Table directly following the conclusion of the lunchtime awards.
Note: Tour is limited to the first 25 attendees to sign up at the registration table the morning of the conference.

Witness firsthand how the city of Boston is transforming this iconic Back Bay boulevard to prioritize walking, improve transit service for 13,000 daily riders, manage curb access, and enhance bicyclist safety.

Daniel Merrow
and Maddie Webster, City of Boston
Andrew McFarland, MBTA


SITE VISIT: Learning How to Conduct Bike and Walk Audits

Meet on the 2nd floor near Room D at the hotel entrance to the Hynes Convention Center directly following the conclusion of the lunchtime awards. 
Note: Tour is limited to the first 25 attendees to sign up at the registration table the morning of the conference.

In 2023, the League of American Bicyclists partnered with AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) to produce the AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit, and WalkMassachusetts released a Walk Audit Academy training video series. These tools educate and empower people to advocate more effectively for safer streets in their communities.  In this mobile workshop, participants will have the chance to practice conducting their own audits and discuss bike and walk audit best practices in real world scenarios. Attendees will walk together from the conference to the audit location a few blocks away.

Galen Mook
, MassBike
Brendan Kearney, WalkMassachusetts


Session 3A: Climate Resiliency Part 2 - MassDOT’s Resiliency Improvement Plan, and other Resiliency Efforts - Room A

MassDOT’s Resiliency Improvement Plan outlines strategies for integrating climate change considerations into both immediate and long-term planning efforts – including flood mitigation and culvert replacement. This session will also discuss wetlands replication and the rewilding project at Tidmarsh Sanctuary in Plymouth, and how heat vulnerability impacts transportation.

Hung Pham
and Samantha Dolabany, MassDOT
Caroline Bean, MBTA
Alex Hackman, Mass Audubon

Jess Kenny


Session 3B: Broadening the Bicycle Base - Room B

Different approaches to increasing bicycling in the Commonwealth are spotlighted in this session: a Transportation Management Association’s use of open transit data to promote subsidies including bike share; local success stories on bike buses to school; and one community organization’s mission to promote awareness of bike-friendly infrastructure and encourage fun family cycling.

Scott Mullen
and Amir Wilson, A Better City
Paul Morgan and Christopher Schmidt, Family Bike Ride
Susan Barrett, Town of Lexington, and Andrew Lewine, Walk Bike Andover

Bonnie Roalsen,
Massachusetts Safe Routes to School, AECOM


Session 3C: Using Technology to Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts - Room C

How do we know when and where people are cycling and walking? Through automated technology, counting stations are providing a wealth of new data to help plan expanded, better bike-ped infrastructure. Find out how the City of Boston and the Cape Cod region manage their extensive networks, and about the latest tech deployments statewide.

Ian Adams
, MassDOT
Julia Campbell, Hannah Fong, and Jake Berman, City of Boston
David Nolan, Cape Cod Commission

Anil Gurcan
, MassDOT 


Session 3D – Hot Topics in Transit - Room D

Rider experience improvements are at the forefront of what new state funding makes possible. Hear how two regional local transit providers continue to maintain fare-free transit service; and how one city’s transit demand management plan resulted in a USDOT RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) grant to implement a key section of the Silver Line Extension.

Michael Lambert
, Brockton Area Transit
Joshua Rickman, Worcester Regional Transit Authority
Jay Monty, City of Everett, and Doug Johnson, MassDOT

Lynsey Heffernan


Session 3E:  Spotlight on Vulnerable Road Users: Agency-wide Cross-cutting Initiatives - Grand Ballroom

Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) are defined as non-motorized road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists as well as motorcyclists and persons with disabilities or reduced mobility and orientation. This session will highlight ongoing and upcoming initiatives including the impacts of bike lanes on bus stop accessibility, findings from the Commonwealth's Direct Vision Study, as well as an overview on the recently released Safety Action Planning Primer for Massachusetts Communities.

Bonnie Polin
and Michelle Deng, MassDOT
Martha Koch, MassDOT Office of Performance Management and Innovation
Kris Carter, Chief Innovation Officer, MassDOT

Austin Sanders
, MassDOT


Break/Exhibits - Pre-Function and Constitution Ballroom: 3:00 pm - 3:15 pm


CONCURRENT SESSION #4: 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm

GIS Hands-On Learning Lab  - (ALL DAY) - Republic Foyer

The Hands-On Learning Lab (HOLL) is a dedicated space for free lessons on a variety of GIS and ArcGIS topics. Each self-paced lesson takes about one hour to complete and includes conceptual information and step-by-step software exercises. Laptops and the ArcGIS software needed to complete each lesson are provided. Instructors are available to assist with lesson selection and answer any questions you may have.  The Learning Lab will be open throughout the conference.


Session 4A Mega Session: Building a Community-Centered DOT - Grand Ballroom

Join senior MassDOT leaders and elected officials to learn how the agency is embracing customer service to bring system performance to the next level. Real time information on user experience is crucial to driver and vehicle credentialing, transit ridership, and managing driver behavior as major initiatives move forward. This session looks at ways transportation organizations measure customer needs and behavior in improving day-to-day operations. Recent events including the Worker and Family Mobility Act, Compass Rail, Sumner Tunnel shutdown, and the relaunch of the Valley Bike Share program in Western Massachusetts will be among examples highlighted. 

Colleen Ogilvie, Registrar, MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles Division
Meredith Slesinger, Administrator, MassDOT Rail and Transit Division
Jonathan Gulliver, Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division
Gina-Louisa Sciarra, Mayor, City of Northampton

Meghan Haggerty
, Chief Operating Officer, MassDOT


Session 4B: MassDOT’s Use of Next Generation GIS Tools for Collaboration and Data Management - Room B

Join us as MassDOT's GIS and Research Team shares how they’re using GIS technology to empower our organization to capture, analyze, and visualize complex geospatial data, allowing for a comprehensive understanding of spatial relationships. This allows MassDOT and partner agencies to harness the power of GIS to better plan, design, operate, and maintain the state's network of roads, bridges, and transit systems. They will also demonstrate their commitment to support our municipalities by providing training, mentorship and access to GIS capabilities to assist them in building a GIS program. This session will also highlight research to measure the impact of bus lanes on vehicle miles traveled. 
Natalie Levine
, MassDOT Office of Performance Management and Innovation 
Charles Major, Carl Hughes, Kristen Rebelo, and Shruti Venkatesh, MassDOT 
Arthur Getman, Replica 
Jose Simo
, MassDOT


Session 4C: Placemaking Improvements of Iconic Walkable Community Sites - Room C

Three of the Commonwealth’s most iconic attractions are in the midst of upgrades to enhance their user experiences. This session will discuss: the full restoration and repair of the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls; the creation of more lively and welcoming new entrances to Cambridge’s famed Mount Auburn Cemetery; as well as the Arnold Arboretum's Gateway Path, and improving green space access and active transportation connectivity with surrounding neighborhoods and public transit.

Matthew Stephens
, Mount Auburn Cemetery
Jessica Atwood, Franklin Regional Council of Governments, and Zach Chornyak, Tighe & Bond
Danny Schissler, Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

Jessica Finch
, Harvard University Planning and Design



sheraton boston exterior

The Sheraton Boston Hotel

Nestled in the historic Back Bay neighborhood and directly connected to the Prudential Center and the Hynes Convention Center, experience outstanding service and an incredible location in downtown Boston. Take in soaring views of Back Bay and the Charles River.

There are no room blocks available at any hotels for the Moving Together Conference.

Overnight Accommodations in the area:
Sheraton Boston Hotel, (617) 236-2000

Hotel Commonwealth, 500 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215 • (617) 933-5000

The Colonnade Hotel, 120 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02116 • (617) 424-7000

The Verb Hotel, 1271 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02215•(617) 566-4500

MBTA Bus Stop: 39 Dalton Street (55, 57)
MBTA Green Line (E) Prudential Center or Green Line (B,C,D) the Hyne Convention Center. 

Sheraton Boston Hotel Parking:
Daily: $70
Electric Car Charging Station

Other Parking:
Four Seasons One Dalton Valet (Propark):
Hynes Auditorium Garage (Pilgrim Parking):
Prudential Center South Garage, accessible from Huntington Avenue, Belvidere Street, Dalton Street and Exeter Street:


Secretary Tibbits-NuttMonica G. Tibbits-Nutt

Monica G. Tibbits-Nutt is the Secretary of Transportation and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation CEO. As Secretary, she is responsible for the four divisions of MassDOT: Highway, Rail and Transit, the Registry of Motor Vehicles, and Aeronautics. In this position, she also serves on the Massport and MBTA Board of Directors. Tibbits-Nutt was previously appointed Undersecretary of Transportation by Governor Healey in January 2023 before being sworn in as Acting Secretary of Transportation in September 2023. As Undersecretary, she led the effort to stand up the first-ever Office of Transportation and Climate Planning and Policy.

Tibbits-Nutt previously served on the MassDOT Board of Directors and as the Vice-Chair of the Fiscal Management and Control Board (FMCB) that oversaw the MBTA from 2015 to 2021. Before joining the Governor’s Cabinet, she was Executive Director of 128 Business Council, a transportation management association and regional service provider that builds privately funded, cooperative public transportation routes throughout the Route 128 West Corridor. Secretary Tibbits-Nutt is an active American Institute of Certified Planners member and a LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design & Construction with the U.S Green Building Council.

She is a Board Member of TransitCenter and a founding member of YEP – Youth Engagement Planning, a non-profit organization focused on educating young people in grades K-12. Originally hailing from the rural Midwest, she is a first-generation college graduate.


Meredith SlesingerMeredith Slesinger

Meredith joined MassDOT in August 2020 and serves as the Rail and Transit Administrator. The Rail & Transit Division oversees the Commonwealth’s passenger and freight rail programs and the 15 Regional Transit Authorities which provide fixed route and demand response bus service outside Greater Boston. Under Meredith’s leadership the Rail & Transit Division launched Compass Rail, a long-term vision for intercity passenger rail in the Commonwealth which includes growing existing service on the north-south Knowledge Corridor and future west-east service between Boston and Albany. She led a successful partnership with Amtrak and CSX to win a $108 million grant from the Federal Railroad Administration which will enable two daily Amtrak roundtrips between Boston, Springfield, and New Haven. This effort was recognized by WTS-Boston for its Innovative Transportation Solutions earlier this year.
Prior to joining MassDOT, she was the senior director of strategic planning at Amtrak and earlier served as director of policy and outreach at the Northeast Corridor Commission.
Born in Washington, DC, she graduated from New York University and lives in Boston.


MassDOT Announces 11th Annual “Safe Streets Smart Trips” Video Contest

Competition encourages high school students to showcase their understanding of roadway safety across travel modes; Competition encourages students to showcase their understanding of roadway safety across travel modes

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is pleased to announce entries are now being accepted for the eleventh annual statewide Safe Streets Smart Trips high school video contest. This contest encourages students to showcase their understanding of roadway safety across all travel modes to try to decrease pedestrian and bicyclist injuries and fatalities. Per the contest guidelines, this year students are being asked to write and produce a 30-60 second video emphasizing “Empathy at the Intersection” and on the roadway.

“As part of our mission to deliver an equitable, inclusive transportation network, we intend to use every possible tool to stress the need for awareness of personal responsibility to safety on our roads,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “This annual contest gives us and the students who enter an opportunity to create further awareness about the shared responsibility of road safety."
“To create a universal understanding of safe and unsafe behaviors on the roads, it is essential to have a conversation about community-centered transportation, where everyone can be exposed to the different challenges faced by road users,” said Deputy Chief of Innovation Jaclyn Youngblood. “We look forward to seeing how students across Massachusetts use their creativity to showcase and promote empathy, helping us to reach as many people as possible with this message.” 

The “Empathy at the Intersection” concept was created by MassDOT to draw attention to the various lived realities of road users, and it was on full display at the Empathy at the Intersection experiential exhibit at MassDOT’s 2024 Transportation Innovation Conference in Worcester, where attendees stepped back from their own commute and participated in different hands-on activities, to experience how vulnerable road users navigate streets. 

As an initiative of the Massachusetts Strategic Highway Safety Plan to promote safe walking, bicycling and driving behaviors, the contest is open to all Massachusetts public high school students and features a Freshman/Sophomore category and Junior/Senior category. 
Grand prize, runner-up, and honorable mention videos in each category (Freshman/Sophomore and Junior/Senior) will be chosen by a MassDOT panel. Winning videos will be shown Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at MassDOT’s annual active transportation conference, Moving Together, where the creators will receive their prizes including $600 Amazon gift cards for the grand prize videos and $300 Amazon gift cards for the runner-up videos. Top videos may also be used in future safety campaigns. 

To learn more about the Safe Streets Smart Trips high school video contest visit or call 857-383-3807. 

Past winning videos can be viewed on the Roadway Safety Video Contest Results page, and on MassDOT’s YouTube channel playlist of the 2023 contest winners. 

For transportation news and updates visit or follow MassDOT on Twitter at


MassDOT Announces $6.5 Million Shared Streets & Spaces Program Awards

Funding provided to 28 municipalities and 2 Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs); Project makes streets and sidewalks better, safer, and more welcoming for people with disabilities, pedestrians, bicyclists, bus-riders, children and seniors

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing the award of $6.5 million in funding to 28 municipalities and two Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) as part of the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s Shared Streets and Spaces Program. The program provides project funding to help Massachusetts cities and towns design and implement changes to curbs, streets, and parking areas in support of public health, safe mobility, and community growth and revitalization.

“We are pleased to announce $6.5 million for municipalities and Regional Transit Authorities in the Shared Streets and Spaces Program,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “These grant awards will advance projects to help support safe travel for everyone, whether they are on foot, bike, transit or in an automobile and strengthen our municipalities across the state. We look forward to working with local leaders as they?address the challenges and infrastructure needs?in cities and towns and can help build projects which improve multimodality, accessibility, and safety.”

The Shared Streets and Spaces Program is a great resource for cities and towns to quickly fund shovel-ready and impactful projects,” said Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver. “We’re proud to work with our local partners on another round of Shared Streets and Spaces Program funding and look forward to seeing these projects get started.”

“The Shared Streets and Spaces program has been a game changer for funding active transportation projects in Everett. We are once again thrilled to receive this award from our partners at MassDOT that will support and expand Everett’s bike share program,.” said Carlo De Maria, Mayor of Everett.

“The Town of Ware is deeply appreciative to the Shared Streets and Space Program for these funds which will improve accessibility and connect the downtown to the redevelopment of the Ware Millyard,." said Stuart Beckley, Ware Town Manager.

"Improving the walkability in Palmer’s business district is key, and we are very excited to be included in this program. We plan to utilize this funding to make a portion of our business district safer and improve pedestrian access to a public transit stop at the Big Y plaza, with ADA curb ramps, crosswalks, signage, pavement markings, lighting and a new sidewalk.," said Matthew Morse, Palmer Director of Public Works. 

“PVTA is grateful for MassDOT’s continued support of communities in our service area through the Shared Streets and Spaces Grant Program. Over the last several years, PVTA, in partnership with our member communities, has used this funding to improve transit access and enhance safety infrastructure at eighteen stop locations along rural, urban, and suburban routes across our service area,.” said Brandy Pelletier, Pioneer Valley Transit Authority Manager of Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations.

The program encourages quick implementation of projects to improve plazas, sidewalks, curbs, streets, bus stops, parking areas, and other public spaces in support of public health, safe mobility, and strengthened commerce.

The following cities, towns, and Regional Transit Authorities have been awarded Shared Streets and Spaces grants for construction projects in this funding round. 

Acton received $187,450.00 to create and fund three years of a regional bikeshare program in the Towns of Acton, Concord, Lincoln and Maynard that will include seven stations for a total of forty-two bikes including seven adaptive bikes.

Arlington received $244,833.44 to expand its Bluebikes bikeshare system with three additional eleven-dock stations and twenty-four bicycles as well as operating costs to support the total system.

Ashland received $250,000.00 to install a sidewalk, ADA-compliant curb ramps, crosswalks, and signage from the Ashland Senior Center to the Ashland Middle School.

Ayer received $200,000.00 to install new ADA-compliant curb ramps, sidewalk, bike lanes, and pavement marking improvements on Sandy Pond Road.

Boston received $229,879.74 to install a new crossing island at the Saratoga Street crosswalk, raised side street crossings at Saratoga Street/Bayswater Street and Saratoga Street/Barnes Avenue, curb extensions at Saratoga Street / Barnes Avenue adjacent to the Orient Heights busway, all-way stop control at Barnes Avenue/Bayswater Street, and green infrastructure for stormwater management. Additionally, eighteen curb ramps will be reconstructed. Saratoga Street will feature continuous green bike lanes in both directions, a new bike crossing, dedicated left-turn area, and contraflow bike lane aligned with Barnes Avenue for access to Constitution Beach and the Greenway.

Bridgewater received $250,000.00 to install new sidewalks, curbing, and crosswalks as well as to remove and replace sidewalk curbing at Burrill and School Streets.

Brookline received $92,050.00 to install flex posts to protect existing bicycle lanes town-wide and to daylight pedestrian crossings along Harvard Street.

Dedham received $248,128.86 to construct ADA accessible sidewalks and paths, protective curbing, bicycle racks, a water bottle filling station, and bus stop improvements for the Town Green project which aims to create outdoor programming space for civic gathering, events, and passive recreation in Dedham Square.

Everett received $249,748.00 to support operating expenses for the existing six Bluebikes bikeshare stations as well as fund a modest expansion and replacement of some equipment including twenty-four bikes.

Fitchburg received $246,816.56 to construct a bi-directional cycle track at roadway grade beginning at the existing northern terminus of the Twin City Rail Trail (TCRT) at 4th Street and extending north to 2nd Street along with the installation of signage and roadway striping.

Framingham received $236,487.25 to install a new sidewalk, curbing, and ADA-compliant curb ramps on Salem End Road and Maynard Road in Framingham Center in addition to the purchase of two new sidewalk snow removal machines.

Malden received $249,750.00 to construct a neighborhood pedestrian plaza in the Bell Rock neighborhood, new ADA-compliant curb ramps at seventeen intersections citywide, and to install crosswalks at fifty-nine locations citywide.??

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) received $240,750.00 to modify an existing municipally owned median and make improvements to adjacent curb ramps and other infrastructure to support ADA-compliant bus stops. Additionally, modifications will be made to parts of Chelsea Street, Bennington Street, and Bremen Street in East Boston to provide new connectivity to Day Square for the Silver Line SL3 route and maintain reliable service for the 120 bus route.

Medford received $247,537.08 to fund the operation costs of its Bluebikes bikeshare system as well as the addition of three new stations.

Natick received $250,000.00 to install Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon (RRFB) signals at existing crosswalks at various locations in addition to curbing and concrete work to ensure ADA-compliance and associated work to maximize sight distances.

Needham received $249,982.29 to construct a new bicycle lane, lane diet, high-visibility crosswalks, and a pedestrian refuge island at Warren Street. Additional enhancements include widening a sidewalk under the MBTA rail line, installing ADA-compliant curb ramps, a bicycle rack with repair station, and signage along Dedham Avenue from Lincoln Street to DeFazio Park beyond the rail bridge.

Newton received $217,800.00 to fund the operational costs for more than 15 Bluebikes bikeshare stations.

Orleans received $96,103.00 to install RRFBs, sidewalks, and signage along Main Street at the entrance of the Cape Cod Rail Trail (CCRT).

Palmer received $208,710.25 to improve the PVTA public transit stop at Big Y on Thorndike Street with sidewalks, ADA-compliant curb ramps, signage, and pavement markings.

Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) received $250,000.00 to enhance transit access and infrastructure in Springfield, Holyoke, and Palmer. This includes installing ADA-compliant ramps, pavement markings, crosswalks, advanced warning symbols and signage, extending bus pads to streets, installing passenger benches, and extending sidewalks.

Pittsfield received $235,000.00 to install a road diet along West Street from Valentine Road to the Government Drive / College Way split, ADA-compliant curb ramps, separated bike lanes, pavement markings, and RRFBs.

Quincy received $250,000.00 to install a sidewalk as well as a bicycle lane and associated pavement markings between Hannon Parkway and Hancock Street.

Salem received $250,000.00 to fund operational costs and replenish lost and damaged bicycles for its Bluebikes bikeshare program.

Springfield received $240,144.53 to narrow State Street from four lanes to two lanes as well as install a crosswalk with a speed table and a High intensity Activated Cross Walk (HAWK) signal.

Wakefield received $ 246,587.00 to realign the Oak Street, Green Street and Greenwood Avenue 5-way intersection and adjust curb lines to better define roadway alignment, remove significant portions of pavement, and create a new pocket park.?In addition, pedestrian improvements are proposed within the project including the installation of new sidewalks within the intersection, crosswalks, new ADA-compliant curb ramps, an RRFB, and pavement markings.

Ware received $ 249,946.33 to install sidewalks, ADA-compliant curb ramps, and crosswalks on East Main Street in Ware.

Watertown received $146,520.00 to fund the operational costs of the Bluebikes bikeshare system.

Westfield received $250,000.00 to extend sidewalks and bike lanes on Route 202 / Southwick Road as well as to construct a pedestrian crossing refuge, RRFBs, and pavement markings.

Winchendon received $209,385.67 to install sidewalks at various locations to create safer connections to the Rail Trail, Ipswich Bus Stop, Winchendon Elementary School, Memorial Park, and the Council on Aging as well as ADA-compliant curb ramps, crosswalks, and a new bus stop at the intersection of Jackson Street and Ipswich Street.

Yarmouth received $18,546.59 to install bike racks throughout The Riverwalk Park.


Massachusetts Receives $360,000 for Mobility Management Pilot Program

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) today announced it has received a $360,000 grant from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Innovative Coordinated Access & Mobility (ICAM) Program to undertake a two-year statewide mobility management pilot.?The pilot program will expand mobility by helping connect potential riders to a wide range of services and bring organizations together where there are gaps in the transportation network. 

"Our administration is committed to increasing transportation options across the state. This grant from the FTA will help us make critical improvements to make our transportation system more accessible for everyone,” said Governor Maura Healey. "We’re grateful to the Biden-Harris Administration and FTA for this award and committed to continuing to compete for federal dollars to improve quality of life in Massachusetts.” 

"We are looking forward to working with municipal leaders and other stakeholders to identify additional ways we can support the transportation needs of older adults, individuals who are low-income, and residents with disabilities,” said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.?"Our administration is focused on expanding mobility by identifying where the gaps exist and addressing them." 

"Not everyone has the physical or financial means to travel in their vehicles and it is essential that we prioritize initiatives that meet them where they are,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt. "All of us at MassDOT are looking forward to working with the Steering Committee on this pilot program as the steps we will take will build on a study we just completed, which found widespread support for a more coordinated approach with mobility management." 

"We'd like to thank the Biden Administration for making this mobility pilot in Massachusetts possible," said Director of Federal Funds and Infrastructure Quentin Palfrey. "We continue to be grateful to our congressional delegation for supporting our applications as we compete for federal funding and bring federal investment to communities across Massachusetts." 

The $360,000 pilot program being announced today will fund a statewide mobility management pilot, including hiring a statewide mobility manager and related contractual and administrative support. The project will cover the entire state, including Justice40 communities.  

In 2023, MassDOT conducted an extensive study to explore whether a statewide system of Regional Mobility Managers would benefit older adults, people with disabilities, and low-income people by improving the awareness, availability, accessibility, and efficiency of transportation services for these populations. MassDOT published the study on January 31, 2024.??While the study looked at how mobility management systems function in other states, the primary focus was a deep dive into exploring the perspectives of on-the-ground practitioners helping people with mobility challenges and low income-navigate the existing transportation systems.?The study found support for a statewide mobility management program–and lays out a series of action steps for MassDOT to pilot this program in a way that complements the work being done by the practitioners on the ground.  

Building on the recommendations of the MassDOT Regional Mobility Manager Study, this ICAM grant award will require MassDOT to work closely with a steering committee. This committee already includes partner state agencies that manage statewide programs and initiatives related to aging and disability and assisted MassDOT with the recently completed regional mobility study.  

In addition to the ICAM grant announced today, the Healey-Driscoll Administration has secured nearly $6 billion in federal funding since taking office and currently has a total of more than $3 billion in current requests pending for federal funds for infrastructure, climate, and economic development projects. 

Last year, the administration won a $108 million award for West-East Rail, a $372 million award for the Sagamore Bridge Replacement Project and a $116 million grant for the MBTA's purchase of battery-electric buses.  Additional grants received recently include $67 million for accessibility improvements at 14 MBTA Green Line station stops and approximately $3.3 million for six municipal airports in Massachusetts.  

The Healey-Driscoll Administration has other transportation grant applications pending, including an application for $1.06 billion in grant funding through the Bridge Investment Program (BIP) Large Bridge Project Program to replace the Sagamore Bridge. MassDOT is the lead applicant, applying jointly with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) as the bridge's owner.?   

Statements of support 

Congressman Richard Neal:
“With ICAM set to receive $25 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law through 2026, Massachusetts continues to receive a significant amount of funding from this historic legislation. Given that much of the infrastructure package was drafted in the Ways and Means Committee under my chairmanship, I am thrilled that Massachusetts has been the benefactor of countless financial awards that will greatly improve the Commonwealth’s infrastructure, especially as it relates to rail. Improved and expanded passenger rail is critical to unlocking growth and opportunities for workers across the economic spectrum. I applaud Governor Healey and her administration for continuing to pursue funding opportunities that will greatly approve the lives of those throughout the Commonwealth.” 

Sujatha Krishnan, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission's Deputy Executive Director:
"The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) strongly supports MassDOT’s two-year pilot program to enhance mobility options for Environmental Justice communities in our region. It addresses critical needs identified in our Long-Range Transportation Plan, ,2050 Connections, emphasizing a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach to fill transportation network gaps and connect disadvantaged communities with accessible transportation choices."  

Toni Wolf, Commissioner of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission:
“Transportation is a key component of independent living and employment for individuals with disabilities. We are thrilled to partner with MassDOT and the Statewide Mobility Manager as we work toward increasing accessible transportation for people with disabilities so they can continue working and living independently.”  

James Fuccione, Senior Director of the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative:
“Communities working to become more age and dementia friendly promote connection and inclusion, which is only possible when people can access reliable transportation. Older adults and people living with disabilities need to access social and civic opportunities, employment and volunteering and a range of amenities. A statewide mobility management system can help residents make these critical connections and will advance our goal of an age and dementia friendly Commonwealth."


MassDOT Expands Safe Routes to School with 72 Additional Schools

1,171 Schools Are Now Part of the Safe Routes to School Program

BOSTON — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) reported today that its Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program continues to grow and make a difference as the 2023-2024 academic year comes to an end, with 72 additional schools joining SRTS since last September. The total number of partner schools across Massachusetts is now 1,171, located in 284 communities and serving approximately 590,000 students. The program has seen consistent annual growth in its number of school partners for the past 19 years.  

Sponsored by MassDOT and with funds from the Federal Highway Administration, the Massachusetts SRTS Program promotes safer routes for students to get to school through a focus on the six E's:  Education, Encouragement, Evaluation, Engagement, Engineering, and Equity. The program hosts annual flagship events such as Massachusetts’ Walk, Bike, & Roll to School Day in May.    

“I want to commend our Safe Routes to School Program team for their dedication to safety and for finishing the school year strong as SRTS continues to expand its network across Massachusetts,” said Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “Parents deserve to have peace of mind when it comes to students walking and biking to school, and SRTS will continue to work with school communities to help make our roadways more equitable for different modes of transportation.”

This year’s Nikki Tishler Memorial Award winner, Jenn Martin from Newton, commented on the evolution of the Safe Routes to School program, ”In my decade-plus of involvement with Safe Routes to School, I have seen Newton's Safe Routes work evolve and, as the new Director of Transportation Planning for the City of Newton, am now working with?high school students who are demanding that our local, state and federal governments do a better job of providing them with the tools, education, and infrastructure that they need to be able to independently navigate the built world. It is inspiring, and we have so much more to do!” 

The Nikki Tishler Memorial Award recognizes an individual or group of individuals who served as true champions of Safe Routes to School over the past school year, making the extra effort to ensure a successful program in their community. 

Dennis Geniuch, Director of Health and Wellness at Brockton Public Schools, said, “I would like to express my thanks for the wonderful partnership between MassDOT and the Brockton Public Schools. The Safe Routes to School program provided opportunities for students K-12 that have enriched our Health and Wellness curriculum and increased awareness and opportunity for the students in Brockton.” 

Matt Behnke, an educator at Conte Community School in Pittsfield, said “It was so inspiring to see all the other ways that schools and communities are promoting safe access on foot and by bike.  And it definitely reenergized me to continue this work in the years ahead.” 

Conte Community School received the Exemplary Program Award for the Western Region this year at the SRTS Annual Awards Ceremony.  

The 72 schools that joined SRTS since the start of the school year last September include:

Amherst Regional Middle School, Amherst
Belmont High School, Belmont
Belmont Middle School, Belmont
Benjamin F. Butler Middle School, Lowell
Berkley Middle School, Berkley
Boston Green Academy, Boston
Bourne High School, Bourne
Bridgewater Middle School, Bridgewater
Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School, Bridgewater
Broad Meadows Middle School, Quincy
Brooke Roslindale (Brooke Charter Schools), Boston
Burncoat Prep Elementary School, Worcester
Burncoat Senior High School, Worcester
Charlotte M. Murkland Elementary School, Lowell
Charlton Middle School, Charlton
Chelsea High School, Chelsea
Chicopee Comprehensive High School, Chicopee
Chicopee High School, Chicopee
Concord Carlisle High School, Concord
Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School, South Yarmouth
Dr. An Wang Middle School, Lowell
Duxbury High School, Duxbury
Easthampton High School, Easthampton
English High School, Boston
Flagg Street School, Worcester
Framingham High School, Framingham
Franklin Early Childhood Center, Melrose
General John Nixon Elementary School, Sudbury
George H Mitchell Elementary School, Bridgewater
Greater New Bedford Vocational Technical School, New Bedford
Grew Elementary School, Boston
Hampden Charter School of Science - East, Chicopee
Harold L Qualters Middle School, Mansfield
Holyoke High School, Holyoke
Holyoke STEM Academy, Holyoke
Hopkinton High School, Hopkinton
James F. Sullivan Middle School, Lowell
Joseph Metcalf School, Holyoke
Josiah Quincy Upper School, Boston
Kenny Elementary School, Boston
Lenox Memorial Middle and High School, Lenox
Lester J. Gates Middle School, Scituate
Lille B. Merrill Elementary School, Raynham
Lt Elmer J McMahon Elementary School, Holyoke
Mansfield High School, Mansfield
Melrose High School, Melrose
Memorial Early Childhood Center, Middleborough
Mendell Elementary School, Boston
Middleborough High School, Middleborough
Murdock High School, Winchendon
New Citizens Center School, Worcester
New Heights Charter School, Brockton
Northampton High School, Northampton
Norton High School, Norton
Oxford High School, Oxford
Quaboag Regional Middle High School, Warren
R.H. Conwell Elementary School, Worthington
Raynham Middle School, Raynham
Salem Prep High School, Salem
Scituate High School, Scituate
Shepherd Hill Regional High School, Dudley
Somerset Berkley Regional High School, Somerset
Stoneham High School, Stoneham
Stoughton High School, Stoughton
Tantasqua Regional Junior High School, Sturbridge
Therapeutic Day School, Bridgewater
Trotter K-8 School, Boston
Upper Cape Cod Regional Technical School, Bourne
West Tatnuck Elementary School, Worcester
Westborough High School, Westborough
William G Vinal Elementary School, Norwell
Williams Intermediate School, Raynham 

Additional SRTS success metrics include: 
779 “Walk and Roll to School” events in the 2023-2024 academic year.
329 bicycle and pedestrian safety sessions hosted virtually and in-person in the 2023-2024 academic year.
257 alliance partners who extend the reach and support of Safe Routes to School programming; examples include libraries, bike/pedestrian advocacy groups, and afterschool and summer programs.   
80+ infrastructure projects completed and/or in progress designed for students to safely walk and bike to school since the program’s inception. 

The Walk and Roll to School events come from the number of school registrations SRTS received for its three flagship day events (iWalk in October; Winter Walk & Roll in February; and Massachusetts Walk, Bike, & Roll to School Day in May). More information about these flagship events can be found here.

Summer with Safe Routes to School 

Throughout the summer, the SRTS team continues its outreach, hosting Bike Rodeos, pedestrian safety classes, and other events that teach students about safe and active trips.  

The Bike Rodeos are an interactive way to teach students the rules of the road while practicing safe bicycling skills. The rodeo format incorporates stations along a loop course that simulates a neighborhood environment. More information about the Bike Rodeos can be found here.

During the school year, the Program offers pedestrian and bicycle training activities, walk and bike assessments, and arrival/dismissal observations at schools. SRTS works with schools and their local communities to help customize safety-focused activities, provide resources to help facilitate safe student travel, and offer one-on-one assistance for each school's specific needs. By fostering partnerships between advocacy groups, municipal officials, law enforcement, education leaders, and public health departments, the program currently serves over 1,170 public elementary, middle, and high schools in over 280 communities across the Commonwealth.  

For more information on Massachusetts Safe Routes to School visit: 

First Name Affiliation
Kim McClure
Dennis WSP (MA)
Marian STV Group
Edward Benesch (MA)
Jessica Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Lisa Arup
Phyllis MA Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT)
Genevieve Michael Baker International (CT)
Cheryl Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Maureen Bowman
Peter Town of Leicester
Mark GPI (MA)
Dan MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Julie HNTB Corporation
Robert CHA Consulting, Inc. (NH)
Karen All Out Adventures
James Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Abby Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Karin Valentine University of Massachusetts Medical School
Chris FHI Studio (CT)
Kien BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Ko Green International Affiliates
Alyssa Epsilon Associates
Jacqueline SRPEDD
Matthew Esri (CA)
Cassandra Jacobs
Christine TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Timothy Ocean State Signal Co
Libby MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Jeff Travelers Marketing (FL)
Kirby Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Jon Kleinfelder, Inc.
Tim GPI (MA)
Amanda MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Travis Stantec (Burlington MA)
Keith Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Peter Felix A. Marino Co., Inc.
Susan Jacobs
Jay City Point Partners, LLC
Mike TEC, Inc. (NH)
Martin City Point Partners, LLC
Cynthia MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Brian Gannett Fleming, Inc. (PA)
Zebeeb Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Seun NSBE Boston
Andrea Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Alexandria Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Doug Michael Baker International (CT)
Laureen Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Dennis Stantec
Meg AER Environmental Access Committee
Judit University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass)
Ed Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Sam City of Fitchburg
Jasmine Green International Affiliates
Charlie Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (MABPAB)
Judy Ideal Block
Lauren ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT)
Elijah MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Maureen Maureen White Consulting
Bob WSP (MA)
Jess HNTB Corporation
Joseph Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Joshua FHWA (MA)
Peter FHWA (MA)
William FHWA (MA)
Kenneth FHWA (MA)
Artem FHWA (MA)
Eric FHWA (MA)
Joshua FHWA (MA)
Tina FHWA (MA)
Tomasz FHWA (MA)
Michael FHWA (MA)
Samira FHWA (MA)
Justin FHWA (MA)
Mark MassDOT District 6
Tony MassDOT
Kylie MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT
John Newton North High School
Yaseen MassDOT
Mohibul MassDOT District 4
Russell Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Daryl MassDOT District 2
Alan MassDOT District 5
Jennifer MassDOT
April MassDOT District 4
Roi MassDOT
Ava Dartmouth High School
Cassandra MassDOT
Amelia MassDOT
Anni MassDOT
Rachel MassDOT
Anna MassDOT Highway Division
Bernard MassDOT
Lahcen MassDOT District 1
Matt MassDOT
Noel MassDOT District 6
Dea MassDOT
George MassDOT
Edward MassDOT
Eric MassDOT Board of Directors
Lyris MassDOT
Trevor MassDOT
Jose MassDOT District 6
John MassDOT Highway Division
Corinna MassDOT
David MassDOT Information Technology
Joseph MassDOT Board of Directors
Molly MassDOT
Molly Dartmouth High School
Paola Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sasha MassDOT District 6
Chyann MassDOT District 3
Robbin MassDOT
Hema MassDOT
Ilyas MassDOT Board of Directors
Lee MassDOT
Joe Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Noah MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Mikey Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Mitchell MassDOT
Theodore MassDOT
Claudia Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Gus MassDOT
Briette Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Maria MassDOT
Miranda MassDOT
Ethan MassDOT
Adele MassDOT District 3
Joseph MassDOT
Kara MassDOT
Eric Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Daisy MassDOT
Brenda MassDOT
Shane MassDOT District 1
Robin MassDOT
Eric Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Bob MBTA Advisory Board
Vladimir MassDOT District 3
Christopher MassDOT
Anne MassDOT
Sarah MassDOT District 2
James MassDOT
Lawrence MassDOT
Stefan MassDOT
Arnav MassDOT
Rachel Dartmouth High School
Catherine MassDOT
Anish Reddy MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT
Roshan MassDOT Highway Division
Nikita Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Aidee MassDOT
Andrea MassDOT
Bryce Dartmouth High School
Cara MassDOT
Susan Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Brenda MassDOT District 1
Lily MassDOT
William MassDOT
Scott MassDOT Rail & Transit Division
Ryan Newton North High School
Sophia MassDOT
Nancy MassDOT
Alexander Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Spencer MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT
Richard MassDOT
Jeorge MassDOT
Andrea MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
James MassDOT
Regan Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Yossi Newton North High School
Donna MassDOT
Heather Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Victoria Medford Vocational Technical High School
John MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
YiWen MassDOT District 4
Evelyn MassDOT
Jacqueline MassDOT
Kristin MassDOT
Ruben MassDOT District 6
Kim Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Rick MassDOT Board of Directors
David MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT
Tracy Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Gabriel MassDOT
Julie MassDOT District 6
Elijah MassDOT District 1
Joseph MassDOT District 6
David Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Katherine MassDOT District 4
Scott Newton North High School
Parker Newton North High School
Cheryl MassDOT
Wesley Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Michele MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Helen MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT District 3
Phil Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Benjamin MassDOT
Katherine Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Alexandra Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Owen MassDOT District 2
Kyndal Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Molly MassDOT
Lucy MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Hishan MassDOT
Ana MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Ryan MassDOT
E Jenny MassDOT Highway Division
Michael MassDOT
Margot Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Kathleen MassDOT
Michele Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joseph MassDOT
Lauren MassDOT Highway Division
Brian Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Cynthia MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
Marshall MassDOT
Jonathan MassDOT
Bob MassDOT
Ryan MassDOT
Courtney MassDOT District 2
Denise MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Michael MassDOT District 6
Cassandra MassDOT
Glenn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
John MassDOT
Amy MassDOT
Shannon MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Timothy MassDOT
Lisa MassDOT District 6
Elliot MassDOT Information Technology
Tom MBTA Advisory Board
Jacquelyn MassDOT
John MassDOT
Ed MassDOT
Sivienne MassDOT
Lilianna Burncoat High School
Lisa Burncoat High School
Danielle MassDOT District 3
Jennifer MassDOT
Jacob Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Eric MBTA Advisory Board
Anu MassDOT Information Technology
Michael MassDOT District 6
Kelley Burncoat High School
Gus Newton North High School
Leah MassDOT
Philip Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Abraham MassDOT
Haider MassDOT
Richard MassDOT District 3
Shaun MassDOT District 5
Laura MassDOT District 2
Emily MassDOT
Madelinn MassDOT
Susan MassDOT
Angel Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Walker Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Bethany MassDOT
Will Newton North High School
Samuel MassDOT District 5
Francisca MassDOT District 1
David MassDOT
Shannon MassDOT
Ella MassDOT
Margot MassDOT District 6
Joseph Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Marshall MassDOT
Theron MassDOT District 3
Xinyan MassDOT District 4
Luana Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Alessia Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Stevie Burncoat High School
Carl MassDOT District 3
Robinson MassDOT District 2
KJ Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Janine MassDOT
Lisa MassDOT Board of Directors
Jay Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Derek MassDOT
Kevin Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Michael MassDOT
Kirsten MassDOT
Valerie MassDOT
Scott Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jonte MassDOT
Drashti MassDOT
Kaustubh Vilas MassDOT District 5
Tara Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jaden MassDOT District 4
Raimi Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sarah MassDOT
Ghazal MassDOT District 4
Kent MassDOT
George MassDOT
Joe MassDOT
Paul MassDOT District 2
Christopher MassDOT District 6
Eamon MassDOT
Nathaniel MassDOT
Oussama MassDOT District 3
Adam MassDOT
Yabe MassDOT
Valerie MassDOT
Courtney MassDOT
Timothy MassDOT Board of Directors
Roy MassDOT
Chris MassDOT
Chris MassDOT
Nancy MassDOT District 3
Tom Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jonathan MassDOT
Sai MassDOT
Scott Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ale MassDOT District 5
Riddhi Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Vinay MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Herrio MassDOT
Louis MassDOT District 5
Suzanne MassDOT
Samantha MassDOT
Erica MassDOT Highway Division
Daniel MassDOT
Patrick MassDOT
Sara MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Oanh MassDOT
Patricia MassDOT
Megan MassDOT
Jonathan MassDOT District 4
Tracie MassDOT Highway Division
Melissa MassDOT
Jessica MassDOT
Brian MassDOT District 6
Billie MassDOT
Na Youn (Kathy) MBTA OPMI Department
Janhavi MassDOT
Amitai MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Barry MassDOT District 3
Nadia Burncoat High School
Jean MassDOT
Josue MassDOT District 2
Jorge MassDOT Right of Way Bureau
Walter MassDOT Highway Division
Ryan Medford Vocational Technical High School
Jay Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Patrick MassDOT District 6
Mike Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Doana Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Bianca MassDOT
Christopher Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Olivia MassDOT
Charlotte MassDOT
Dean City of Leominster
Amanda Newton North High School
Timothy MassDOT
Isabel MassDOT District 3
Douglas MassDOT
Tom Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Mike MassDOT
William MassDOT
Tara MassDOT
Ethan MassDOT
Kit MassDOT
Patrick MassDOT
Maxwell MassDOT
Zachary MassDOT
Brittany MassDOT
Vandna MassDOT
Jeremy MassDOT
Michael Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Grace MassDOT Highway Division
Hadrian Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Devon MassDOT
Tara MassDOT
Mojtaba MassDOT District 5
David MassDOT
Rob MassDOT
Francisco MassDOT
Jack MassDOT District 4
Cillian Newton North High School
Damien Newton North High School
Hayes MassDOT
Timothy MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
Benjamin MassDOT District 6
Michael MassDOT Highway Division
Olivia MassDOT Highway Division
Adam MassDOT District 3
Percy Dartmouth High School
Cindy MassDOT
Jill MassDOT
Eric MassDOT District 3
Max MassDOT
Isaiah MassDOT District 6
Sai MassDOT
Shahpar MassDOT
Jesse MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Lina MassDOT
Penny MassDOT
Makaela MassDOT
Dawn MassDOT District 2
Jessica MassDOT District 5
Carleigh MassDOT
Isaack MassDOT
Deb MassDOT
Kelly Anne MassDOT
Corey MassDOT
Felix MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Evin MassDOT
Adetoyin MassDOT District 5
Anand MassDOT
Eileen MassDOT
Mary MassDOT
Tracy MassDOT
Alex Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Tess Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Lauren Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Isabella Medford Vocational Technical High School
Timothy MassDOT District 4
Paige MassDOT
Lois MassDOT
Hasmukh MassDOT
Sudip MassDOT
Andrew MassDOT
Christopher Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Scott MassDOT District 3
Carlos Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Karen MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Eduardo Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Mary-Joe MassDOT District 5
Florence MassDOT
Patsy Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Nathan MassDOT
Kathy Medford Vocational Technical High School
Michel MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT District 5
Jacob MassDOT District 3
Kavya Sri MassDOT District 3
Garrett MassDOT District 2
David MassDOT
Jen Elise Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Arthur Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ligia MassDOT
Shaojie MassDOT
Kathryn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Courtney MassDOT
Fatjon MassDOT District 1
Olivia MassDOT
Behnam MassDOT
Kawtar MassDOT
William MassDOT District 5
Thomas MassDOT District 5
Alexander Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Monisha Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Susan MassDOT
Guy MassDOT
Marthinus MassDOT
Jerrell MassDOT
Tim MassDOT District 4
Peter Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Levi Newton North High School
Rob MassDOT
Colby MassDOT District 3
Stuart Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joseph MassDOT
Mustafa MassDOT
Sarah MassDOT District 3
Aishwarya MassDOT District 6
Matthew MassDOT
Margarita MassDOT District 4
Stephanie MassDOT
Gareth MassDOT
Aisha MassDOT
Samuel MassDOT
Erik Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Thomas MassDOT
Andrew MassDOT Highway Division
Lisa MassDOT
Wiliow MassDOT District 1
Stacey MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
Alaina MassDOT
Jarad MassDOT
Sasha Newton North High School
Cheryll-Ann MassDOT District 5
Angela Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
William Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Faisa MassDOT
Aman MassDOT
Daniel MassDOT
Annabel MassDOT
Ahmad MassDOT District 5
Paula MassDOT District 2
Stephen MassDOT Highway Design
William MassDOT
Saurabh MassDOT
Charlie MBTA Advisory Board
Mary MBTA Advisory Board
Kimberley MassDOT
Chandra MBTA Advisory Board
Stephanie MassDOT
Bryan Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Patrick MassDOT
David MassDOT District 5
Gregory MassDOT
Stephen MassDOT
Gloria MassDOT District 4
Christopher MassDOT District 1
Peter MassDOT
Mark MassDOT
Anna Dartmouth High School
Aidan Burncoat High School
Allison MassDOT Highway Division
Nicole MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Thomas Medford Vocational Technical High School
Jacob MassDOT
Susan MassDOT
Pamela Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Laura Medford Vocational Technical High School
Ann MassDOT
Carl MassDOT Information Technology
Bryan MassDOT District 6
Allison Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Maryanne MassDOT
Sungchul MassDOT Highway Division
Shu MassDOT
Anel MBTA OPMI Department
James MassDOT
Jason MassDOT
Bindu MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT Highway Division
Greg Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Noah MassDOT
Monica MassDOT
Sara MassDOT
Hector MassDOT District 5
Robert MassDOT District 4
Baron MassDOT Highway Division
Hung MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Prakrutiben MassDOT
Mason Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Stephanie MassDOT
Amber MassDOT
Frank MassDOT
Lorenzo MassDOT
Steven MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Zach MassDOT
Carlos MassDOT
Michael MassDOT Highway Division
Emil MassDOT District 6
Nicholas MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT District 1
Arline MassDOT District 3
Daksh MassDOT Highway Division
Taylor Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Courtney MassDOT
Linda MassDOT
Olivia Medford Vocational Technical High School
Deyong MassDOT
Andrew MassDOT
Erika MassDOT District 2
Frank MassDOT Highway Division
Becky MassDOT
Zheng MassDOT
Allison MassDOT
Ryan MassDOT
Violet MassDOT
Liz MassDOT
Jules MassDOT
Megan Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Lee Ann MassDOT
Kathryn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Justin MassDOT
Steve MassDOT
Becca Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sasha MassDOT
Billy MassDOT
Courtney MassDOT Highway Design
Sheila MassDOT
Nikhitha MassDOT
Hao MassDOT
Shpetim MassDOT Right of Way Bureau
Joseph MassDOT
Jaclyn MassDOT
Dongke MassDOT
Emily MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT Highway Division
Marianti MassDOT
Yunru MassDOT
Alissa Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Chengbo University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Meredith Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning
Jackie Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Michelle MA House of Representatives
Song University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Simos University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Christopher Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT)
Nicholas Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston)
Samuel MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Val MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
mahendra MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Ian MassDOT
Jessica Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Gerald MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Susan Town of Lexington
Caroline Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Jake City of Boston
Neil MassDOT
Patricia MassDOT
Julia City of Boston
Jack Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Kris MassDOT
Jonah Bike to the Sea
Zachariah Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Eleni University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Amber MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Jonathan MassDOT
Tony Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Angela Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Aleece Stantec (Burlington MA)
Michelle MassDOT
Theresa SeniorCare Inc.
Samantha MassDOT Highway Division
Christopher MassDOT
Rachel MassDOT
Jessica Harvard University
Hannah City of Boston
Kurt MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA)
Arthur Replica, Inc.
Laura Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Aaron CultureHouse
Jonathan MassDOT
Anil MassDOT
Alex Mass Audubon
Meghan MassDOT Highway Division
Annie Essex National Heritage Commission
Lynsey Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Pedro MassDOT
Carl MassDOT
Samuel Town of Sandwich
Douglas MassDOT
Brendan WalkMassachusetts
Rachel MassDOT
Jess VHB
Martha MassDOT
Andy MassDOT
Derek MassDOT
Devon Blackstone Heritage Corridor
Michael Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Carrie MassDOT
Stella MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Boston)
Natalie MBTA OPMI Department
Andrew WalkBike Andover
Kellan BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Ruth SeniorCare Inc.
Francisco MassDOT Highway Design
Charles MassDOT
Chris Save the Harbor / Save the Bay
Andrew Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Daniel City of Boston
Joseph City of Everett
Galen MassBike
Michelle Civic Space Collaborative
Paul Community Pedal Power
Scott A Better City (ABC)
Garrett Boston Public Library
David Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Najee Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Colleen MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Chester MassDOT
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Sasha Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Alan GEI Consultants, Inc.
Hung MassDOT
Caleb MassDOT
Bonnie MassDOT
Glenn Norwottuck Network
Kristen MassDOT
Joshua Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Bonnie Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Nicholas Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
Austin MassDOT
Danny Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University
Christopher Community Pedal Power
Gina-Louise City of Northampton
Andres Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Derek MassDOT
Jose MassDOT
Meredith MassDOT
Kayla MassDOT
Matthew Mount Auburn Cemetery
Pete MassDOT
Kristen Holyoke Bike and Pedestrian Committee
Shruti MassDOT
Diana BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Maddie City of Boston
Matthew MassDOT
Phoebe MassDOT
Amir A Better City (ABC)
Yuanchang University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass)
Nicholas MassDOT
Sarah MA Senate
David Weston & Sampson
Michael FHI Studio (CT)
Kwame WSP (MA)
Karl Mystic River Watershed Association
Isaac BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Matthew CDR Maguire (MA)
Mark Bennington County Regional Commission (BCRC) (VT)
Linda EJ USA, Inc. (OH)
James Tetra Tech, Inc.
Kristen Nitsch Engineering
Amy Pare Corporation (RI)
Edward AECOM
Sadegh Merrimack College
Erik McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Concord NH)
Casey Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Madeline Nitsch Engineering
Elena HNTB Corporation
Meredith VHB
Sayeeda Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Mohammad HNTB Corporation
Deborah BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Steven GPI (MA)
Louis Weston & Sampson
Franco ATANE Engineers
Christopher Kleinfelder, Inc.
Han WSP (MA)
Dan GPI (MA)
Sean Benesch (MA)
Paige BETA Group, Inc. (RI)
Richard Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Jeff 128 Business Council
Roan Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Darren Michael Baker International (CT)
Kristen VHB
David Quality Counts, LLC
Kyle Michael Baker International (CT)
Paul Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Nate Coastal Traffic, Inc. (ME)
Thomas McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Concord NH)
Joshua Arup
John Jacobs
Gregory Colliers Engineering & Design
Dylan HNTB Corporation
Erica HNTB Corporation
Sonja Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Ashley Benesch (MA)
Artie Kleinfelder, Inc.
Ruth Flink Consulting LLC
Aviana Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston)
Benjamin BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Marie RND Consultants, Inc.
Michele TransAction Associates
Zani'ah Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
Norman Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT)
Scott VHB
Scott Weston & Sampson
Jeffrey Bryant Associates, Inc.
Preston Toole Design Group
Nikole WSP (MA)
Rachel WSP (MA)
Andrew VHB
Donald Private Citizen
Andrew Tetra Tech, Inc.
Christopher Tetra Tech, Inc.
Kathleen CDW Consultants
Samuel GPI (MA)
Teresa Bryant Associates, Inc.
Lauren VHB
Eric GM2 Associates, Inc.
Jake Vanasse & Associates, Inc. (VAI)
Scott Gill Engineering
Laurel Waltham Land Trust
Theresa Nelson\Nygaard
Pompeo Weston & Sampson
Amelia Arup
Jaklyn BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Daniel CDR Maguire (PA)
Matthew VHB
Mark Tufts University
Valerie Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Jason HNTB Corporation
Rachel Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Aanchal Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Sandra Bowman
Todd Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Craig EJ USA, Inc. (OH)
Tanner GM2 Associates, Inc.
Zack VHB
Jake Michael Baker International (CT)
Abigail HNTB Corporation
Christopher Jacobs
Molly NorthEase Consulting Group
Tahlya BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Ryan VHB
Justin Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Page HNTB Corporation
Thomas Gannett Fleming (Dedham)
Kevin TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Megan Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA)
Chelsea Epsilon Associates
Matt Arup
Tyler Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston)
Molly CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Taylor Toole Design Group
Nina Green International Affiliates
Elidja Gannett Fleming (Dedham)
Matthew Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Mark Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
Edward Gannett Fleming Inc (Holliston)
Trish VHB
Alec Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Greg Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Somaye STV Group
Caroline VHB
Mike GPI (MA)
Matthew VHB
Kathryn BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Brenda TRC Companies
Emma Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Sean BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Andrew Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Alexander Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Oxana Green International Affiliates
Kathleen Toole Design Group
Steve Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Deborah HDR
Brett HNTB Corporation
Maria Jacobs
Elizabeth Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Allison GPI (MA)
Dennis BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Remy Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Paul Bowman
Phil HDR
Brett Harvard University
Elizabeth Benesch (MA)
Darryl Michael Baker International (CT)
Sara Arup
Angela Tetra Tech, Inc.
Jayson Jacobs
Emily Phaidon International
Nick BL Companies
Rachel HNTB Corporation
Noah Michael Baker International (CT)
Tom MassBike
Phil VHB
Matthew HDR
Jonathan WalkMassachusetts
Michael VHB
Heather Essex National Heritage Commission
Richa WSP (MA)
Anthony HDR
Rachel Nitsch Engineering
Peyton Kimley-Horn and Associates
Mark Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Thomas Hudson Bike and Ped Committee
Birendra Nitsch Engineering
Megan HNTB Corporation
John DW White Construction
Niki VHB
Nick SLR International Corporation (VT)
Jill Benesch (MA)
Christina AAA Northeast
Rebecca Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Walter Pare Corporation (RI)
Sarah Tetra Tech, Inc.
John Stantec (Burlington MA)
Jake Replica (KS)
Ryan WSP (MA)
Jared Solli Engineering
Dan Cambridge Econometrics
Benjamin HDR
Richard Tighe & Bond (Boston)
Marlin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Derek Pare Corporation (RI)
Cameron Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Benny Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Woburn)
Fayssal Husseini Design Group LLC
John Meridian Associates
Steve Michael Baker International (CT)
Emma WalkMassachusetts
Heather HDR
James HDR
Matthew Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Darshan BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Joe McClure
Betsy WalkMassachusetts
Kevin Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Providence)
Brian Geocomp Corporation
Robert Stantec (Burlington MA)
Lisa Kimley-Horn and Associates
Ron Stantec (Burlington MA)
Jonathan HNTB Corporation
Sonam Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Wayne BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Aaron Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Shanta VHB
Jim Tetra Tech, Inc.
Marcia Kleinfelder, Inc.
Philip Keolis Commuter Services
Margaret Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Dustin STV Group
Gregory Jacobs
Jimin Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Sarah STV Group
M. Edward Western New England University
Evan Harvard University
Betsy Stantec (Burlington MA)
Ian Nelson\Nygaard
Mark HNTB Corporation
Carl Private Citizen
Matthew CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Sara BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Angela Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Traci Seaport TMA
David BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
David Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Madelyn NorthEase Consulting Group
Nick Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Stephanie NorthEase Consulting Group
Andrea NE Transit Planning & Mgt. Corp.
Chavella Consult LeLa
Alison Stantec (Burlington MA)
Keith Chappell Engineering Associates, LLC
Erika Jacobs
Jared BETA Group, Inc. (RI)
Benjamin GPI (MA)
Scott McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Concord NH)
Christine Charles River Conservancy
Thomas GM2 Associates, Inc.
Emma HNTB Corporation
Emily Replica, Inc.
Chris Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Jade Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Joseph WSP (MA)
John Toole Design Group
John Private Citizen
Jason Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
Katharine Toole Design Group
Erik WSP (MA)
Joseph Michael Baker International (CT)
Katie VHB
John STV Group
Francis Environmental Partners Group, Inc. (Beverly)
Patrick HNTB Corporation
Jeff BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Liam CDR Maguire (MA)
Peter ATANE Engineers
Chris Quality Counts, LLC
Michelle VHB
Carrie VHB
Sean GPI (MA)
Ariana Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT)
Ian Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Gary Bowman
Megan Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Clinton Jacobs
Bill Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Aidan Michael Baker International (CT)
John Nitsch Engineering
Kyle Coastal Traffic, Inc. (ME)
Hugh HNTB Corporation
Christine AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Sam Weston & Sampson (Reading)
Brian Jacobs
Alan Friends of the Community Path (Somerville)
Jose GM2 Associates, Inc.
John CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Ellen CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Heather STV Group
Brendan HNTB Corporation
Paulina Union of Concerned Scientists
Sudhir TrafInfo Communications, Inc.
Hutch Benesch (MA)
Bridget Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Nora MassBike
Radu Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Campbell VHB
Paul HNTB Corporation
Albert Harvard University
Regina Kimley-Horn and Associates
Susan VHB
Lauren TEC, Inc. (NH)
Jonathan BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Herbert Solomon Foundation
Marti Jacobs
Kelly BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Patrick Gill Engineering
Katherine Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Sam BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Shavel'le Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
John McClure
Nate VHB
Charles BL Companies
Mitchell Vanasse & Associates, Inc. (VAI)
Michael Stantec (Boston MA)
William BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Holly VHB
Megha Michael Baker International (CT)
William HNTB Corporation
Roger Private Citizen
Soni Tetra Tech, Inc.
Josh McClure
Deanna TrafInfo Communications, Inc.
Jeremy Weston & Sampson
Herman Green International Affiliates
Michaela FHI Studio (CT)
Larry AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Billy Deloitte Consulting, LLP (GA)
Rick VHB
Mike Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Philip Philip B. Posner, Attorney at Law
Bryan McKinsey Boston
Gina 128 Business Council
Austin BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Luciano Jacobs
Carolyn Toole Design Group
Adam Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning
Erin Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Mike VHB
Brent VHB
Olivia VHB
Eric McClure
Kate Kleinfelder, Inc.
Kim Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Thomas HDR
Jonathan TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Carol CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Erik GM2 Associates, Inc.
Sean HNTB Corporation
Joe Stantec (Burlington MA)
Holly Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston)
Michaela STV Group
Christopher Meridian Associates
Caroline CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Olivia NorthEase Consulting Group
Tahara Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston)
Ajeet Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston)
Nikola Meridian Associates
Anna BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Jeff Weston & Sampson
Antonio HDR
Kristina VHB
Nadia Stantec (Burlington MA)
Joseph CDR Maguire (PA)
Rachel Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Kay Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
Steve Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Nick VHB
Mia Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
Christian Stantec (Burlington MA)
Conor Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Scott BL Companies
Tarang Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Kevin Union of Concerned Scientists
Matt BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Michaela Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Allison NorthEase Consulting Group
Alex HNTB Corporation
Gregory WSP (MA)
Paul ATANE Engineers, P.C. (CT)
Iolando WalkMassachusetts
Knowles BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Preethi STV Group
Rachael Walking In Arlington
Bob Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Olivia VHB
Michelle Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Glenn BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Dave Smart Transportation Systems
Erik HDR
Greg Walker Consultants
Beth Devens Enterprise Commission
Bree Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT)
Marie Stantec (Burlington MA)
Patrick Seaport TMA
Michael CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Sudhir AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Kristopher Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Robert Bryant Associates, Inc.
Matthew Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Jackie Keolis Commuter Services
John GPI (MA)
Mohamad Mott MacDonald
Shruti WSP, USA
Linde Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
Amy Kimley-Horn and Associates
Lispeth 128 Business Council
Patrick Environmental Partners Group, Inc.
Tony Benesch (MA)
Kat MassBike
Jeffrey HDR
Mack AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Mike HNTB Corporation
Frank Green International Affiliates
Christine VHB
Angela HDR
James Gill Engineering
Steven Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Vincent Michael Baker International (CT)
Drew CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
William Bowman
Angelica Green International Affiliates
Natasha VHB
Dennis Green International Affiliates
Jeffrey Northeast Traffic Technologies, LLC.
Rachel Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Philip Bowman
Sage Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD)
Kevin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Miles Deloitte Consulting, LLP (VA)
Zach GPI (MA)
Becky Kleinfelder, Inc.
John BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Stephanie Toole Design Group
Mark DW White Construction
Kyle Tetra Tech, Inc.
Hugh New Generation Transportation, Inc.
Mark Michael Baker International (CT)
Teren Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Walt Stantec (Burlington MA)
Casey Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Lillian Tufts University
George Keolis Commuter Services
Nathaniel GM2 Associates, Inc.
Peter HDR
Adam Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Stephan GM2 Associates, Inc.
Jiayi WSP (MA)
Kristine VHB
Bryan Nitsch Engineering
Jennifer GPI (MA)
Adam Dewberry
Colleen Wachusett Greenways
Blake Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Oliver City of Lawrence
Rana Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
John Town of Arlington
Jeffrey City of Boston
Ashley MA Office of the Inspector General
Lee City of Boston
Christine Federal Transit Administration (USDOT FTA)
Sarah Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Adrian City of Newton DPW
Kevin City of Newton
Sheri Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Peter Town of Richmond
Kristen Town of Westborough
Sterling Town of Bedford DPW
Grace Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Todd City of Medford
Tanner Boston Region MPO
Annisha City of Boston
Eric Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Emily City of Cambridge DPW
Jonathan City of Cambridge Traffic
Maggie Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Mike Nantucket Planning & Economic Development Commission
Brandon Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Michael Town of Westport
Amanda City of Boston
Kyle Boston Region MPO
Joel City of Lawrence
Steve Wachusett Greenways
Priyanka Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS)
Paris Boston Region MPO
Jennifer SRPEDD
Erin Town of Brookline
Kaden City of Cambridge DPW
Ned City of Newton DPW
Jeffrey Town of Yarmouth
Casey-Marie Boston Region MPO
Evan Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Judy Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Abby Boston Region MPO
Mario Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT)
Ricardo City of Lawrence
Gisell City of Salem
Peg Town of Southbridge
Joe Boston Region MPO
Rosanna City of Lawrence
Stephen Town of Concord
Kristin Town of Bedford DPW
Sam Town of Brookline
Matthew Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Alison Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Danielle Town of Richmond
Adam City of Everett
Joseph City of Boston
Sophie Boston Region MPO
Cate City of Chelsea
Tyler Town of Needham
Scott City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility
Luke Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC)
Eric Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Thomas City of Boston
Beth Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Jennifer Town of Westborough
Matthew Town of Bedford DPW
Tyler Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Betsy City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility
Shravanthi Boston Region MPO
Geoffrey Town of Marion
Emily City of Chelsea
Yahaira Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Jonathan SRPEDD
Monica Town of Andover
Bradley Town of Wilbraham
Morgan Town of Natick
Tori Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Alex Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Dahai Boston Region MPO
Sara City of Chelsea
Diane Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Matthew City of Framingham
Ryan City of Boston
Dave Town of Wellesley DPW
Marah Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
David Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS)
Kirstie Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Jeff Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Amy Town of Brookline
Adriana Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS)
Jorge City of Lawrence
Jose City of Lawrence
Zihao Boston Region MPO
Chandler Boston Region MPO
Stella Boston Region MPO
Dick Town of Athol DPW
Heyne City of Boston
David City of Newton DPW
Sujatha Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Katherine Town of Wakefield
Kavya City of Lowell
Ethan Boston Region MPO
Nicolas City of Boston
Tyler City of Boston
Nathaniel Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Guoqiang Old Colony Planning Council (OCPC)
Xinyi Northeastern University
Xavier City of Boston
David Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Carys Town of Needham
Kelly Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Owen City of Weymouth
Lauren Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS)
Elizabeth Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Katherine Town of Billerica
Dan Town of Brookline
Jenn City of Newton
Karis Northeastern University
Scott Town of Hadley
Jeff Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Jim City of Newton
Sean Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Amy Town of Marblehead
Colleen Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Constance Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Christina Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Stephen City of Cambridge Traffic
Daniel City of Boston
Martin Boston Region MPO
Jennifer Town of Westborough
Jessica City of Boston Bikes
Julian City of Springfield DPW
Eric City of Everett
Matthew City of Boston Planning and Development Agency
Rebecca Boston Region MPO
Ross Town of Lexington DPW
Jorman City of Chelsea
Maya City of Boston
Daniel Town of Brookline
Dan City of Boston
Mina Federal Transit Administration (USDOT FTA)
Bill Town of Maynard
Logan Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (VT)
Anthony Town of Medway (MA) Police Department
Adi Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Greg City of Easthampton
Meghan Boston Region MPO
Rachel Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Steven Town of Westwood
Elizabeth City of Lowell
Vivian Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Glen Town of Andover Police Department
Daniel Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Sheila Town of Lexington
QinRui Town of Acton
Melissa City of Newton
Leon Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Eric Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Jeff City of Cambridge Traffic
Khyati Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Colleen Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Gina Boston Region MPO
Matthew City of Boston
Brian City of Worcester
David Town of Lexington DPW
Travis Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Elias City of Chelsea
Elysabeth Northeastern University
Isaac City of Newton
Bradley Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS)
Paul Town of Athol DPW
Jeanette Town of Bedford
Patrick Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Krista Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC)
William Town of Wakefield DPW
Deb Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Alannah Town of Wellesley
Tobias Northeastern University
Stephen City of Worcester
Peter Quebec Government Office in Boston
Theodoro City of Lawrence
Rebekah SRPEDD
Diane City of Easthampton
Carolyn City of Cambridge DPW
Jennifer City of Boston
Jordan Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Nahrin Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Aida City of Lawrence
Jonathan Federal Transit Administration (MA)
Pedro City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility
Matt Town of Winchester
Steven Town of Maynard
Joyia Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Fritz Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC)
Danielle City of Beverly
Michael Town of Bedford DPW
Seth Boston Region MPO
Shawna City of Newton
Michael Town of Sturbridge
Sam Boston Region MPO
Timothy FHWA (RI)
Sierra City of Boston
Michael City of Boston
Austen Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG)
Steven Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Mary City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility
Takanori Northeastern University
Alfredo City of Newton
Afriany City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility
Julia Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Clayton City of Easthampton Water Dept.
Matt Town of Lexington DPW
Maggie Town of Marblehead
Jonah Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Timothy Town of Wakefield DPW
Stephen City of Malden
Andreas City of Cambridge Traffic
Adam Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Emily Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Karen Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Noah Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Rauley Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Ben MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Nataylia Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Daniel Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Kelly Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Stacy Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Logan Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Carl Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Amy Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Zachary MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Eddie Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA)
Niorka Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Christina Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Ed Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Jasmin Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Tim Merrimack Valley Regional Transit Authority (MVRTA)
Roberto Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Linda Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Accem Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Debra Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Cameron MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Tyler MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Shayne Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (MA SRTA)
Kerri Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Felicia Cape Ann Transportation Authority (CATA)
John Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Chris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Mahdi University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Nick University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Angelina University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
John University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Michelle UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Stephanie UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kathryn UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Mary Ann UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Tori University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Cole University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kim UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Joshua University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Shahrukh University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Kassandra UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Rebecca UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Efthymia University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Emily University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Jiewen University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Matt UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Siyuan University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Benjamin University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Pravar University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Darya University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Aidan University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Beck University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Caitlin UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Bryan University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Patiphol University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Katie UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Brigham University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Yuxin University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Peter University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Francis University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Aldo UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Elahe University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Yu-Min University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Tracy UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Yanan University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)