FHWA-NHI-133118 Flagger Training - Self-paced Online New

NOTE: This online course is taken through NHI's new Library Management System, Blackboard. Visit their NHI Blackboard LMS Kickoff page for more information.

Instructions on how to create an account with Blackboard and locate this training will be included in your confirmation email and can be found on your UMTC profile's registration portal page.

NOTE: This is a general overview of flagger responsibilities.  It is NOT a Massachusetts certification training.

Being a flagger is the most important job on the work site. Careless use of the sign or distraction from duty could cause serious injury to workers or the motoring public. Performing flagger duties diligently can prevent traffic incidents in the work area.

This is a basic training in the area of flagger training. It has been designed for someone learning the first steps in performing flagger duties. This training would be useful as a refresher course for all employees involved with work zone traffic control where flaggers are utilized.

This training does not go into individual state flagger training or certification requirements. For more information on flagger training requirements contact Baystate Roads.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
Id Identify the responsibilities of a flagger
Describe the proper ways to place signs
Describe the proper position for flagging
Define the flagging procedures for stop, slow, and proceed
Identify the correct procedures for various flagging situations
Describe the proper conduct in flagging

This training is intended for individuals that will be performing or are engaging in flagger duties on construction/maintenance projects. The course will assist them in better understanding the importance and duties involved with flagging on a project. It would be beneficial to the entry level employee as well as the experienced flagger.

*If you have questions about this NHI training, please contact NHI at nhicustomerservice@dot.gov or 877.558.6873.

*For support with using Blackboard, please email nhihd@edusupportcenter.com or call 833-506-3437.


Credit Hours

Road Scholar Hours

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)


Road Scholar Credits

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Date Session Name Location  
10/1/2024 FHWA-NHI-133118 Flagger Training - Self-paced Online Online View Session