All About Asphalt

Course Description
In this workshop you will learn about selection of materials for construction, maintenance and reconstruction of pavements; the various maintenance treatments and conditions under which they should be used; and how to identify the various pavement distress types and their causes.

Target Audience
This program is designed for those who have responsibility for the construction and maintenance of local roads. Highway superintendents, road foremen, crew leaders, directors of public works and town engineers are encouraged to attend.

James Mahoney is the Executive Program Director of the Connecticut Transportation Institute and the Program Director of the Connecticut Advanced Pavement Laboratory (CAP Lab) at the University of Connecticut.  Jim has over 20 years of experience in pavement materials research and design.  He received his Master’s degree from the University of Connecticut in 1995 and has been with the CAP Lab since that time.

This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Cindy Schaedig at 413-577-2762 or at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.

Credit Hours

Road Scholar Hours

Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)


Road Scholar Credits

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