Complete Streets 303 - Bicycle/Pedestrian Network Planning - Virtual Classroom
Date: 4/4/2023 9:00 AM - 4/4/2023 11:30 AM
Location: Virtual
This training will walk through the fundamentals of network planning for bicyclists and pedestrians and how network planning can help prioritize resources where the highest return can be created. The key elements of successful bicycle and pedestrian networks will be reviewed and the training will include a network planning string exercise to test ideas.Attendees will receive a Zoom link in their registration confirmation email after registering for the class.
Note: These 300 training series are shorter, topic focused discussions, meant as additional Complete Streets resources. Alone, this training does not fulfill the Complete Streets training obligation for eligibility in the Complete Streets Program.
Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please contact Brenda Codella at or 413-522-6434 as soon as possible to discuss reasonable accommodations for your access needs.
First Name | Affiliation |
Foster | MassDOT |
Drashti | MassDOT District 4 |
Fatjon | MassDOT District 1 |
Bonnie | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Zheng | MassDOT |
Kristen | Nitsch Engineering |
Dawit | Massachusetts Port Authority (MassPort) |
Ashley | Benesch (MA) |
Sarah | Private Citizen |
LaRay | Edgewater Neighborhood Association |
Jaklyn | BETA Group, Inc. (MA) |
Kimberly | Nitsch Engineering |
Ashley | VHB |
Evan | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Tori | Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program |
Randy | VHB |
Jean | WSP (MA) |
Lisa | Kimley-Horn and Associates |
Vinod | VHB |
Daniel | Bowman |
Dan | MDM Transportation Consultants |
Hutch | Benesch (MA) |
Rick | VHB |
Christian | Stantec (Burlington MA) |
Paul | Private Citizen |
Jon | GM2 Associates, Inc. |
Sarah | New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) |
Jonathan | MDM Transportation Consultants |
Didong | BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office) |
Stephan | GM2 Associates, Inc. |
Ryan | California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) (CADOT) |
Viola | City of Somerville |
Adrian | City of Newton DPW |
Colin | Windham Regional Commission (VT) |
Jack | Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) |
Ting | City of Lowell DPW |
Michael | City of Waltham |
Christine | NYSDOT Region 1 Operations |
Evan | Cape Cod Commission (CCC) |
Rebecca | Town of Marblehead |
Sam | Town of Brookline |
Andrea | SRPEDD |
Catherine | City of Attleboro |
Nathan | Town of Uxbridge |
Jonathan | SRPEDD |
Monica | Town of Andover |
Todd | City of Worcester |
Erin | Town of Wakefield |
Timothy | Town of Bourne |
Dan | Town of Brookline |
Tanya | Vermont Agency of Transportation (DOT) |
Daniel | Town of Brookline |
Dawn | MassDOT District 2 |
Glen | Town of Andover Police Department |
Sheila | Town of Lexington |
Ethan | Rutland Regional Planning Commission (VT) |
Isaac | City of Boston |
William | Town of Wakefield DPW |
Marc | Town of Lakeville |
Derek | New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) |
Ardian | Town of Needham DPW |
Taylor | Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) (DOT) |
Amber | Department of Veterans Affairs |
Maggie | Town of Marblehead |
Chris | Town of Dennis |
Timothy | Town of Wakefield DPW |