Pavement Markings-Use, Application, Compliance and Materials-Chicopee
Date: 6/15/2023 8:00 AM - 6/15/2023 3:30 PM
Location: UMass Transportation Center
27 Loncazk St.
Chicopee, Massachusetts
6/15 is the new date for this workshop (rescheduled from 3/30).
Course Description
This workshop will provide a guidance for the proper use and application of pavement markings for traffic control, parking facilities or other traffic operation applications. The class will review pertinent Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) pavement marking compliance standards and guidelines. In addition, the class will discuss a variety of pavement marking materials and application methods. The class will also include brief refresher on traffic sign standards.
Target Audience
Municipal and State officials, Public Works Professionals, anyone responsible for the adoption, implementation, and maintenance of pavement markings and traffic controls.
Also, if you have any dietary restrictions, please inform Stephanie Cottrell at least 10 days prior to the event.
First Name | Affiliation |
Richard | Town of Chelmsford |
Mark | Town of East Longmeadow DPW |
Christopher | City of Chicopee |
Ryan | Town of Longmeadow Engineering |
Darrell | Town of East Longmeadow DPW |
Tim | |
Craig | Town of Longmeadow |
Pedro | City of Worcester Dept. of Transportation & Mobility |
Alexander | MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) (Belchertown) |
Lewis | Town of Westford DPW |
Tracy | UMass Transportation Center (UMTC) |
- Michael Allen
Senior Government Traffic Safety Specialist at 3M (MN)
Mike has been with the 3M Company for over 15 years, currently covering NH, MA and ME. Mike is an active advocate for transportation safety participating in several New England DOT Strategic Highway Safety Plans as well as Immediate Past President for the Northeast Chapter of ATSSA (American Traffic Safety Services Association). Mike is the ATSSA New England Chapter Technical Chair for Pavement Markings and has instructed many FHWA Retro-reflectivity, Science of Retro and Pavement Marking workshops for Transportation Agencies and Local LTAP Training Centers.
Mike has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing from the University of Connecticut and a Web Certification from Merrimack College. Mike is an avid traveler and currently resides in Atkinson, NH with his wife Shannon and three sons Jude, Levi and Caleb where he enjoys hiking and traversing the White Mountains in his backyard.
- Richard Benevento
Sr. Vice President Transportation Business Line Leader at Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Rich Benevento has over 40 years of experience in the facilitation and administration of transportation infrastructure improvement projects. He has a diverse background in transportation planning, engineering and regulatory permitting serving local, State and federal agencies and private sector clients. He is a recognized expert on federal and state funding programs for transportation projects having secured hundreds of millions of dollars in state and federal funding for cities and towns throughout Massachusetts.
Rich is a member of the Massachusetts State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC). Working with MassDOT and FHWA the council focuses on all aspects of accelerated project delivery. Rich also serves on the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s Policy Committee on Public Works, Transportation and Public Utilities.
Since 2007 Rich has served as Chairman of the City of Beverly’s Parking and Traffic Commission. Rich also serves as Chairman for the Town of Middleton Zoning Board of Appeals. Prior these roles Rich served on the Beverly Conservation Commission from 1995 to 2001 and was Chairman of the Town of Danvers Conservation Commission from 1989 until 1995. He has served on many other municipal Boards and Committees. He previously served as Secretary of the Essex County Highway Association from 2000 to 2014.
Rich is the 2013 Past President of the American Public Works Association New England Chapter and has served as the APWA National Delegate for New England. In August 2022 he was appointed to the APWA National Board of Directors. In 2018 Rich was recognized as a Life Member of APWA with over 30 years of continuous service. Rich was the recipient of APWA's 2019 Distinguished Service to Public Works Award, the highest award bestowed on a member. In June 2022 Rich received the APWA New England Chapter 2022 Distinguished Service to Public Works Award and in 2007 was the recipient of the Essex County Highway Association Distinguished Service Award.