Complete Streets 201: Designing Your Streets For People - West Springfield

Date: 2/6/2024 9:00 AM - 2/6/2024 4:30 PM

Location: West Springfield Public Library
200 Park Street

West Springfield, Massachusetts




crosswalk image

Course Description

This training will provide an in-depth technical review of various Complete Streets design elements.  Attendees will learn:
Benefits of Complete Streets;
Design guidance for people walking, biking, and taking transit;
Methods to balance roadway users and apply flexibility;
Complete Street Funding Program requirements; and
Best practices for public engagement.

The elements discussed will be applied through a site visit (weather permitting) and design exercise. Please wear sturdy shoes and dress for the weather. Hard hats and safety vests will be provided by Baystate Roads. 
Target Audience

The workshop is intended for Engineers, Designers, and Planners who are interested in developing Complete Streets solutions for municipal roadways. Municipal representatives requiring training eligibility for the Complete Streets Funding Program are encouraged to attend. 

8:45 am Registration, 9:00 am Class

There is no cost to attend.

First Name Affiliation
Michael BL Companies
Frank Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Yvette Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston)
Feya Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston)
John Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Holly Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Boston)
Shiraz Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Evan Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Jada Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston)
Audrey Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Edward City of Cambridge DPW
Katherine Town of Leyden
Kevin Town of Oxford
Christopher Town of Deerfield
Douglas City of Chicopee
Miira City of Holyoke
Ryan Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC)
Martin Town of Hardwick
Sristhi Town of Bridgewater
Tammy Town of Barre
Marjorie Town of Leverett
Nicole Town of Hardwick
Jay Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Tyler City of Pittsfield
Chris Town of Barnstable DPW
Kayce Town of Deerfield
  • Conor Semler
    Principal Planner at Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
    Conor draws on his experience in urban planning, traffic engineering, and technical research in complete streets design. Conor is highly regarded for his ability to leverage transportation design to create livable and healthy communities. His focus is on improving conditions for walking and bicycling through better evaluation and design. Conor is a national leader in the planning and design of innovative bicycle facilities. He was involved in the development of both the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide and the FHWA Separated Bike Lane Planning and Design Guide. 
  • Caitlin Tobin
    PE, Senior Engineer at Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
    With over 10 years of multimodal planning, design, and problem-solving under her belt, Caitlin Tobin has gained strong management and organizational skills through leading multi-million dollar active transportation initiatives. She has a proven ability to anticipate public concerns, use collaborative problem-solving techniques to resolve challenges, and balance project and public needs. Her experience includes a variety of multimodal planning and design projects across seven states and over 50 jurisdictions.