Rigging and Load Securement Virtual Minisode

Date: 10/1/2023 - 9/30/2024

Location: Online





image of load being secured

Course Description

Load Securement will provide training for properly securing heavy equipment and other items to flatbeds and lowboys following the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations Standard 49 CFR 329.9 and 49 CFR 393, Subpart 1.

Topics include;

  • Driver responsibilities 
  • Chain and sling inspection
  • Components of a securement system
  • Components of a securement system
  • Identify Working Load Limits (WLL)
  • Proper number of tie-downs
  • Indirect and Direct tie-downs
  • Protection Against Shifting and Falling Cargo 

This course will also provide training on rigging equipment for material handling, referencing OSHA Standard 1926.1400. Topics include safe rigging practices, calculating loads, chain and sling inspections, working load limits of rigging, safe hoisting operations, standard hand signals and environmental considerations. 

Target Audience

Workers and supervisors involved in construction projects where loads are being suspended and moved, loaded and unloaded using chains and slings.

 You will receive a confirmation email with the video link once your registration is completed.

*If you need Closed Captioning, it is available on the video by clicking "CC" in the lower righthand corner and selecting English.

Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please contact Stephanie Cottrell at scottrell@umass.edu or 413-800-2655 as soon as possible to discuss reasonable accommodations for your access needs.


First Name Affiliation
Kiersen CTT
Chris Montana Department of Transportation (MTDOT)
Nate Town of Amherst DPW
Steve Town of Southborough
Joseph Town of Andover
Edward City of Cambridge DPW
Andrew Town of Southborough
Dean Town of Southborough
Christopher Commonwealth of Massachusetts (Boston)
David Town of Wellesley DPW
Erin Town of Barnstable
Elijah Town of Franklin DPW
Paul Town of Southborough
Daniel Town of Holliston Highway Department
Bill Town of Needham DPW
Christopher Town of Southborough
Brian Town of Bernardston DPW
Connor Town of Southborough
Colby Town of Southborough
Jack Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
Andrew Town of Southborough
Peter Town of Southborough
Peter Town of Southborough
Christopher Town of Southborough