AASHTO TC3 Full-Depth Reclamation (FDR): Self-paced Online
Date: 10/1/2024 - 9/30/2025
Location: Online
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: After you register you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions on how to access the course modules on the AASHTO website, along with a promotional code. The instructions will also be available in your UMTC registration portal for future reference.
*NOTE: this promo code offer (through Baystate Roads) is only available to the public sector. Others are welcome to register directly through the AASHTO website.
Description: Full depth reclamation (FDR) is a rehabilitation technique in which the full thickness of the asphalt pavement and a predetermined portion of the underlying materials (the base, subbase, and/or subgrade) is uniformly pulverized and blended to provide an upgraded, homogeneous material. This course will start with the basics of FDR and then move through pre-production and reclaiming to post-production activities.
This course contains four modules:
Introduction: This module introduces the topic of FDR of pavements.
Pre-production activities: This module discusses pre-production activities associated with FDR, including the pre-production meeting, roadway preparation, and FDR equipment needs.
Reclaiming the pavement: This module covers establishment of a control strip, pulverization of material to be reclaimed, and the various methods and agents used to stabilize reclaimed materials.
Post production: This module covers the steps that need to be taken following reclamation.
This course offers professional development hours (PDHs). You will see the PDHs on your course completion certificate, which also serves as documentation of your attendance. PDH requirements vary, therefore, it is up to you to determine whether or not this particular course qualifies under your State or board requirements.
Training level: This training is recommended for the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council levels I, II, III, and IV.
Target audience: This course is intended for local, county, and State owner agency technicians and inspectors. It is also useful for individuals who need awareness or basic understanding of FDR of hot mix asphalt.
Learning outcomes: Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
• Identify the various types of FDR;
• Describe the stabilizing agents used for the different types of FDR;
• List advantages of using FDR as a rehabilitation technique;
• Describe why a pre-production meeting is important;
• Describe what preparation is needed for a FDR project;
• List the equipment needed for a FDR project;
• Identify the purposes of a control strip;
• Describe the process used to pulverize existing pavement material for FDR;
• List methods used to stabilize reclaimed materials;
• Describe the stabilizing agents and additives used for stabilization of reclaimed materials;
• Describe the finishing steps involved in FDR;
• Identify factors and actions that can affect yield and gradation results;
• Describe the different methods of measuring compaction and the effect stabilizing agents may have on the results;
• List factors affecting how various FDR mixtures should be cured;
• Describe the steps involved in placing the final surface on a pavement; and
• List criteria for acceptance and payment for FDR pavements.
Amount | |
No Cost
Register |
IMPORTANT UPDATE: New profiles will need to be reviewed and approved before you can register for a workshop or event. Please allow one business day for processing.
If you are having trouble registering, please email admin@umasstransportationcenter.org or call (413) 545-2604 for assistance.
Please be advised, cancellations must be received no later than 7 days prior to the event, or the registration fee will not be refunded.
First Name | Affiliation |
Paul | City of Cambridge DPW |
John | Town of Barnstable |
Craig | Town of Barnstable |
Tyler | Town of Barnstable DPW |
Taulant | City of Worcester DPW & Parks |
Carolyn | City of Cambridge DPW |
Chris | Town of Easton |
Chris | Town of Bellingham |
Sameer Ali | Town of Barnstable DPW |
Maggie | Town of Marblehead |
David | Town of Barnstable |