Essential Supervisory Skills- Chicopee

Date: 4/11/2024 8:30 AM - 4/11/2024 3:00 PM

Location: UMass Transportation Center Aviation Research & Training
27 Lonczak St.

Chicopee, Massachusetts



This class has reached its capacity. To be placed on a wait list please click on the link below


training word cloud

This is the only class being offered in 2024!

Course Description
Your technical expertise has taken you far, but managing others requires a whole new set of skills. This foundational class will help you develop your supervisory competence by adding essential tools to your leadership toolbox.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:
• Get the job done through others by prioritizing and delegating effectively.
• Pave the way for your team to succeed by solving problems and removing obstacles.
• Improve your people’s skills and mindsets through real-time coaching and feedback.
• Command respect from others by developing your managerial presence.
• Obtain the support and resources your team needs by advocating persuasively.

Target Audience
Anyone interested in honing their supervisory skills at any level should attend this training.


Accommodations for Disabilities: UMTC endeavors to provide an inclusive learning environment for all. If you require special services or arrangements to fully participate in this workshop, please email Stephanie Cottrell or call 413-800-2655 at least 14 days prior to the event. Such services are provided free of charge.

Also, if you have any dietary restrictions, please inform Stephanie at least 10 days prior to the event.

First Name Affiliation
Adam Town of Douglas
John Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Providence)
Katherine Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Tahara Madison Park Development Corporation (Boston)
Matthew Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Kris City of Northampton
Travis Town of Hubbardston
Vern Town of Longmeadow DPW
James Town of Hinsdale
William Town of Longmeadow DPW
Frank Town of Longmeadow DPW
Jeff City of Fitchburg
Timothy Town of Egremont
David Town of Chelmsford
Andrew Town of Westborough DPW
Rheal Town of Chesterfield Highway Department
Scott Town of Longmeadow DPW
Christopher Town of Southborough
Jacob Town of Oxford
Derek Town of Westford DPW
Curtis Town of Westborough
Justin Town of Williamstown DPW
Angel Town of Longmeadow DPW
Matt City of Holyoke
William City of Cambridge DPW
Dylan Town of Chesterfield Highway Department
Sarah Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Travis Town of Chesterfield Highway Department
Garret Town of Williamstown DPW
Robert Town of Chelmsford
  • Steve Ockerbloom
    Senior Consulting Partner at KJR Consulting
     Steve has spent the past eighteen years delivering impactful workshops on the topics of leadership, individual, and team development. Steve is an expert in delivering 260-degree feedback tools and assessments such as Myers-Briggs, DiSC, and Belbin Team Roles. What truly sets Steve’s workshops apart is his ability to use experiential activities to bring all these topics to life for his participants.