Get Ready for Winter by Attending Baystate Roads Snow & Ice Operations Workshops



The Snow and Ice Operations training is among the most popular training hosted by Baystate Roads. The one-day, seven-hour course focuses on effective methods and proper planning for winter weather and snow removal. The program is so successful due to its ability to adapt and create successful plans for individual towns and their specific needs. 

This course will teach planning for winter weather and will cover:
The proper use of salt and liquid anti-icers and the environmental impacts.
Pre wetting and pre-treating
Anti-icing vs. De-icing.
The use of sand and it’s environmental impact.
Equipment calibration, usage specification and technology.
Snow and ice policy for public review. 
Cost benefit analysis of salt vs. sand.

All drivers, foreman, supervisors and anyone who will be responsible for snow and ice removal are encouraged to attend the training. Other members who can benefit from the training are finance committee members, selectmen, and mayors who will gain a better understanding of how to successfully put the towns resources to better use.

See our course listings page to register today!