UMassSafe Awarded FMCSA Grant to Promote Safety, Compliance and Business




UMassSafe was recently awarded a grant from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to promote safety, compliance and business through advancing best practices through partnerships between law enforcement and industry. In the trucking industry, it is vitally important to maintain a steady economic focus while pursuing a strong culture of safety. The two can and will exist simultaneously, and in fact, have been shown to work synergistically. 

In order to reduce the number of crashes and fatalities involving large trucks and buses, there must be improved compliance with safety regulations. To achieve this, increased communication and collaboration between law enforcement, State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs), and the trucking industry is necessary. Furthermore, this communication must expand beyond enforcement of regulations to include the promotion of a wide-reaching safety culture.

This will be achieved through the development and implementation of an FMCSA Eastern Service Center (ESC) Regional Summit, entitled “Promoting Safety, Compliance, and Business: Advancing Best Practices for Improved Safety through Partnerships between Law Enforcement and the Trucking Business Industry.” The Summit will act as a forum for bringing these various disciplines to the table and enable the sharing of best practices, as well as guidance on how to develop and maintain successful partnerships beyond regulation enforcement.

Additionally, a collection of best practice resources will be added to the CV-STAC website.