Electric Vehicle: Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure—A Review of Other States
Funding Source: MassDOT
Title: Electric Vehicle: Impacts on Transportation Infrastructure—A Review of Other States
Date: 2017
Status: Completed
Summary: The maintenance of transportation infrastructures has traditionally been funded from federal and state taxes collected by the state from fossil fuel distributors, included into fuel price at the pump and ultimately paid by all internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle road users. Zero emission vehicles (ZEVs), use alternative energy sources completely or partially, and do not refuel (or as much) at pumps that collect state and federal fuel taxes. As a result, they do not contribute as much as ICE vehicles do to the upkeep of transportation infrastructures they use. At the request of the Massachusetts State legislature, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) will conduct a study on the feasibility and advisability of assessing surcharges, levies, or other assessments to offset the projected gas tax revenue loss from the purchase or operation of ZEVs. The objective of this study was to provide MassDOT with an evidence base of the existing research on this topic and efforts elsewhere to implement such assessments.