Measuring the Effectiveness of Competency Models for Job-Specific Professional Development of Engineers & Engineering Technicians

Funding Source: NETC

Title: Measuring the Effectiveness of Competency Models for Job-Specific Professional Development of Engineers & Engineering Technicians


Status: Current

Summary: State Departments of Transportation (DOT) are facing a workforce development crisis. An aging workforce is moving toward retirement. Often, they leave without any succession planning in place and take with them core competencies developed over many years of experience. The extent of the knowledge lost can remain unknown for many years, often until a crisis occurs. The objectives of this project are to identify and review existing Competency Models (CM) and matrices that can help in the development of a DOT specific competency model. To perform a gap analysis on the existing CM's and matrices to create a DOT specific employee competency matrix. To create a CM framework for each of the NETC member stat. To run a pilot program in one of the NETC member states. To determine the financial benefits (return on investment) of having a CM in place. To create an implementation plan and technology transfer strategy for the research results


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