2019 MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference

Date: 4/9/2019 7:30 AM - 4/10/2019 4:30 PM

Location: The DCU Center
50 Foster St

Worcester, Massachusetts






Online Registration Is Now Closed

Walk-Ins Welcomed

Check out the latest state of the art technology, interactive displays, and the chance to share ideas with peers in related fields.

photo of audience

The annual conference put on by MassDOT is the largest transportation innovation conference in Massachusetts. With over 60 sponsors and exhibitors, the conference will have countless opportunities to meet with experts, as well as interactive demonstrations and engaging displays of cutting edge technology.

The conference will once again include the addition of the Massachusetts Community Transportation Coordination Conference as part of the MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference. The inspiration behind combining conferences is the increasing interest among stakeholders in collaborating to address transportation barriers for pedestrians, seniors, and people with disabilities. 

photo of people with electric bicycle

This combined event will be an invaluable opportunity for state, MPO/local, transit agencies, researchers, human service agency staff, advocates, planners and private sector practitioners to share ideas, sponsor peer-to-peer learning, and collaborate on issues of mutual interest. 

The 2-day conference will offer more than 40 breakout sessions! Come learn about innovations being made in the fields of Construction/Materials, Planning/Design, Operations/Maintenance, Safety/Mobility, Technology, and Policy.

The event is open to all transportation professionals including MassDOT, municipalities, consultants, contractors, vendors and manufacturers, MPO/local, transit agencies, researchers, human service agency staff, advocates, planners, and private sector practitioners.

Conference Fee Waiver Opportunity for Community Mobility Organizations and Advocates

MassDOT’s Transportation Innovation Conference features a Community Transportation and Mobility track, focusing on creative approaches to improving access, mobility, and transportation services for older adults, people with disabilities, and low-income commuters in Massachusetts. This track grew out of the Massachusetts Community Transportation Coordination Conference, formerly a stand-alone conference held annually in early May.
To facilitate the integration of the two conferences, MassDOT is offering a fee waiver opportunity for the conference. If you are interested in local and regional community transportation and transportation coordination but cannot pay the conference registration fee, you may be eligible for a fee waiver or scholarship:

MArtap Scholarship Program: Open to all organizations in rural and non-urbanized areas – including Councils on Aging and other transportation providers.
1. Register and pay for the Transportation Innovation Conference by clicking on the "Registration" tab at the top of this page. 
2. Apply for the MArtap scholarship for reimbursement at www.mass.gov/forms/martap-scholarship-application

Fee Waiver Application: Open to individuals with disabilities, seniors, and other self-advocates OR organizations that are current or recent recipients of grants through MassDOT’s Community Transit Grant Program.
Click on the link provided to apply for the Transportation Innovation Conference fee waiver: Fee Waiver Application FormYou do not need to register for the conference. If you receive the fee waiver, you will be automatically registered.

If you do not qualify under these criteria but need assistance paying the conference fee, please email Rachel Fichtenbaum at rachel.fichtenbaum@state.ma.us to be added to a waitlist should additional funds become available (not guaranteed).

MassDOT Logo      FHWA Logo    MassMobility Logo 

Register Today! Click on the Registration tab above.

photo of sponsor


Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor Today!

Sponsor/Exhibitor Packet


This event is accessible to people with disabilities and individuals with limited English proficiency. If you need a reasonable accommodation (such as American Sign Language Interpreters, assistive listening devices, handouts in alternate formats, etc.) and/or language assistance (such as translated documents or an interpreter) to fully participate, please contact Brenda Codella at bcodella@umass.edu or 413-522-6434 at least 14 days prior to the event.  Such services are provided free of charge.

Registration cancellations must be received within 7 days of the event or you will be invoiced for the registration fee.


Conference Speakers

Photo of Secretary Pollack

Stephanie Pollack

Secretary and CEO, Massachusetts Department of Transportation

About Stephanie Pollack


Carlos Braceras, P.E.

Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation

About Carlos Braceras

Photo of Jonathan Gulliver

Jonathan Gulliver

Highway Administrator, Massachusetts Department of Transportation

About Jonathan Gulliver

Photo of Patty Leavenworth 

Patricia Leavenworth

Chief Engineer, Massachusetts Department of Transportation 

About Patricia Leavenworth

roadshow video image link

The 3M Transportation Safety Division Roadshow is coming!

• Learn about 3M Connected Roads
• Experience road safety through virtual reality
• Check out road safety innovations with hands-on experiences
• Visit the roadshow theater to see firsthand how 3M products make a difference

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AutomaTech Logo    LandTech Logo     Big R Bridge      All States Materials Logo         milone and macbroom logo     Horizon Signal Logo     United Concrete Product Logo    Pare Corportation  Migma logo    Bryant Associates   Felix A Marino Lock and Load Logo      

Collins Engineers  eNdoto       Precision Concrete Cutting    Altec Logo   Pavers by Ideal logo    Hoyle Tanner & Associates   MobilityWorks  Impact Recovery Systems Groundscapes Express Logo  atom logo  Highway Rehab Corp logo






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Tuesday, April 9, 2019
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Special event

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Special event

Grand Ballroom

Jonathan Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1, Mobility Track, Room A: Walkability for People of All Ages and Abilities

Walking is a component of most trips – and an important travel mode in and of itself. Join representatives of WalkBoston, the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind, and the Veterans’ Administration for a workshop on the elements of a walkable community. Walkable communities promote health, access, community engagement, independence, and quality-of-life for older adults and individuals with disabilities. And when communities meet the needs of seniors and people with disabilities, all residents benefit. Using examples from projects underway in communities around Massachusetts – including urban, suburban, and rural contexts – presenters will highlight ways to improve the built environment, as well as policy changes that can improve walking safety, access, and comfort for older adults and people with disabilities.

Presenters: Adi Nochur, WalkBoston
Meg Robertson, Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
Amber Vaillancourt, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Facilitator: Rachel Fichtenbaum, MassMobility
Adi Nochur Presentation
Robertson-Vaillancourt Presentation
Fichtenbaum Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1, Room B: Techniques to Fingerprint Construction Materials

New technologies such as X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) offer a non-destructive analytical technique to determine and verify material composition, providing MassDOT with a level of confidence related to product quality and long-term performance in less time. Using these technologies on select construction materials, MassDOT will be able to compare the material in the field to what is on file from the initial approval process. The ability to quickly confirm that materials used on-site meet contract specifications minimizes the risk for noncompliance. This presentation will illustrate the various materials that are being tested in the lab using these innovative technologies and the processes that have been developed.

Presenters: Mark Brum and Maggie McDonald, MassDOT Research and Materials

Facilitator: John Grieco, MassDOT Director of Research and Materials
Brum-McDonald Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1, Room C: MassDOT Stream Crossing Handbook

The MassDOT Highway Division will introduce its newly updated Stream Crossing Handbook, which revises and improves the 2010 handbook, Design of Bridges and Culverts for Wildlife Passage at Freshwater Streams. The handbook updates information on current federal and state regulations and addresses evolving MassDOT practices for stream crossing design and installation. It also introduces new reference materials for stream crossing design to accommodate wildlife passage, to consider climate change, and provide guidance for municipal personnel on MassDOT standards and review process. New content has been developed to help municipalities develop designs for local projects, including a summary of the MassDOT review process under MGL Chapter 85-Section 35, with links to MassDOT’s current submittal requirements. In addition, the handbook now includes illustrative designs of selected prototypical culvert and small bridge structures, with links to CAD drawing files, to help in the selection and design of structures that meet MassDOT standards and regulatory requirements for wildlife passage.

Presenters: Tim Dexter, MassDOT Fish & Wildlife Supervisor
David Nyman, PE, Comprehensive Environmental, Inc.

Facilitator: Tim Dexter, MassDOT Fish & Wildlife Supervisor
Dexter-Nyman Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1, Room D: New Shared Mobility: Electric Scooters, Electric Assist Bicycles, and What’s Next

Nearly ten years after the docked bike share revolution began in North America, dockless bike share launched in 2017 as a new innovative business model for funding and operations. Then, in 2018, dockless e-scooter share rolled out. These shared mobility systems are part of a larger shift toward expanding options for first and last mile access to transit and on-demand transportation, and fueling the need for more dedicated on-street facilities for bikes and scooters. The rate of adoption has been remarkable – in just one year Bird and Lime reported 36 million scooter and bicycle trips. Such unprecedented growth has presented cities and transit agencies with new work to address permitting, design, equity, curb management, and more. Learn more from a variety of perspectives: companies, planners, municipal, MassDOT and MBTA.

Presenters: Heather Hamilton, Select Board Member for the Town of Brookline, MA/BSC Group, Inc.
Holly Parker, Less Road Traveled
Phil Goff, Alta Planning + Design
Scott Mullen, Lime
Hannah Smith, Bird

Facilitator: Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT Director of Sustainable Mobility
DeWolfe, Hamilton, Parker, Goff, Mullen, Smith Presentation
Mullen Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1, Room E: Connected Vehicle Technology and the Road to a Connected Corridor

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, connected vehicle technology could reduce crashes by 80%. This session will explore the challenges that come with creating connected infrastructure and will provide information about what is currently being done in Massachusetts. This session will also provide an overview of the US Route 33 Smart Mobility Corridor project near Columbus, Ohio. This 35-mile corridor offers a unique opportunity to deploy and test smart vehicle technology in various settings, including urban, suburban, and rural; and roadway types, including local, arterial, and collector streets and multi-lane divided highway ramps. The project includes the installation of nearly 100 dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) devices, equipping between 600 and 1,200 vehicles with connected vehicle technology, developing V2I applications, and developing a smart network to manage the data flows and system.

Presenters: Lori Duguid, Michael Baker International
Corey O'Connor, MassDOT
Eric S. Phillips, CEO, Union County Chamber of Commerce

Facilitator: Marco Pereira, MassDOT Director of ITS Programs

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 1

Session 1, Room Junior Ballroom: Kelley Square Reimagined

Kelley Square is a complex intersection of heavily traveled streets in Worcester, which has been characterized by the public as "unique", "special" and "weird". Between 2013 and 2016, Kelley Square represented the single location with the highest number of crashes in Massachusetts, and there is currently little in the way of multimodal accommodations for users wishing to travel through the area. MassDOT is currently advancing a project to improve safety and operations at this location. This session will detail the robust/innovative public engagement and design development process that has led to identification of a first of its kind for Massachusetts – the Hybrid Roundabout (aka "peanut") Preferred Alternative. This alternative will provide clearer definition and delineation of traffic movements, calm vehicular traffic, enhance accommodation for non-vehicular users and enhance neighborhood connectivity and access/egress to surrounding commercial and business interests. The session will also highlight the innovative tools such as 3-D visualization and operational simulation modeling used by the design team to achieve consensus on the identification and selection of the Preferred Alternative.

Presenters: Don Cooke and Tracie Lenhardt, VHB
Tom Emerick, MassDOT
Paul Moosey, City of Worcester

Facilitator: Barry Lorion, MassDOT District 3 Highway Director
Lorion, Cooke, Lenhardt, Emerick, Moosey Presentation

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Special event

First Floor Exhibits and Refreshments
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2, Mobility Track, Room A: Innovative Approaches to Mobility for Low-Income Individuals

Low-income individuals need transportation to access jobs and other community services. Hear from two efforts – a nonprofit in Worcester, and a transit authority in Southern Maine – that are using donations to purchase bus passes for people in need. We’ll also hear from a non-profit in Framingham that partners with its local transit authority to provide transportation – while helping clients prepare for careers in transportation.

Presenters: Brittany Raposa and Julie Marshall, South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)
Steve McClure, Tasks for Transit
Perian Carpenter, Shuttlebus-Zoom

Facilitator: Rachel Fichtenbaum, MassMobility
Raposa-Marshall Presentation
McClure Presentation
Fichtenbaum Presentation
Carpenter Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2, Room B: Advancements in Cement Concrete Research and Testing

MassDOT is moving to update its cement concrete specifications for highway construction from a prescriptive-based method to performance-based requirements. During this transition, there is a necessity to expand on – and add to – the methods and technologies used for the evaluation of quality characteristics and mix properties of the concrete. MassDOT’s Research and Materials Section has been evaluating and employing new methodologies and technologies to assess concrete performance. This presentation will illustrate MassDOT’s implementation of several advancements in concrete testing including the use of “Surface Resistivity Meter”, “Maturity Meter”, “Freeze-Thaw” and “Ring Shrinkage.”

Presenters: Tim Willsmer and Jonathan Olivieri, MassDOT Research and Materials

Facilitator: John Grieco, MassDOT Director of Research and Materials
Willsmer-Olivieri Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2, Room C: Accelerated Bridge Construction Techniques

Including two project presentations, the first will highlight the design process used for the plan development of Bridge 2931 in Preston, Connecticut. This structure was one of the first installations in the state that was designed to rely on Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) shear keys, instead of transverse post tensioning cables for its continuity between beam elements. The presentation will discuss the advantages of this system over conventional construction, and show what sorts of geometries lend themselves well to using UHPC shear keys instead of post-tensioning cables. The second presentation will feature the Darlington Upgrade project, a $620 million project to improve an important transit corridor in Adelaide, Australia. Jacobs was responsible for the analysis and design of a continuous, three-span, curved steel tub-girder bridge, carrying both a multi-use path and vehicular traffic over a major expressway. The project was innovative in its use of double composite concrete construction. To minimize expressway closures, the design-build team constructed the bridge at a nearby offsite location and moved it into place using self-propelled modular transporters (SPMTs). This presentation will focus on the considerable design effort, planning, and analysis for the SPMT move, as well as the lessons learned.

Presenters: Mathew Ingram, Jacobs
Dan Whittemore, Fuss & O'Neill

Facilitator: Olu Adeyemi, FHWA Structures Team Leader
Ingram Presentation
Whittemore Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2, Room D: Flying Colors: How Teamwork & Technology Drove the Success of Hingham’s Route 3A Road Diet Pilot Program

When engineers and planners proposed narrowing Route 3A east of the rotary in Hingham, many people were skeptical. How could fewer lanes help alleviate safety concerns while maintaining traffic capacity, especially during the peak summer days on the primary route to and from Nantasket Beach in Hull? To test the design, MassDOT and the Town of Hingham, working with engineers from Design Consultants, Inc. and other firms, implemented a pilot program that used delineators to emulate future conditions. The team then employed multiple traffic tracking technologies, including Bluetooth, video and radar, to successfully demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed road diet. In this session, representatives from MassDOT, the Town of Hingham, and Design Consultants, Inc., will detail the challenges they encountered and the path the team traveled to reach consensus on a workable, affordable and effective solution.

Presenters: David Giangrande, P.E., Design Consultants, Inc.
Corey O'Connor, MassDOT
Roger Fernandes, Town of Hingham Town Engineer
Pamela Haznar, P.E. District Five Project Development Engineer

Facilitator: Bill Travers, MassDOT District 5 Operations Engineer
O'Connor-Hazner Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2, Room E: Share the Path – Working Together to Expand Our Network of Enjoyable, Useful, Safe, Secure, Comfortable and Inclusive Trails

Shared use paths are intuitively attractive for transportation and recreation, and they support many environmental, transportation and public health goals of the Commonwealth, but recurring challenges face communities and proponents who want to build them. MassDOT, DCR and EEA are working together as MassTrails to help move projects from ideas to implementation. This session will explore the benefits of shared use paths and discuss the MassTrails Shared Use Path Planning and Design Guide under development; we will also delve into how the MassTrails team and MassTrails Grant Program are improving key partnerships between the state, municipalities, path proponents and consultants – and what this highly-productive model of interagency cooperation may offer to the Commonwealth.

Presenters: Michael Trepanier, MassDOT
Samantha Roddy, VHB
Jeff Dietrich, Howard Stein Hudson
Camilla Dartnell, Kittelson & Associates, Inc.

Facilitator: Michael Trepanier, MassDOT Shared Use Path Program Manager

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 2

Session 2, Room Junior Ballroom: Drones Part 1 - UAS Systems and Use-Cases: A New Paradigm for Transportation and Incident Response

The first presentation highlights research by the Bridgewater State University GeoGraphics Laboratory to help improve the safety and security of small suburban and rural commuter rail parking lots through unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). The GeoGraphics Laboratory’s project, funded through the National Academies of Sciences, focused on developing and field testing an approach to address these issues using a combination of small UAS (sUAS) for remote sensing, aerial imagery analytics, and cloud-based data analytics, made possible through state-of-the-art communications infrastructure. The second presentation will discuss a UAS research initiative by MassDOT in collaboration with the UMass Transportation Center. The objectives of this research are two-fold: (1) Develop practical procedures and protocols for MassDOT to integrate UAS technology into bridge and rail inspections presently carried out by traditional means, and (2) Conduct a pilot test of the developed procedures and protocols at a bridge or rail inspection site. The third presentation will discuss recent MassDOT Aeronautics Drone Pilot Program shared services mission operations. Activities to be covered include an overview of the breadth of missions across internal and external state agencies. Additionally, a review of the State House Dome inspection mission will include platform selection, sensors, flight operations, team coordination, and analytical products.

Presenters: Lawrence Harman and Uma Shama, GeoGraphics Laboratory, Bridgewater State University
Chris Lyman, UMass Amherst
Andrew Mihaley, Terrance McKenna, Scott Uebelhart and Edilberto Diaz, MassDOT

Facilitator: Jeff DeCarlo, MassDOT Aeronautics Administrator
Price-Lyman Presentation
Harman-Shama Presentation
Mihaley Presentation

12:15 PM - 1:30 PM

Special event

Grand Ballroom

Stephanie Pollack, Secretary of Transportation & Chief Executive Officer for MassDOT

Carlos Braceras, Executive Director of the Utah Department of Transportation
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3, Mobility Track, Room A: New England Community Transportation Roundtable

New Hampshire is amping up its mobility management and statewide coordination efforts. Rhode Island just hired a mobility manager, and the Greater Portland Council of Governments received two national grants this year in support of regional and statewide mobility management efforts they are undertaking. Let’s talk to our neighbors about their efforts to see what we can learn and where we might partner across state lines.

Presenters: Zoe Miller, Greater Portland Council of Governments
Fred Roberge, Easterseals New Hampshire
Joelle Kanter, Rhode Island Public Transit Authority

Facilitator: Judy Shanley, Easterseals
Roberge Presentation
Kanter Presentation
Shanley Presentation
Miller Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3, Room B: From Ground to Cloud: The Future of LIMMS

For decades, MassDOT has relied on an antiquated system of hand-written test report forms, redundant data entry, and numerous decentralized databases to perform its daily functions related to material testing. This inefficient method results in enormous paper consumption, misfiling of documentation, delayed contract certification, sample misidentification, and lack of test data analytics. To resolve these inefficiencies, MassDOT is employing a Laboratory Information Materials Management System (LIMMS) to oversee, analyze and track materials electronically. This presentation will illustrate the implementation strategy for LIMMS including how materials testing equipment will be linked to the software for seamless data collection and the improvement of turnaround time related to material processing, testing, analysis and final acceptance.

Presenters: Richard Mulcahy and Ali Al Saadawi, MassDOT Research and Materials

Facilitator: John Grieco, MassDOT Director of Research and Materials

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3, Room C: Developing Strategies for Equity at MassDOT

Equity is a key concern of this administration, and MassDOT is working to incorporate equity considerations into all of our policies, plans, services, and initiatives. We are examining the challenges to equity in access to services and destinations that are newly created or perpetuated by changes in the transportation marketplace, including technological innovations and land use development policies, as well as the impacts of transportation policies and infrastructure on transportation outcomes. This panel aims to raise the profile of some of these barriers and describe ways that MassDOT is being proactive about setting policy, developing tools and metrics, and delivering services that are not only mindful but responsive to issues of equity in transportation.

Presenters: Elizabeth Williams, MassDOT
Jose Simo, MassDOT
Wesley Edwards, MBTA

Facilitator: Andrea d’Amato, AICP, Assistant Secretary for Operational Excellence
Simo Presentation
Edwards Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3, Room D: Utility Planning Eases Back Bay Bridge Project

During one weekend in 2018, MassDOT replaced the bridge carrying Massachusetts Avenue over Commonwealth Avenue in Boston in just 73 hours, more than 30 hours ahead of schedule. Working with MassDOT, Stantec developed an innovative approach using early utility relocation and accelerated bridge construction techniques to replace the bridge quickly, while minimizing impacts to the traveling public and the local neighborhood. This session will present the innovations that were applied on this project, including use of a separate contract for utility relocations, specially designed precast concrete elements to facilitate rapid construction in the restricted urban environment, and avoiding impacts to surrounding park land through a design approach that established work zones in the existing right-of-way.

Presenter: Joseph Tierney, Stantec

Facilitator: Guy Rezendes, MassDOT State Utilities Engineer
Tierney Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3, Room E: Testing Automated Driving Systems on Public Ways

Representatives of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) and MassDOT will provide a brief overview of connected and automated vehicles, and discuss how automated driving systems (i.e. self-driving cars) are being tested and researched in the two states, in partnership with the system manufacturers, transit agencies, and municipalities. RIDOT will highlight the first initiative of its Transportation Innovation Partnership (TRIP), the Little Roady Autonomous Shuttle Pilot Project. Working with the startup May Mobility and local partners, the project is bringing electric autonomous shuttles to Providence. This is enabling RI to test and research a range of factors to better understand the potential of new technology to improve mobility options, and will help the State prepare for these changes. MassDOT will share information about the Commonwealth's application process for permitting testing of automated driving systems in well-defined environmental conditions, on approved municipal and state roads across the Commonwealth, and will outline opportunities for municipalities and road owners to participate and facilitate testing. Ryan Jacobs of nuTonomy, a developer of automated vehicles, and currently testing in the Boston area, will provide an overview of the company’s local and international activities.

Presenters: Julia Gold, Rhode Island DOT
Daniel Sullivan, MassDOT Policy Analyst
Ryan Jacobs, nuTonomy Technical Advisor

Facilitator: Daniel Sullivan, MassDOT Policy Analyst
Xenophontos, Jacobs, Sullivan Presentation
Gold Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 3

Session 3, Room Junior Ballroom: New Methodologies for Bicycle, Pedestrian and Access to Transit Project Prioritization

As part of the recently released 2018 Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation Plans, MassDOT is taking a data-driven approach to prioritize locations for new projects that address safety, equity, accessibility, access to transit, and critical gaps in connectivity. Learn about the new methodology and new public engagement strategies that informed the analysis, how the outcomes are being used to transition quickly from planning to implementation in 2019, and a new count pilot to help track progress.

Presenters: Nick Jackson, Toole Design Group
Pete Robie, Toole Design Group
Pete Sutton, MassDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator
Michelle Danila, and Jackie DeWolfe, MassDOT

Facilitator: Pete Sutton, MassDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator
Jackson, Robie, Sutton, Danila, DeWolfe Presentation

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Special event

First Floor Exhibits and Refreshments
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4, Mobility Track, Room A: Reducing Social Isolation through Age- and Dementia-Friendly Transportation

Access to appropriate transportation is a core component of what makes a community welcoming and livable for residents of all ages – including those with dementia. Communities and regions around the Commonwealth are working on age- and dementia-friendly initiatives, and last year, Massachusetts built on local progress and joined the network of AARP Age-Friendly States with a multi-year action plan. In this session, presenters will discuss local and statewide initiatives to promote age- and dementia-friendly transportation systems, as well as examples of how these efforts are promoting local mobility and reducing social isolation across the Commonwealth.

Presenters: Patty Sullivan, Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging
Beth Dugan, UMass Boston
David Kucharsky, City of Salem
Amanda Bernardo, Executive Office of Elder Affairs

Facilitator: James Fuccione, Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Sullivan Presentation
Dugan Presentation
Fuccione-Kucharsky-Bernardo Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4, Room B: Concrete Pavement Solutions

This session will include panel members from the concrete industry and MassDOT. Members of American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA), Massachusetts Concrete & Aggregate Producers (MaCAPA), and National Ready-Mix Association will present on the benefits of concrete pavement as construction strategies. Presenter Bill Cuerdon, former Director of the NY chapter of the ACPA has 30 years of experience with the NY DOT, and a wealth of knowledge in many areas including the design and construction of concrete pavement. There will be an overview of different design, material, and construction specifications and techniques of full depth and overlay projects. Information on projects from New York and midwestern states will also be shared. MassDOT personnel Andrew Paul and Lyris Liautaud will discuss three projects (located in District 2, District 3 and District 4) that have been selected to use concrete pavement solutions.

Presenters: Bill Cuerdon and Craig Dauphinais, Massachusetts Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association
Andy Paul and Lyris Liautaud, MassDOT

Facilitator: Andy Paul, MassDOT Highway Design Engineer
Paul-Liautaud Presentation
Cuerdon-Dauphinais Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4, Room C: Innovative Driven Pile Solution for the Rhode Island Route 6/10 Interchange Project

This presentation details the execution and results of a comprehensive pile load test program, offers guidance for the potential use of taper tube piles on projects across the New England region, and presents a unique case study where driven piles were value engineered to develop the optimal deep foundation solution.

Presenter: Seth H. Hamblin, P.E., Principal Geosciences Testing and Research, Inc.

Facilitator: Pete Connors, MassDOT Geotechnical Engineer
Hamblin Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4, Room D: Beyond the Public Meeting – #PublicInvolvement

We live online – it is where we get our news, where we work and socialize, and where we share our opinions. While public engagement is a critical facet of each of our projects, it is traditionally conducted in a way that is at odds with our evolving digital world. Smart and authentic public engagement can not only inform design, but also enhance our relationship with the communities we serve. Join this interactive session as presenters and participants dive into some of the challenges and opportunities of strategic communications and how a new approach can change the way today’s public is engaged. Learn how to use technology to give voice to underserved populations, get inside the world of virtual public involvement, and learn how to pair digital tools with traditional outreach to engage new audiences.

Presenters: Erica Blonde, HNTB
Michael Trepanier, MassDOT Project Manager
Theresa McClure, HDR Inc.

Facilitator: Michael Trepanier, MassDOT Project Manager
Blonde Presentation
McClure Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4, Room E: In the Zone - Work Zone Safety

This session includes three presentations. The first will discuss MassDOT’s deployment of Portable Traffic Signals (PTS) to alleviate traffic congestion and assist with safety during a 2018 construction project on the Sagamore Bridge. This presentation will discuss the unique circumstances of the project, as well as take an in-depth look at PTS and associated technologies utilized on-site. The presentation will also discuss the use of PTS as an emergency-response tool for traffic management. The second presentation will focus on better hazard awareness for work zone safety, including a module on resources to prevent struck-by incidents with an emphasis on typical hazard scenarios, blind spots for major types of construction equipment, work zone safety construction equipment diagrams, swing radii, the penalty of unverified assumptions in work zone communications, and job hazard analysis. The final presentation will highlight the use of truck mounted attenuator (TMA) automation to improve work zone safety. Through a partnership with Kratos Unmanned Systems Division, Royal Truck & Equipment has developed the first autonomous TMA truck, known as the ATMA. This presentation will discuss the details of the ATMA and its safety benefits.

Presenters: Wes Hutchinson, MassDOT
Craig Doolittle, TRC Companies
Scott Heydt, Horizon Signal Technologies, Inc.
Fred Bergstresser, Royal Truck & Equipment, Inc.

Facilitator: Neil Boudreau, MassDOT State Traffic Engineer
Bergstresser Presentation
Heydt Presentation
Boudreau Presentation
Hutchinson Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 4

Session 4, Room Junior Ballroom: Creating a Complete Street on a Gateway Bridge

The 120-year-old North Washington Street Bridge over the Boston Inner Harbor needed to be replaced. The challenge was to create a Complete Street on a Gateway Bridge. The 100’ wide x 1087’ long structure carries 42,000 vehicles per day, heavy pedestrian traffic and numerous utilities from Boston’s North End and West End areas to Charlestown. The existing bridge was eligible for National Register of Historic Places listing, and in conformance with the National Historic Preservation Act, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), MassDOT Highway Division and the City of Boston. The agreement stipulated that the proposed replacement structure be a Gateway bridge, with architectural design elements incorporating the new structure into its surroundings, distinguishing the crossing as a unique place in itself, and include architectural design of structures, lighting, overlooks, separated bicycle lanes and other elements, to encourage use by people of all ages and interests. The design team, included the Boston Public Works Department, MassDOT, Alfred Benesch & Company, and Rosales + Partners, who developed a highly collaborative process, soliciting stakeholder feedback, while working within MOA constraints. Presenters will discuss this process and project results.

Presenter: Edward Baumann, Alfred Benesch & Co.

Facilitator: Mike O'Dowd, MassDOT Senior Project Manager
Baumann Presentation

4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Special event

Reception at Innovation
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

Special event

Grand Ballroom

Jonathan Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5, Mobility Track, Room A: Employment Transportation

In 2016, 85% of all U.S. workers drove to their workplace. In other words, 128 million people drove a car, a van or a truck – mostly alone – contributing to road congestion, pollution, and greenhouse gas emission. The Federal Highway Administration, through the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program (CMAQ), has funded transportation demand management (TDM) activities nationwide since 1990.

Delivered regionally by 15 Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) east of I-495 and by MassRIDES for the rest of the Commonwealth, TDM activities focus on educating employers and employees about public transit and other healthy mobility options, tax credits, and provide incentives to counterbalance single occupancy vehicle use. On July 1, 2019, the way MassDOT distributes CMAQ funding will change. Please attend this session to learn about incentives and funding changes, and how the CrossTown Connect TMA, Middlesex 3 TMA, and the 495/MetroWest Partnership are already laying the groundwork for innovative employment transportation services.

Presenters: Astrid Glynn, MassDOT
Paul Matthews, 495/MetroWest Partnership
Stephanie Cronin, Middlesex 3 Coalition
Scott Zadakis, TransAction Associates

Facilitator: Aniko Laszlo, MBTA Director of Coordinated Mobility
Glynn, Matthews, Cronin, Zadakis Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 PM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5, Room B: Implementing a GIS-based Safety System

State DOTs are looking for data driven approaches to improve highway safety. Presenters will discuss the approach developed in Connecticut, which includes a custom Safety Management System based on Parts B and C of the Highway Safety Manual (HSM). Network Screening, Diagnosis and Countermeasure Selection Modules are currently in use by CTDOT. VHB presenters will also discuss the updated Crash Data Portal being developed for MA, which will enable users to access crash data in numerous ways.

Presenters: Dale Abbott, GISP – Applied Technology Manager, VHB
Gary Stevens, Transportation Solutions Architect, VHB
Shanshan Zhao, PhD, Project Manager, UConn

Facilitator: Bonnie Polin, Manager, MassDOT Highway Safety Programs

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5, Room C: Advancements in Curb Management and Bus Rapid Transit in Massachusetts

The compact downtowns of Massachusetts are attractive to infill development and walkable, transit-oriented lifestyles, but a lack of street parking has driven many communities to restrict new development through impractical parking requirements and the fear of burdensome traffic. Learn how this paradigm is being flipped on its head by treating curb spaces not as parking but as high-capacity terminals for accessing downtown, thanks to new mobility technologies. With smart curb management, development is increasing the person-carrying capacity of front-door parking over thirty times, by integrating ridesharing, micro-transit, e-scooters, shared bikes, and shared autonomous vehicles directly into their access profile. In addition to these new technologies, 2018 was a momentous year for bus riders in greater Boston, as municipalities around the region took bold steps to pilot elements of BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) in collaboration with the MBTA. Focusing on the Massachusetts Avenue pilot project in Arlington, this session will walk participants through the process of putting BRT elements along a critical and congested corridor, including development coordination with a multiagency working group, public outreach efforts, use of innovative BRT elements, design constraints, alternatives development, and selection of a preferred alternative.

Presenters: Ralph DeNisco and Jason Schrieber, Stantec
Julia Wallerce, Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Albert Ng,VHB
Jenny Raitt, Town of Arlington

Facilitator: Andrew Wilkins, MassDOT Project Manager/Designer, Highway Design
Schrieber Presentation
Raitt-Ng Presentation
Wilkins Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5, Room D: 2-D Hydraulic Analysis of the Tower Road Bridge

The Tower Road Bridge, programmed for complete replacement by MassDOT in FY 2022, spans the Chickley River approximately 100’ upstream of the confluence of the Chickley and Deerfield Rivers in Charlemont, Massachusetts. This confluence, coupled with the presence of an existing 2-span railroad bridge just 50’ downstream of the Tower Road Bridge, creates a hydraulically-complex bridge replacement project well-suited to be one of MassDOT’s first applications of two-dimensional (2-D) hydraulic analysis. The presentation will provide an overview of the unique hydraulic features of this crossing, explain the advantages offered by the use of 2-D modeling on this project, discuss model development, summarize hydraulic and sediment transport/scour analysis results, and wrap-up with lessons learned.

Presenters: Aaron Lachance and Jeffrey DeGraff, Hoyle, Tanner & Associates

Facilitator: Hanan Fouad, MassDOT Hydraulics Engineer
DeGraff-Lachance Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 PM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5, Room E: Construction Project Sequencing, the Customer Wins!

The MassDOT Highway Division and the MBTA have been working to develop a more coordinated approach for the 2019 construction season and beyond. The goal is to have ongoing coordination efforts to maximize regional traffic mobility in the face of multiple highway, transit, municipal and private development projects that are reducing vehicular lane capacity and creating train and bus diversions. In 2019, a combined 125 projects will have impacts to the Greater Boston road and rail network. Working collaboratively, the MassDOT Highway Division and the MBTA will strategize future project sequencing to mitigate the overall impacts to the customer and ensure that construction activity on one road or transit facility will not place a severe burden on other roads and transit facilities.

Presenters: Amy Getchell, MassDOT Highway Division
Nicolette Hastings and Christine Trearchis VHB

Facilitator: Andrea d’Amato, AICP, Assistant Secretary for Operational Excellence
Getchell, Hastings, Trearchis Presentation

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM

Concurrent Session 5

Session 5, Room Junior Ballroom: Drones Part 2 - Developing & Deploying Advanced UAS Applications: The Case for Collaboration Among Government, Industry and Academia

In the first presentation, the MassDOT Aeronautics Division will discuss how the big data challenges are being addressed through an effort known as the Drone Data Analytics and Cybersecurity Program. The program includes managing the voluminous amount of collected data (predominantly imagery and video). The MassDOT Aeronautics Drone Program team recognizes the need for a solution to support, 1) the management of UAS operations, 2) secure storage and analysis of the UAS sensor data, and 3) the secure dissemination of end products to MassDOT users and decision makers.

The second presentation will discuss a collaborative UMass Lowell-MassDOT study on the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in surface transportation applications, including highway traffic accident reconstruction, incident situational awareness, and post-disaster transportation system damage assessment. The project aims to identify the optimal locations for deploying UAS to promptly respond to highway incidents and natural disasters, taking into account all important factors that can impact the optimality of UAS locations. The researchers have created a generic analysis procedure that can be applied to evaluate potential UAS location plans.

The third presentation focuses on the integrated use of data from UAS and from laser scanning to create immersive 3D and Virtual Reality (VR) models of public infrastructure, which can help with facility inspection and monitoring. In this presentation, aerial and laser scanned data from the Waterbury Bus Maintenance and Storage Facility in Watertown, Connecticut will be utilized to generate VR-based immersive visualizations. The presentation will include the methodology and protocols involved in the generation of VR models, the visualization itself using VR equipment, as well as its potential usage for stakeholders in decision-making and planning.

Presenters: Danjue Chen, UMass Lowell
Farrukh Arif and Michael Giacco, AI Engineers
Andrew Mihaley, Terrance McKenna, Scott Uebelhart and Edilberto Diaz, MassDOT

Facilitator: Dr. Jeff DeCarlo, MassDOT Aeronautics Administrator
Chen Presentation

10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

Special event

First Floor Exhibits and Refreshments
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6, Mobility Track, Room A: Integrating Consumers into Community Transportation Planning

Groups in Springfield and Worcester each received national, competitive grants this year to include consumers in planning transportation services. Each initiative used different strategies to engage older adults, individuals with disabilities, and other groups that have traditionally been left out of transportation decision-making processes. Learn about each project, its outcomes, and lessons learned.

Presenters: Joe Bellil, Easterseals Massachusetts
Price Armstrong, Pioneer Valley Transit Authority
Moumita Dasgupta, Smith College

Facilitator: David Hoff, UMass Boston, Program Director, Institute for Community Inclusion
Bellil Presentation
Hoff Presentation
Armstrong Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6, Room B: Use of Adaptive Traffic Control Signals in Massachusetts

Three presentations will highlight the development, installation, and implementation of adaptive traffic signal systems to increase efficiency and improve the operation of existing roadways. The first presentation discusses a project that has installed an adaptive traffic signal system in Burlington, Massachusetts, at 27 signalized intersections along Burlington Mall Road, Cambridge Street, and the Middlesex Turnpike. The upgraded system provides enhanced capabilities to adapt to seasonal increases in traffic flow accessing the Burlington Mall, adjust timings to accommodate traffic volume surges due to events on I-95 nearby, and to minimize disruptions to normal signal operation resulting from emergency vehicle passage as they service Lahey Clinic and the two fire stations located within the project area. A live demonstration of the traffic management software will also be shown. The second presentation highlights an innovative public-private partnership between the City of Quincy and Ocean State Signal to bring the City’s traffic signal technology up to a modern standard and implement adaptive traffic signal system technology at more than 20 intersections along key corridors. The final presentation will focus on an innovative adaptive control method called Self-Organizing Traffic Signals. This method retains the essential features of fully actuated control, supplemented by new switching rules that organically lead to coordination and can reduce traffic delays and may offer significant decreases in delay for transit vehicles.

Presenters: Joseph Herr, Angela Dempsey and Dave Greenberg, VHB
Christopher Cassani, City of Quincy
Mike Wasielewski, Ocean State Signal
Peter Furth, Northeastern University

Facilitator: Jim Danila, MassDOT Assistant State Traffic Engineer
Cassani-Wasielewski Presentation
Furth Presentation
Herr-Dempsey Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6, Room C: Strength Evaluation of Corroded Beam Ends

The state of Massachusetts maintained 482 structurally deficient bridges in 2017 (FHWA 2017). Corrosion of steel girder ends is a prevalent problem, due to chemical substances which are employed seasonally to winterize the road. These substances, due to leaking bridge joints, result in section loss at beam ends, significantly reducing the bearing capacity of the bridges. Extensive thickness reduction can potentially result in load posting recommendations. This study investigates the effect of beam end corrosion on the capacity of steel girder bridges, and aims to develop a new procedure to accurately evaluate their remaining strength. The first part of this research is initiated by collecting data from MassDOT inspection reports. The most common shapes and locations of corrosion topologies are identified and quantified, making use of inspection reports across the state of Massachusetts. Second, loading tests are performed on six full-scale beams with natural corrosion obtained from bridges undergoing deconstruction. The effects of initial deformation, web and flange holes are investigated. The ultimate strength and post buckling behavior of the system are presented. Numerical models are developed and calibrated using the experimental data. Finally, new procedures, which could be incorporated in the Massachusetts Bridge Manual, may also be useful for DOT engineers nationwide.

Presenters: George Tzortzinis and Simos Gerasimidis, UMass Amherst

Facilitator: Alex Bardow, MassDOT State Bridge Engineer
Tzortzinis Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6, Room D: South Massachusetts Avenue Corridor Safety Improvements

The City of Cambridge undertook the South Massachusetts Avenue Corridor Safety Improvements project in 2017, with the goal of improving overall safety for users and supporting sustainable transportation through “quick-build” methods. The City and design team evaluated existing conditions and worked to develop low-cost and highly-effective design solutions to increase safety and support walking, bicycling, and transit along one of Cambridge’s busiest corridors. With input from the community and the stakeholders, the team created a low-cost design involving multiple quick-build design elements that offered flexible implementation as well as the possibility for future modifications. The design incorporated restriping pavement markings, signal re-phasing with protected/separate turning movements, additional signage, installation of flexible delineators, separated bicycle lanes, an additional crosswalk, accessible parking spaces and on-street parking, and the City’s second bus priority lane. Through these modifications, the City produced not only an affordable solution, but one that improves the safety and comfort of sustainable transportation. The project was implemented in late fall 2018.

Presenters: Christopher Balerna, Senior Project Manager, Kleinfelder Inc.
Cara Seiderman, Transportation Program Manager, City of Cambridge

Facilitator: Michelle Danila, Complete Streets Engineer, MassDOT
Seiderman-Balerna Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6, Room E: Digitizing Municipal Transportation Workflows

MassDOT GIS Services has released the Road Inventory Submission Application (RISA), a tool designed to replace existing methods of updating the Road Inventory File with a modern, web-based interface. RISA will allow local and regional governments to add roads and suggest changes directly to the MassDOT Road Inventory File, a GIS product used to assess municipal Chapter 90 disbursements.

Presenters: Quinn Molloy, GIS Municipal Coordinator

Facilitator: Jose Simo, GIS Division Coordinator
Simo-Molloy Presentation

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

Concurrent Session 6

Session 6, Room Junior Ballroom: Erosion and Sediment Control Training

MassDOT, MassDEP, ACEC and CIM have partnered to provide statewide environmental training for consultants, contractors and public servants. The purpose of this training is to improve environmental stewardship on Highway Division projects through design, selection and implementation of stormwater Best Management Practices. The session will provide an overview of the material provided in the training, with focus on particular issues and challenges that have emerged during the development and implementation of this training. Panel members will share their unique perspective on these challenges and discuss opportunities to improve environmental compliance on construction projects statewide.

Presenters: Jessica Kenny and George Batchelor, MassDOT

Facilitator: Jessica Kenny, MassDOT Director of Environmental Compliance
Batchelor-Kenny Presentation

12:15 PM - 1:30 PM

Special event

Grand Ballroom

Patricia Leavenworth, Chief Engineer, MassDOT
12:15 PM - 1:30 PM

Special event

Mobility Management Networking Lunch

Showcase corner, first floor.

Any attendee who is specifically interested in mobility for older adults, people with disabilities, and/or low-income individuals is invited to the Mobility Management Networking Lunch! Connect informally with peers in a smaller setting. Meet a potential collaborator or compare notes with a peer from another region. Bring your business cards!

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7

Session 7, Mobility Track, Room A: Transportation as a Social Determinant of Health

Transportation is one of the “social determinants of health:” the social, economic, and environmental factors that affect health. Learn about examples of partnerships between public health and transportation that are underway in Massachusetts to reduce barriers to healthcare. First, hear from two Community Health Network Area (CHNA) coalitions that have identified transportation as a priority. The CHNAs from the Blue Hills and North Central regions will each discuss why they see transportation as a health issue and how they are addressing it through multi-sector collaboration. Then, learn about an innovative effort from rural Central Mass to help physicians understand the role of transportation in healthcare – by incorporating transportation experiences into the medical school curriculum.

Presenters: Gail Farnsworth French, Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp
Kym Williams, Blue Hills Community Health Alliance
Dr. Sarah McAdoo, University of Massachusetts Medical School - Baystate
Chelsey Patriss, Community Health Network for North Central Mass

Facilitator: Angie Constantino, Senior Transportation Planner, Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District
Farnsworth French Presentation
Williams Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7

Session 7, Room B: Using Sketch-Level Modeling Tools for Rail Vision

By the end of 2019, the MassDOT/MBTA Rail Vision will describe a commuter rail system that more effectively serves the future Boston Region. Planning for an uncertain future over a vast established network of commuter rail lines, spanning 388 route miles and almost 150 stations, requires creative thinking, regarding what kind of service is explored and how performance is measured. Rail Vision is conducting this analysis through two tiers– one using sketch tools and a second tier using traditional models (CTPS Travel Demand Model and Rail Traffic Controller). This presentation will focus on what has been learned from the first tier, where sketch-level modeling tools were applied to quickly and easily model performance of different service concepts, to understand how they affect key metrics, including ridership and operational feasibility, at a high-level. These tools – ATTUne for rail operations, the Regional Dynamic Model for ridership, and an Operating Costs model – informed decisions about which types of concepts work best for this region, helping narrow the options from over 65 service concepts to 7 alternatives in a short timeframe.

Presenters: Alexandra Markiewicz, MassDOT Transportation Planner
Michael Gordon, VHB
Stefan Reul, Steer

Facilitator: Alexandra Markiewicz, MassDOT
Markiewicz Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7

Session 7, Room C: Redefining How We Think about Infrastructure: Improving Mobility and the Public Realm

While roadway viaducts, bridges, and overpasses are commonly found in cities, at times even occupying large areas, the spaces below them often create undesirable public realm experience and impacts on pedestrian and bicycle networks. Some past attempts at creating public realm improvements under viaducts have suffered, due to a lack of design and planning integration with basic maintenance and repair requirements for the viaduct structure above. This presentation will focus on design innovations to the spaces under roadway viaducts developed through two projects, one that was recently completed, and another in the preliminary design phase: MassDOT's Underground at Ink Block, and the community-led concept design process for Charlesgate park under the Bowker Overpass, both in Boston. These projects show, that when included early in the integrative design process, these types of spaces can become mobility and public space assets, and potentially even facilitate maintenance and repair for the viaduct structures. Both projects also incorporate green storm water infrastructure where possible, improving water quality while also creating a more aesthetically pleasing environment. The presentation will outline observations and lessons learned, in terms of how the design team considered bridge maintenance and repair from the outset, green storm water management opportunities, and partnerships with local private actors and community groups to ensure viable and sustainable activation and maintenance of the under-viaduct spaces.

Presenters: Marie Law Adams and Daniel Adams, Landing Studio
Geoffrey Morrison-Logan and Eric Monkiewicz, VHB

Facilitator: George Batchelor, MassDOT Supervisor, Landscape Design
Adams Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7

Session 7, Room D: An Ongoing Study in Municipal Transportation Best Practices

Every town in the Greater Boston Metro area struggles with traffic. Traffic congestion affects quality of life, has economic impacts in lost productivity, and contributes to climate change. On a local level, traffic congestion is often used as a basis for opposition to new development. A 2018 study by Einstein, Palmer, and Glick of Boston University, found that the most cited reason for opposition to new development is traffic. As much as the problem will show up as a municipal concern, most towns lack the means, expertise, and influence to deal with this regional scale problem, and the issue is often passed on as one to move up the chain (i.e. to the state or federal level). Despite the ostensible size mismatch there are significant opportunities for towns to help address both the local and regional problem. The Town of Weston has been collaborating with other towns, regional/state/federal agencies, and other transportation experts and providers on a practical set of solutions, and will share its initial findings on Transportation Best Practices where a municipality (Weston) can mitigate traffic issues and help improve transportation locally and regionally.

Presenters: Imaikalani Aiu, Town Planner, Town of Weston
Anthony Flynn, Planning Board Member, Town of Weston
Navjot Singh, Senior Partner at McKinsey, Member of the Governor’s Commission on the Future of Transportation in the Commonwealth

Facilitator: Kate Fichter, MassDOT Assistant Secretary for Policy Coordination
Aiu-Flynn Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7

Session 7, Room E: Accessibility Apps at the T: Removing Barriers through Technology

The panel will introduce three distinct existing and/or emerging applications designed, in whole or in part, to address accessibility barriers. Applications to be discussed include: the BlindWays App, which uses crowdsourcing to provide blind/low vision users with detailed directions to bus stops; the MBTA Trip Planner, in which the T and Google Maps partnered to provided heightened accessibility information about all MBTA stops; and AccessMBTA, which will be piloted this spring, and which uses Bluetooth beacon technology to convert text-based travel information on station advertising screens into audio. The session will also cover the importance of user testing in ensuring such emerging technologies are accessible to all.

Presenters: Luiza Aguiar, Executive Director of Perkins Solutions
Anoopa Sundararajan, Senior Inclusive Technology Researcher, Institute for Human Centered Design
Josh Fabian, MBTA Realtime Applications Coordinator
Elizabeth Winters-Ronaldson, MBTA Deputy Director of Advertising
Laura Brelsford, Assistant General Manager, MBTA System-Wide Accessibility

Facilitator: Kathryn Quigley, Deputy Director of Strategic Planning, MBTA System-Wide Accessibility
Aguiar, Sundararajan, Fabian, Ronaldson, Brelsford Presentation

1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Concurrent Session 7

Session 7, Room Junior Ballroom: State and Local Efforts Surrounding Climate Change Resiliency

The panel for this session will describe the efforts behind creating the nation’s first, integrated State Hazard Mitigation Climate Adaptation Plan (SHMCAP) and the development of statewide climate change projections, including MassDOT’s/EOEEA’s efforts to standardize sea level rise and storm surge data along the Massachusetts coastline for use by state agencies, municipalities, and private stakeholders. An overview of MassDOT’s actions contained in the SHMCAP will be provided, including those that affect design standards and guidelines. This session will further present the City of Boston’s Climate Ready Boston initiative and the steps the City is taking towards implementation, including the Public Works Department’s recently released “Climate Resilient Design Standards & Guidelines for Protection of Public Rights-of-Way”.

Presenters: Steve Miller, MassDOT Environmental Management and Climate Resiliency
Sarah White, Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
Alisha Pegan, City of Boston
Julie Eaton, Weston & Sampson, Inc.

Facilitator: Tim Dexter, MassDOT Fish & Wildlife Supervisor
Pegan-Eaton Presentation
SHMCAP Presentation
Miller Presentation

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Special event

First Floor Exhibits and Refreshments
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 8

Session 8, Mobility Track, Room A: Connecting Seniors to Ride-Hailing Platforms

On-demand ride-hailing platforms like Uber and Lyft are helping to improve mobility, but can be challenging to use for those unfamiliar with or not in possession of the necessary smartphone technology. This session will feature a presentation from TRIPPS, a transportation resource for older adults based in Brookline, that developed a curriculum to teach seniors how to use Uber and Lyft. We'll hear from GoGoGrandparent, a company that requests and monitors transportation network company (TNC) rides for older adults who do not have access to a smart phone. And Lyft will demo their "concierge" product, a tool used by transit agencies and organizations to schedule and dispatch rides for consumers. General information about organizations partnering with TNCs to serve older adults, people with disabilities, and low-income individuals will also be included.

Presenters: Jane Gould, TRIPPS
Ben Sisko, Lyft
Justin Boogaard, GoGoGrandparent

Facilitator: Jenna Henning, MassMobility
Sisko Presentation
Gould Presentation
Boogaard Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 8

Session 8, Room B:
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 8

Session 8, Room C:
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 8

Session 8, Room D:
3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 8

Session 8, Room E: Applied Technology for the Inventory and Assessment of MassDOT and MBTA-owned Pedestrian Infrastructure

The first presentation will focus on the accessibility of the MBTA system and the MBTA’s Plan for Accessible Transportation Infrastructure (PATI), a part of its long-range strategy to achieve a fully accessible system. To support that goal, the MBTA collected accessibility data at 7,690 bus stops and 177 rail stations throughout its service area. The presentation will discuss the planning and design process that went into this substantial data collection undertaking, the data scoring, and the establishing of priorities for future improvements. The presenters will also share lessons learned about survey and scoring design, personnel selection and training, and quality control. The second presentation will highlight an ongoing MassDOT project examining the use of LiDAR as a tool to support efficient inventory updates and condition assessments of pedestrian infrastructure under MassDOT’s jurisdiction. Focusing on the State Route 9 corridor, the immediate scope of this study is to collect and process data with a mobile-LiDAR system, to verify and update the existing MassDOT’s sidewalk inventory data, and to incorporate physical condition information into the inventory geodatabase. It is anticipated that the outcome will provide MassDOT’s Highway Division with accurate information from which to prioritize sidewalk infrastructure maintenance and construction programs.

Presenters: Bill Schwartz, Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates
Matt von Wahlde, Geonetics, Inc.
Chengbo Ai, UMass Amherst
Jack Moran, MassDOT

Facilitator: Jack Moran, MassDOT Deputy Chief of Performance and Asset Management
Schwartz-von Wahlde Presentation
Ai Presentation

3:15 PM - 4:30 PM

Concurrent Session 8

Session 8, Room Junior Ballroom: MassDOT's Project Delivery Process - Updates and Changes

This session will focus on recent improvements to the MassDOT Highway Division’s project delivery process including: early project coordination and scoping, how they are leveraging technology and lessons learned from the use of MapIT and Bluebeam, how they are using metrics to drive performance, and tips for municipalities for managing STIP projects, and upcoming initiatives.

Presenters: Patty Leavenworth and John Bechard, MassDOT

Facilitator: Patty Leavenworth, MassDOT Chief Engineer
Leavenworth Presentation



Reach Your Target Market at the Largest Transportation Innovation Conference in Massachusetts!

After the success of last year’s Complete Street replica, this year’s conference will again have a Complete Street display featuring a Roundabout! The Complete Street Roundabout will include bicycle and traffic signals, crosswalks, protected bike lanes, dedicated bus lanes, electric scooters and bikes, drones and more!There will be live demonstrations throughout the day showcasing drones, electric chainsaws, ADA sidewalk inspection and construction, the MassTrails manual, just to name a few.

Come demonstrate your innovative equipment in our to-scale replica of a Roundabout! This unique opportunity will provide attendees and prospective customers alike to see your equipment in full operation. All Sponsors and Exhibitors will be located on the first floor along the street. Gold Sponsors have the chance to create and show off their company by creating their own parklet on the street! Show off your equipment to over 1000 professionals who attend the event.



The annual MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference attracts transportation professionals from all over New England who are seeking the latest information on innovative technologies, designs and practices.

This combined event will be an invaluable opportunity for state, MPO/local, transit agencies, researchers, human service agency staff, advocates, planners, and private sector practitioners to share ideas, sponsor peer-to-peer learning, and collaborate on issues of mutual interest.

The conference runs from 7:30AM to 4:00PM on April 9 & 10, 2019. 



A GOLD Level Sponsor receives parklet space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:

• Two additional complimentary attendee registrations

Your logo will also be included on:
• Innovation Conference App, with company information, and link to sponsor’s website
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Emails and direct mail marketing materials
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Shown during the conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom
• Company banner displayed in main ballroom 
• Session agenda signs outside each meeting room

Cost: $3,000.00


A SILVER Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:

• One additional complimentary attendee registrations

Your logo will also be included on:
• Innovation Conference App, with company information, and link to sponsor’s website
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Emails and direct mail marketing materials
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Shown during the conference slide show that is played throughout the event in the main ballroom

Cost: $1,500.00



A BRONZE Level Sponsor receives booth space, skirted table and chair as well as the following:

Your logo will also be included on:
• Innovation Conference App, with company information, and link to sponsor’s website
• Event website (including link to sponsor’s website)
• Event brochure that is distributed the morning of the event
• Shown during the conference slide show played throughout the event in the main ballroom

Cost: $750.00



Your Exhibitor Booth Includes:

• A 8-foot skirted table, one chair and one waste paper basket
• Additional chairs are available on request, depending on the number of attendees registered by your organization
• An electrical outlet

Cost: $500.00

FOR-PROFIT Fees include an exhibit booth and one complimentary conference registration, continental breakfast, lunch and breaks. Exhibitor assistants must pre-register online at $150.00 each.


Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference at $150.00 each. Non-Profit agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.


Includes an exhibit booth. Each agency attendee must pre-register online for the conference at $75.00 each. Government agencies interested in being a sponsor must pay regular sponsor fees.

Online registration is now available. Click on the "Sponsor Fees" tab at the top of the page. Registration forms can also be emailed to donnelly@umass.edu


Questions can be directed to Kathryn Donnelly at the UMass Transportation One Center - (413) 230-6791.


first floor map

Proposed first floor layout. More details coming soon!


Booth choice will be given to Gold Level Sponsors first, then Silver, then Bronze, then Exhibitors in order of paid registrations.


• 8 foot skirted table, one chair and one waste paper basket
• Additional chairs are available on request, depending on the number of attendees that your organization registers.
• Indicate any special considerations and requests, including electrical outlets. 

Exhibitors/Sponsors will be required to pay for any exhibit-specific audiovisual equipment, such as a table-top or free-standing TV-VCR. Please contact the UMTC at 413-545-2604, for specific equipment costs.

Exhibitors can SET UP on April 8 - 11:00am to 4:00pm and on April 9 between 6:00am and 7:30am. Exhibitors MUST enter through Door 4 on Major Taylor Blvd. prior to show hours.

Dismantling of exhibits may not occur prior to 4:30pm on April 10, 2019.

Arrangements may be made for shipment and storage of exhibitor displays to The DCU Center prior to the conference. There will be handling charges depending on the weight of the package(s).  Should you need to ship items to The DCU Center for use during your event, please address the boxes as follows:

Guest Name (or the person who will be on site)
Your Company Name / MassDOT Transportation Innovation Conference, The DCU Center, 50 Foster St, Worcester, MA 01608



Image of DCU Center

The DCU Center

The Convention Center has 100,310 square feet of exhibit space, 23,636 square feet in 11 meeting rooms, and a 12,144 square foot ballroom, (the largest in Central Massachusetts). The DCU Center is designed and sized specifically for the professional fulfillment, comfort and budget of small to large-sized conventions, meetings, social events and trade shows.

• 58,960 square feet of contiguous Exhibition Space

• 2 Ballrooms

• 11 Meeting Rooms (inclusive of Ballrooms)

• 2 Lounges

• Exquisite Pre-function Space

• Superb In-house Catering

• Separate Entrances for all Exhibit Halls

• Utility Floor Boxes located on 30-ft. centers

• Sophisticated Communication and Utility Services

• Electric: 120, 208 and 480 volt

• Water In and Out

• Compressed Air

• Voice, Video, CATV, Telephone and Data Communication

• Satellite Down-Link Capabilities

• Adjustable Lighting Levels

• 3 Access Doors that provide direct entry for large semis and other equipment onto Exhibit Hall floor

• Floor Load: Exhibition Hall - 350 pounds per square feet
Ballrooms & Meeting Rooms - 100 pounds per square feet

• Ceiling heights:
Exhibit Hall-30'
Jr. Ballroom-14'8"

• Meeting Rooms-13'6", Showcase Corner-36'

• Dock Height: 4' with adjustable dock levelers

• Handicap Accessible

Area Hotels

Hilton Garden Inn
35 Major Taylor Blvd, Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 753-5700

Courtyard Worcester
72 Grove St, Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: (508) 363-0300

Holiday Inn Express
110 Summer St, Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (508) 757-0400

AC Hotel by Marriott Worcester
125 Front St, Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: (774) 420-7555


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Registration/First Floor Exhibits: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM



Break/First Floor Exhibits: 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

CONCURRENT SESSION #2: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM



Break/First Floor Exhibits: 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM


Reception: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM  

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Registration/First Floor Exhibits: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM



Break/First Floor Exhibits: 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM

CONCURRENT SESSION #6: 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM



Break/First Floor Exhibits: 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM



Image of DCU Center

Directions and Parking

The DCU Center's street address is 50 Foster Street, Worcester, MA 01608. Please see the below directions to help you find us from your location.
Get directions from the Public Transportation / North / Northeast / East / Southeast / South / Southwest / West / Northwest / Airports

From the North:
Sterling; Leominster; and Fitchburg: Take Rt. 12 S. to Rt. 190 S. to Rt. 290 W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center.
Nashua, NH and Manchester, NH: Take Rt. 3 S. to Rt. 495 S. to Rt. 290 W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center.

From the Northeast:
Marlborough; Lowell; Lawrence; Haverhill; and Portsmouth, NH: Take Rt. 495 S. Get off at Exit 25B. Take Rt. 290 W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center. Lincoln; Salem; and Concord: Take Rt. 95 S (Rt. 128 S) to I- 90 W (the Mass Turnpike West) to Rt. 495 N. Get off at Exit 25B. Take Rt. 290 W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center.

From the East:
Wellesley; Newton; Cambridge; and Boston: Take I-90W (Mass Turnpike West) to Rt. 495-N to Rt. 290-W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center. Framingham; Natick; Westborough; and Shrewsbury: Take Rt. 9 W all the way into Worcester. When you get to the Worcester line, "White City Shopping Center" will be on the left. Stay on Rt. 9 and proceed to your 8th set of lights. Take a left onto Major Taylor Blvd. At the 4th set of lights, the DCU Center is on your right.

From the Southeast:
Uxbridge; Woonsocket, RI; Pawtucket, RI; Providence, RI; and Warwick, RI: Take Rt. 146 N to Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the end of the ramp. At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left. Taunton; Attleboro; and Foxboro: Take Rt. 495-N to Rt. 290-W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center. Falmouth, Hyannis, Provincetown: Take Rt. 6 W to Rt. 28 S towards Providence, merge onto Rt. 25 W and stay straight onto Rt. 495 N to Rt. 290-W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center. Norwood, Brockton; and Quincy: Take Rt. 95 N (Rt. 128 N) to I-90 W (the Mass Turnpike West) to Rt. 495 N to Rt. 290-W. Get off at Exit 18. Follow signs to the DCU Center.

From the South:
Webster; Putman, CT; Plainfield, CT; Norwich, CT; and New London, CT: Take Rt. 395 N. to Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the end of the ramp. At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left.

From the Southwest:
Sturbridge; Southbridge; Harford, CT; and New York, NY: Take I-90 E. (the Mass Turnpike East) to Exit 10 (Auburn). After the tollbooth, bear left at the fork. Take Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the bottom of the ramp (there is a light). At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left.

From the West:
Sturbridge; Southbridge; Harford, CT; and New York, NY: Take I-90 E. (the Mass Turnpike East) to Exit 10 (Auburn). After the tollbooth, bear left at the fork. Take Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the bottom of the ramp (there is a light). At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left.

From the Northwest:
Barre; Athol; Orange; Greenfield; and Brattleboro, VT: Take Rt. 122 S., remaining on until you reach Worcester. Rt. 122 S becomes Pleasant Street. Stay straight Pleasant Street. Tun left onto Main Street. Turn right onto Foster Street. Follow Foster Street until you see the DCU Center on your left.

From Local Airports:
Worcester Regional Airport, Worcester, MA: Turn left onto Airport Dr. and follow Airport Dr. to the end, bearing right at the bottom of the hill. Take right onto Pleasant St. Follow Pleasant St. for about 3 miles until you come to a rotary. Take the 3rd exit off the rotary onto Highland St. Follow Highland St. for approximately 1.5 miles, turn right onto Major Taylor Blvd. Follow Major Taylor Blvd. for approximately 0.1 miles, and the DCU Center will be on your right. Logan Airport, Boston, MA: Take the Sumner Tunnel to Rt. 93 S, to I-90 W (the Mass Turnpike West). Get off at Exit 10 (Auburn). After the tollbooth, bear left at the fork. Take Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the bottom of the ramp (there is light). At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left. Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks, CT: Take Rt. 91 N to I-90 E. (the Mass Turnpike East) to Exit 10 (Auburn). After the tollbooth, bear left at the fork. Take Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the bottom of the ramp (there is a light). At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left. Manchester Airport, Manchester, NH: Take Rt. 3 S. to Rt. 495 S. to Rt. 290 W. Get off at Exit 16. Take a right at the end of the ramp. At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left. TF Green Airport, Warwick, RI:
Take Rt. 95 N to Rt. 146 N to Rt. 290 E. Get off at Exit 16. Take a left at the end of the ramp. At the 3rd set of lights (Major Taylor Blvd.), the DCU Center is on your left.

Please Consider Using Public Transportation:

The MBTA commuter rail can be taken to Union Station, 34 Washington Square in Worcester. Union Station is located less than half a mile from the DCU enter. To walk from Union Station to the DCU Center, take a left upon exiting the station. Then, take a right onto Foster Street and follow Foster Street for about .2 miles. Once you've passed St. Vincent Hospital (on your right), cross the street to the DCU Center plaza. The Arena Box Office entrance will be directly in front of you. To enter the Convention Center, bear right down the plaza to Door #2, or Door #1 (revolving doors) on Major Taylor Blvd.For commuter rail fares and schedules to and from Worcester, please visit the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) at www.mbta.com or by calling 617-222-5000.

WRTA and WRTA ADA Paratransit

The Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) is a regional transit system that services the City of Worcester and the surrounding 36 communities in the Central Massachusetts area with a bus fleet that includes all-electric buses as well as many diesel-electric hybrid buses. www.therta.com

To schedule paratransit trips please call 508.791.WRTA option 3. Don't forget to schedule your return trip.

Parking at Union Station? The WRTA has several bus routes that will take you by the DCU Center. Routes 3,  23, 24, 26, 30 and 31. For more information visit the WRTA website.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan Bus Lines brings you to Union Station, 2 Washington Square, Worcester, MA 01604

Map of Worcester Parking

First Name Affiliation
Grace LimeBike
Chris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Cesar Sales Solutions, Inc. (GA)
Michael 3M (MN)
Robert HNTB Corporation
Ryan All States Materials Group
Art Indus Inc.
Richard Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Aaron eNdoto Corp. (East Hartford CT)
Todd Bryant Associates, Inc.
John Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester NH)
Genevieve Michael Baker International (CT)
George eNdoto Corp. (East Hartford CT)
Dave Highway Rehab Corporation (NY)
Matt Benesch (MA)
Pompeo Weston & Sampson
Joe Innovative Surface Solutions (NY)
Andy EMSEAL Joint Systems
Sal Precision Concrete Cutting (CT)
Aaron Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.
Michael Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. (SC)
Robert GPI (MA)
John GPI (MA)
John Groundscapes Express
Jeff Dewberry
John Stantec (Burlington MA)
Raymond AECOM
Ray Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
James Felix A. Marino Co., Inc.
John Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Nicole MobilityWorks (NH)
Benny Apex Companies, LLC
Fayssal Husseini Design Group LLC
Paul OGI inc
Heather HDR
Stanley StreetScan Inc.
Annie Aquaphalt- Roadstone Productions (CA)
Thomas McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH)
Christine TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
David Horizon Signal Technologies, Inc. (PA)
Matt HNTB Corporation
Richard WSP (MA)
Bo Migma Systems, Inc.
Theresa Aero Aggregates of North America (PA)
Jim Fifield Electric Bikes, Inc.
Brian KCI Technologies (FL)
Frederick Gregory Industries (NH)
Dean City of Leominster
Robert Econolite Control Products (MA)
Ellen CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Jay City Point Partners, LLC
Essek VHB
Corey MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs (MA EOEA)
Laureen Brennan Consulting, Inc.
Gene AutomaTech, Inc.
David GPI (MA)
Luciano Jacobs
Adam Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning
Dennis Stantec
Glenn Contech Engineered Solutions
Gregory VHB
Jose Grainger (CT)
Teresa Gannett Fleming TranSystems
William Kimley-Horn and Associates
Benjamin Altec Industries, Inc. (MA)
Geoff Verizon Smart Communities (NH)
Thomas Steere Engineering, Inc. (RI)
Jasmine Green International Affiliates
Michael CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Andrea LandTech Consultants, Inc.
J M Ocean State Signal Co. (RI)
Judy Ideal Block
Lenny Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Ellen HNTB Corporation
John WSP (MA)
Rebecca Jacobs
Taylor Royal Truck & Equipment, Inc. (PA)
Michael BL Companies
Jay Lock & Load
Adam Dewberry
Michael City of Haverhill
Jennifer FHWA (MA)
Kenneth FHWA (MA)
Jason FHWA (MA)
Tracy FHWA, Safety R&D, Human Factors Team (VA)
Joshua FHWA (MA)
Tomasz FHWA (MA)
Matt FHWA, Safety R&D, Human Factors Team (VA)
Jeff FHWA (MA)
Cassandra FHWA (MA)
Michael FHWA (MA)
Sandy FHWA, Safety R&D, Human Factors Team (VA)
Brandon FHWA (MA)
Gerardo UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Tom Felix A. Marino Co., Inc.
Emma UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Robert UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Courtney BayPath Elder Services
Jeff UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Michelle UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Brenda MassDOT District 1
Victoria UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Maureen BayPath Elder Services
Kurt MassDOT District 1
Kathryn UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Viviane BayPath Elder Services
Alexa University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Cole University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Erin Private Citizen
Kim UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Sam UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Jennifer UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Ayushi UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kristy Human Service Transportation
Kassandra UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Grace UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Rebecca UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Tina Human Service Transportation
Waverly UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Matt UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Sandy Human Service Transportation
Cindy Private Citizen
Benjamin UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Sharna Human Service Transportation
Michael UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Kris UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Aldo UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Tracy UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Eleni University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Vera Human Service Transportation
William Human Service Transportation
Anthony Human Service Transportation
Youssef MassDOT District 4
Joseph MassDOT Right of Way Bureau
Mariselly MassDOT Research and Materials
Melissa MassDOT District 3
Daryl MassDOT District 2
Alex MassDOT District 6
Nick MassDOT Research and Materials
Marghrit MassDOT District 3
Lokman MassDOT District 4
Steve MassDOT
Bernard MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Aidan MassDOT Research and Materials
Gary MassDOT
Corinna MassDOT
David MassDOT Information Technology
Sefira Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Stephen MassDOT District 3
Jason MassDOT District 3
Robbin MassDOT
Hema MassDOT
Kevin Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Lorraine MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Michael MassDOT
Matthew MassDOT District 2
Stephanie MassDOT
Sarah MassDOT District 3
Ethan MassDOT
Emily MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Thomas MassDOT District 5
Michael MassDOT District 4
Christopher MassDOT
Kelley Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Alolade MassDOT District 3
Steven MassDOT District 6
Dennis MassDOT District 3
Daniel MassDOT
Joe MassDOT District 3
Catherine MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Luka MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Andrea MassDOT District 5
Peter MassDOT District 4
Dennis MassDOT District 3
David MassDOT District 4
Matthew MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Judy Massachusetts Safe Routes to School Program
Megan MassDOT District 1
Liz MassDOT Highway Division
Nick MassDOT District 3
John MassDOT
Alex MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT District 4
Rita MassDOT Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
Thomas MassDOT
Joe MassDOT District 5
Susan MassDOT
Margo MassDOT
Christopher MassDOT
Elizabeth MassDOT Highway Division
Chunxia MassDOT District 2
Michael Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Ana MassDOT
Robert MassDOT District 5
Kevin MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
E Jenny MassDOT Highway Division
Joseph MassDOT District 3
Joseph MassDOT District 3
Michael MassDOT
Oona MassDOT
Jaime Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Rob MassDOT
Micah MassDOT
Jacquelyn MassDOT
David MassDOT
Jeffrey MassDOT District 3
Ross MassDOT District 3
Christian MassDOT
Jeffrey MassDOT District 3
Shannon MassDOT
Francis MassDOT District 5
Eileen Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Kimberly MassDOT Right of Way Bureau
Meghan MassDOT Highway Division
Patrick MassDOT District 3
Diane MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Susan MassDOT
Francisca MassDOT District 1
Patrick MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Michelle MassDOT
Matt MassDOT
Richard MassDOT District 4
Carl MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT
Andre Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Susan MassDOT
Kwabena MassDOT District 3
Michael MassDOT District 4
Connor MassDOT
Paul MassDOT District 2
Catherine MassDOT
Eamon MassDOT
James MassDOT
Gregory MassDOT
Valerie MassDOT
Lily Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Mark MassDOT District 4
Derek MassDOT
Prabhat MassDOT
Louis MassDOT District 5
Emma MassDOT
Bao MassDOT District 2
Patrick MassDOT Research and Materials
Derek MassDOT Research and Materials
Koby MassDOT
Jon MassDOT District 2
Melissa MassDOT
Jessica MassDOT
Carmel Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Kevin MassDOT
Alexander MassDOT District 2
John Committee for Public Counsel Services
Jean MassDOT
Walter MassDOT Highway Division
Alan MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Philip MassDOT
Thomas MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Paul MassDOT Highway Division
Pamela MassDOT District 3
Matt MassDOT
Patrick MassDOT
James MassDOT District 3
Susan Jacobs
David MassDOT District 5
John MassDOT District 6
Terrence MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Ryan MassDOT
Jeremy MassDOT
Omar MassDOT Safe Routes to School Program
Tara MassDOT
Wilfred MassDOT District 2
William MassDOT District 3
Benjamin MassDOT District 6
Adam MassDOT District 3
Diane MassDOT
Jesse MassDOT
Greg MassDOT District 5
Makaela MassDOT
Nexwan Town of Concord
Colin MassDOT Research and Materials
Patrick MassDOT Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV)
Anne MassDOT District 2
Barbara MassDOT
Ann MassDOT
Chester MassDOT
Tracy MassDOT
Jason MassDOT
Jeremiah MassDOT District 3
James Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Alba MassDOT
Raymond MassDOT District 2
Timothy MassDOT District 4
Hasmukh MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT District 3
Alba MassDOT Highway Division
Stephen MassDOT
Mary-Joe MassDOT District 5
Irene MassDOT
Nathan MassDOT
Hung MassDOT
Lawrence MassDOT District 5
Sandhya MassDOT
Bryan McKinsey Boston
Behnam MassDOT
Maria MassDOT
Craig MassDOT District 5
Jennifer MassDOT
Steven MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Muazzez MassDOT
Jennifer MassDOT District 2
Judith MassDOT
Jason MassDOT Research and Materials
Derrick MassDOT
Nick MassDOT District 3
Emmanuel MassDOT
Michael MassDOT District 3
Margarita MassDOT District 4
Andrew MassDOT Highway Division
Timothy MassDOT
Shalini Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Lori MassDOT District 3
David MassDOT
Linda Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Gabriel MassDOT
Derek MassDOT
Aaron MassDOT District 5
Bryan MassDOT
James MassDOT
Claudia MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT
Shane MassDOT District 5
Elliot MassDOT
David MassDOT
Diana MassDOT
Kevin MassDOT District 3
Paul MassDOT
Corrine MassDOT
Susan MassDOT
Misrak MassDOT
Joseph MassDOT
Frank MassDOT District 4
Allison Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Eric MassDOT
Bindu MassDOT
Marilyn MassDOT
Paul MassDOT
Szczepan MassDOT District 3
Elizabeth MassDOT
Caroline MassDOT
Zach MassDOT
John MassDOT
Daniel MassDOT District 5
Robert MassDOT District 5
David MassDOT Highway Division
Lee Ann MassDOT
Eric MassDOT
Courtney MassDOT
Yichao MassDOT District 2
Sheila MassDOT
Akosua MassDOT Research and Materials
Joseph MassDOT
Anthony MassDOT
Marianti MassDOT
Nicholas MassDOT
Samantha Viability, Inc.
Nicholas ACCEPT Education Collaborative
Matt FriendshipWorks
Patrick work inc
Raylen Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Michael Habilitation Assistance Corporation
Maria TRIPPS Massachusetts
Catherine Easterseals, Inc. (MA)
Louisa LivableStreets Alliance
Sophia Watertown Transportation Management Association
April LogistiCare Solutions LLC
Ranisha Working Cities Pittsfield
Bryan Berkshire Community Action Council (BCAC)
Angela Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Jarred TransitMatters
Deborah Berkshire Community Action Council (BCAC)
Kelsey Emerson Hospital
Aleta Berkshire Community Action Council (BCAC)
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Carmen Arc of Greater Plymouth
Donna Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging
Staci Conservation Law Foundation
Marlene North Central Regional Mental Health Board (CT)
Rita Precast Prestressed Concrete Institute Northeast
Mary Barr Foundation
Ashley Blue Hills Community Health Alliance
Patrick Seaport TMA
Leonidas Easterseals, Inc. (MA)
Kate 2Life Communities
Zachary Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Rana Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Sheri Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Charles New Hampshire Department of Transportation Systems Management Operations (TSMO)
Gene Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Boston)
Tanya Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Boston)
Kobena Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Boston)
Harry Shuttlebus-Zoom (ME)
Louise Department of Mental Health (North Grafton)
Steve MassCor Industries
Cynthia MA Commission for the Blind (MCB)
Brian Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC)
Todd Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Karen MA House of Representatives
Cris Norfolk County RSVP
Yahaira Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Betsy Boston Region MPO
Carolyn MA Commission for the Blind (MCB)
Sarah Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Brian Division of Ecological Restoration
Teri Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Boston)
Peter Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC)
Marc Massachusetts Maritime Academy
David Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)
Cara National Rural Transit Assistance Program
Constance Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Deirdre New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Steven MassCor Industries
Robert Norfolk County RSVP
Monique University of Massachusetts Medical School
Connor Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Robert Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Megan Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG)
Lucas New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Brenda MassCor Industries
James Merrimack Valley Planning Commission (MVPC)
Hoamy Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC)
Steven Cape Cod Commission (CCC)
Chris Transportation for Massachusetts (T4MA)
Dale VHB
Daniel Landing Studio
Ravi UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Luiza Perkins School for the Blind
Dave 3M (MN)
Chengbo University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Imaikalani Town of Weston
Taher Bridgewater State University
Ali MassDOT
Farrukh NED University of Engineering & Technology (Pakistan)
E. Price Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Christopher Kleinfelder, Inc.
Alexander MassDOT
George MassDOT
Lyris MassDOT
Edward Benesch (MA)
John MassDOT Highway Division
Jonah MA Senate
Joe Easterseals, Inc. (MA)
Michael Tremont Strategies
Amanda MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs (MA EOEA)
Sayeeda University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Erica HNTB Corporation
Justin GoGo Technologies, Inc. (CA)
Neil MassDOT
Carlos Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
Laura Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Mark FHWA (RI)
Nick FHI Studio (CT)
Perian Shuttlebus-Zoom (ME)
William New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Christopher City of Quincy
Danjue North Carolina State University (NC State)
Pete MassDOT
Stephanie Middlesex 3 Coalition
Bill American Concrete Pavement Association of NY (NY)
Andrea MassDOT
James MassDOT
Michelle MassDOT
Camilla Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Moumita Smith College
Craig Massachusetts Concrete & Aggregate Producers Association-MaCAPA
Jeffrey Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Aikaterini University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Angela VHB
Ralph Stantec (Burlington MA)
Jacqueline MassDOT
Tim MassDOT
Craig TRC Companies
Beth University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass)
Lori Michael Baker International (CT)
Julie Weston & Sampson (Reading)
Steve 3M (MN)
Wesley Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Thomas MassDOT District 3
Rana TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Joshua Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Gail Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp
Rachel MassDOT
Kate MassDOT
Anthony Town of Weston
Hanan MassDOT
James Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Peter Northeastern University
Ramya Bridgewater State University
Travis 3M (MN)
Simos University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Amy MassDOT
Michael AI Engineers, Inc. (CT)
David Design Consultants, Inc. (Somerville)
Astrid MassDOT
Phil Alta Planning + Design
Michael VHB
Jane TRIPPS Massachusetts
Dave VHB
John STV Group
Jonathan MassDOT
Grant 3M (MN)
Sally New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Seth Geosciences Testing and Research (GTR)
Heather BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Lawrence Bridgewater State University
Niki VHB
Christine University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Pamela MassDOT District 5
Jennifer MassMobility
Joseph VHB
Scott Horizon Signal Technologies, Inc. (PA)
David University of Massachusetts Boston (UMass)
Qing University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Doug MA Senate
Wes MassDOT District 3
Mathew Jacobs
Nicholas Toole Design Group
Evan 3M (MN)
Ryan nuTonomy
Joelle Rhode Island Public Transit Authority
Jessica MassDOT
Rob MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Aaron Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Aniko Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Marie Landing Studio
Patricia MassDOT
Steven New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Tracie MassDOT Highway Division
Barry MassDOT District 3
Alexandra MassDOT
Julie South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)
Gabriela UMass Transportation Center (UMTC)
Paul MassDOT District 4
Theresa HDR
Steve Tasks for Transit
Maggie MassDOT Research and Materials
Terrance MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Drew MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Steven MassDOT
Zoe Greater Portland Council of Governments (ME)
Quinn MassDOT
Eric VHB
Jack MassDOT District 4
Geoffrey VHB
Richard MassDOT Research and Materials
Scott A Better City (ABC)
Albert VHB
David Comprehensive Environmental, Inc. (NH)
Corey MassDOT
Michael MassDOT
Lily MassDOT
Holly Less Road Traveled (CT)
Chelsey Community Health Network for North Central Mass
Andrew MassDOT
Alicia City of Boston
Marco MassDOT
Sarah University of Massachusetts Medical School
Eric 33 Smart Mobility Corridor (OH)
Bonnie MassDOT
Stephanie MassDOT
Reed Boston Cybernetics Institute
Thomas Royal Truck & Equipment, Inc. (PA)
Kathryn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Brittany South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)
Georgie New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Stefan Steer (CA)
Guy MassDOT
Fred Easterseals, Inc. (NH)
Meg AER Environmental Access Committee
Peter Toole Design Group
Samantha VHB
Alyssa University of Arizona
Jason Stantec (Burlington MA)
Bill Nelson\Nygaard
Bob WGBH Radio
Cara City of Cambridge Traffic
Uma Bridgewater State University
Judy Easterseals, Inc. (IL)
Jose MassDOT
Navjot McKinsey Boston
Charalampos University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Ben Lyft (CA)
Hannah Bird
Peter New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT)
Gary VHB
Daniel MassDOT
Patricia Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging
Anoopa Institute for Human Centered Design (IHC)
Pete MassDOT
Francis University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Joseph Stantec (Burlington MA)
William MassDOT District 5
Christine VHB
Michael MassDOT
Scott MassDOT Aeronautics Division
Amber Department of Veterans Affairs
Matt BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Scott 3M (MN)
Julia Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) Boston
Yuhao University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Mike Ocean State Signal Co. (RI)
Sarah MA Emergency Management Agency (MEMA)
Dan Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Violet MassDOT
Kym Blue Hills Community Health Alliance
Liz MassDOT
Timothy MassDOT Research and Materials
Elizabeth Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Christos Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT)
Scott Town of Acton
Shanshan CT Transportation Safety Research Center (CTSRC) (CT)
Rachel Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC)
Kate Kleinfelder, Inc.
Kwame WSP (MA)
Amanda VHB
Matthew CDR Maguire (MA)
Dave HNTB Corporation
Christina eNdoto Corp. (East Hartford CT)
Erik McFarland Johnson
Christopher Unistress Corporation
Jacob Liberty Mutual Insurance
Pamela Innovative Surface Solutions (NY)
Dennis WSP (MA)
Dave Precision Concrete Cutting (CT)
Mike HNTB Corporation
Patrick Benchmark Strategies
Andrew WSP, USA
Jeff 128 Business Council
Mark IPS Group (CA)
Paul HNTB Corporation
John SADA Systems (CA)
Luke VHB
Benjamin BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Michele TransAction Associates
Norman Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester CT)
Karen Keville Enterprises
Steven Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Scott Weston & Sampson
Richard Stantec (Burlington MA)
Gary HNTB Corporation
Kathy Jacobs
Christopher Tetra Tech, Inc.
Richard Weston & Sampson
Kathleen CDW Consultants
Kate Precision Polymer Casting (OH)
Chris Precision Polymer Casting (OH)
Scott Gill Engineering
Nady Keville Enterprises
Karen FedEx (MA)
Christine VHB
Elsa VHB
Joe A. R. Belli, Inc.
Lori BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Jonathan MassDOT
Todd Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Jessica Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Andrew WSP (MA)
Connor Vortex Companies (CT)
Thomas Collins Engineers, Inc.
Sean SAS Institute Inc.
Fran Indus Inc.
Joe Smart Transportation Systems
Ryan CHA Consulting, Inc.(MA)
Cody Routematch (NC)
Christopher Jacobs
Joshua Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Pam StreetLight Data (RI)
Ryan HDR
Chuck Kiessling Transit, Inc.
Matthew HNTB Corporation
Thomas Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Kevin TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Anthony Collins Engineers, Inc.
Scott Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Jane Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Nichole Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Gisel HNTB Corporation
Jason Toole Design Group
Jeffrey AECOM
Scott Michael Baker International (CT)
Sandra A. R. Belli, Inc.
Sharon Grainger (CT)
Ted Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Robert Felix A. Marino Co., Inc.
Sean Esri (MA)
Joe Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists
Jared Jacobs
Robert Vortex Roundabouts
Jack Filtrexx Northeast Systems (NH)
Nicole VHB
Emad Nitsch Engineering
Leah HNTB Corporation
Jose Verizon Smart Communities (NH)
Mike E.J. Prescott, Inc. (ME)
Sean BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Bonnie GPI (MA)
Mark Econolite (IL)
Jason Gill Engineering
Jamilee RINA/Patrick Engineering, Inc.
James Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Brian Charles River Analytics
Eric XL Hybrids
Jaime Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Manchester NH)
Philip WSP (MA)
Michael Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Kenneth Atlas Drilling
Peter Dewberry
Jayson Jacobs
Susan Dewberry
Mark BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Peter Gill Engineering
Joseph Gill Engineering
Jason Lock & Load
Abbie American Council of Engineering Companies (MA)
Butch Groundscapes Express
Kristine Parsons Corporation
Mark Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Linda Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Jerome Design Consultants, Inc. (Somerville)
Birendra Nitsch Engineering
Damian OUTFRONT Media (NY)
Robert H&H
Douglas GPI (MA)
Patrick TEC, Inc. (Lawrence MA)
Dave Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Rebecca Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Ingeborg BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Walter Stantec (Burlington MA)
Michael CONSOR Engineers, LLC
Robert Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Nathan Slalom
Kien BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Steve McFarland Johnson, Inc. (VT)
Adam HNTB Corporation (MO)
Mike Epsilon Associates
Amy Town of Brookline
Ko Green International Affiliates
Alyssa Epsilon Associates
Rosie Toole Design Group
Darshan BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Craig Dewberry
Daniel Dewberry
Kelley Building Relationships as a Foundation for Growth
Ravi WSP (MA)
Vinod Tighe & Bond (Westfield)
Jonathan HNTB Corporation
Vahid WSP (MA)
Bill A. R. Belli, Inc.
Jason A. R. Belli, Inc.
Wayne Brennan Consulting, Inc.
John Ways2Go Travel Training
Christopher Toole Design Group
Shanta VHB
Jim Tetra Tech, Inc.
Thomas McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH)
Margaret Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Betsy Stantec (Burlington MA)
Bob Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Greta Verizon Smart Communities (NH)
Mark HNTB Corporation
Christine HNTB Corporation
David Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Stephen Terracon Consultants, Inc. (NH)
Nick Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Kinton AIMS International (TX)
Kinton eNdoto Corp. (East Hartford CT)
Connor Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.
Brian Travelers Marketing
Andrew Gill Engineering
Conrad Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Jeff Garofalo & Associates (RI)
Kellan BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Nick John Turner Consulting, Inc. (MA)
Jessica Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Jeffrey Mott MacDonald
Matthew Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Evan Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Robert McFarland Johnson, Inc. (Portsmouth NH)
Matthew Atlas Drilling
William Fort Hill Companies LLC
Keith Pare Corporation (RI)
S Bowman
Joseph WSP (MA)
Mary AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI)
John OUTFRONT Media (NY)
Katharine Michael Baker International (CT)
Joseph Michael Baker International (CT)
Ed H&H
Katie VHB
Karin S & R Corporation
Stephen Altec Industries, Inc. (MA)
Doug E.J. Prescott, Inc. (NY)
Daniel BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Christopher TRC Companies, Inc.
Darren McClain & Co., Inc. (VA)
Dana Fifield Electric Bikes, Inc.
James Town of Dedham
Timothy smartmicro (FL)
Luke National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (PA)
Ian Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Tim SPS New England, Inc.
Bill Tighe & Bond (Woburn)
Jay CONSOR Engineers, LLC
Avery WSP (MA)
Rocco E.J. Prescott, Inc. (ME)
John Nitsch Engineering
Robert MDM Transportation Consultants
Chris Oracle
Hugh HNTB Corporation
Dan MDM Transportation Consultants
Heather Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Christine AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Samuel TRC Companies
Jon MassDOT District 3
Colleen HDR
Micah BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Fred Stantec (Burlington MA)
Darren OGI inc
Matthew Tetra Tech, Inc.
Paul Gill Engineering
Matthew AECOM
Alexander HNTB Corporation
Brian Dewberry
Bridget Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Christopher HNTB Corporation
Randles Acrow Corporation (NJ)
Steven Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Josh CHA Consulting, Inc. (IN)
Brian Gannett Fleming TranSystems (PA)
Qiwei Lehigh Hanson (PA)
Sean BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Daniel Collins Engineers, Inc.
Sam BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Luke Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Krystal AECOM
John HNTB Corporation
Charles BL Companies
Daniel HNTB Corporation
Tess Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Anant Terracon Consultants, Inc. (NH)
Elizabeth Tetra Tech, Inc.
Alkesh Michael Baker International (CT)
Roger Roger Parsons
Dan Better Roads Consulting, LLC (FL)
Peter VHB
Thomas BL Companies
Jonathan All States Materials Group
Franck Soft dB
Doug Michael Baker International (CT)
James E.J. Prescott, Inc. (ME)
Cheryl TransAction Associates
Matt VHB
Toni Marie Michael Baker International (CT)
Gabrielle HNTB Corporation
Mike RINA/Patrick Engineering, Inc.
Peter BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Shannon Construction Industries of Massachusetts
Allene Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Eric McClure
Ed Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Thomas Michael Baker International (CT)
Peter All States Materials Group
Amanda WSP (MA)
Paul Esri (MA)
Kelly Dewberry
Paul StreetLight Data (RI)
Mario MobilityWorks (NH)
Carolyn WSP (MA)
Jeff Weston & Sampson
Antonio WSP (MA)
Michael BSC Group, Inc. (Main Office)
Steve Fuss & O'Neill Inc. (Springfield)
Mark AAA Northeast (Southern New England) (RI)
Roy SLR Consulting (CT)
Randy KCI Technologies (FL)
Taskin HNTB Corporation
James FedEx (TN)
Conor Kittelson & Associates, Inc.
Jillian Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. (NH)
Peter ACO, Inc. (OH)
Matt BETA Group, Inc. (MA)
Alexandra HNTB Corporation
Matthew Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. (Quincy)
Jefferson Benchmark Strategies
Matthew Nitsch Engineering
John Verizon Wireless (Westborough)
Shaun HNTB Corporation
Mike Transit X
Bob Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Patricia Steere Engineering, Inc. (RI)
John Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.
Glenn Gannett Fleming TranSystems (Dedham)
Jennifer Grainger (CT)
Benjamin MassDOT District 3
Tom Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Matthew Nitsch Engineering
David TRC Companies
Paul Golder
Ali Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Kyle VHB
Alexander Collins Engineers, Inc.
David United Concrete Products, Inc. (CT)
Linde Apex Companies, LLC
Cassandra Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Tony Benesch (MA)
Tom Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Richard GEI Consultants (ME)
Garrison Boston Concrete Corporation
Nicholas RINA/Patrick Engineering, Inc.
Mack AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Laura Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Frank Green International Affiliates
Kevin Sunbelt Rentals, Inc. (SC)
Michelle Boston Univeristy Medical Campus - TranSComm
Dilshod LLC TML LOGISTICS (Uzbekistan)
James Gill Engineering
John John Turner Consulting, Inc. (MA)
Steven Howard Stein Hudson (HSH)
Heather XL Hybrids
Andrew Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Alan Indus Inc.
Jeffrey Northeast Traffic Technologies, LLC.
Shahvir AI Engineers, Inc. (MA)
Laura Steer Group (MA)
Kevin Stantec (Burlington MA)
Matthew LandTech Consultants, Inc.
Julia Steer (CA)
Andrew Durisol USA (Canada)
Darin HNTB Corporation (MO)
Johnathan Kleinfelder, Inc.
Catharine Private Citizen
Colin HNTB Corporation
Paul Dewberry
Andrew Jacobs
Beth The Kraft Group
Wing McFarland Johnson
Peter HDR
Michael AECOM
Said HDR
Joseph Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
Amy Pare Corporation (RI)
Kimberly GPI (MA)
Vanessa Jacobs
Arthur HDR
Kelly VHB
Matthew VHB
Darren Jacobs
Kathryn HDR
Matt Tetra Tech, Inc.
Caroline VHB
Michael BL Companies
Adriaunna Apex Companies, LLC (Woburn)
Steve BL Companies
Darryl Michael Baker International (CT)
Haider Michael Baker International (CT)
Sandy Tetra Tech, Inc.
Geoffrey GPI (MA)
Ramandeep Stantec (Burlington MA)
Matthew GPI (MA)
Suzanne BL Companies
Susan VHB
Jonathan VHB
Tim GPI (MA)
Jessica Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Cheryl VHB
Steve Jacobs
Michael Stantec (Boston MA)
Soni Tetra Tech, Inc.
Martin Steere Engineering, Inc. (RI)
Nicole GPI (MA)
William Stantec (Burlington MA)
David Lock & Load
Luke Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Mike GPI (MA)
Noah Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Corinne Green International Affiliates
William Bowman
Peter Stantec (Burlington MA)
Jaime WSP (MA)
John GPI (MA)
Keith VHB
James Michael Baker International (CT)
Kristine VHB
Watson Stantec (Burlington MA)
Paul Gannett Fleming TranSystems
Brian Town of Natick
Jeffrey City of Boston
Robert City of Boston
Jacinda Town of Bedford
Susan Town of Lexington
Phillip Town of Winchester Council on Aging
Travis Town of Hubbardston
Catherine City of Waltham
Paul CHESS Engineering
Nicole City of Boston Elderly Commission
Sue Town of Winchester Council on Aging
Jim City of Pittsfield Council on Aging
Dawn City of Worcester
Eileen Town of Barre Council on Aging
Jeffrey Town of Yarmouth
Michael City of Beverly
Kevin Town of Westminster
Lisa City of Amesbury
Kristin Town of Bedford DPW
Kevin Town of Oxford
Stephanie City of Boston DPW
Joseph City of Boston
Edson Town of Brookline
Christopher City of Worcester
Elizabeth Town of Wellesley
Karin Valentine University of Massachusetts Medical School
Jeff Town of Natick
Matthew Town of Tyngsborough
Dave Town of Wellesley DPW
David Town of Dartmouth
Elizabeth Town of Concord
Adam MassDOT
Todd City of Worcester
Paul Town of New Marlborough
Eric City of Westfield
John Town of Lexington DPW
Emilio City of Worcester
Charles Town of New Marlborough
Jamie Town of Northbridge
Owen City of Weymouth
Tricia Town of Lexington
Steve Town of Exeter (RI)
Wayne Town of Lexington DPW
Faye City of Newton
Ross Town of Lexington DPW
Michael City of Worcester
Mignonne Town of Weston Council on Aging
Judith Town of Millbury
Glen Town of Andover Police Department
QinRui Town of Acton
Nicholas Town of Concord
Audrey Town of Weston Council on Aging
Brian City of Worcester
Isaac City of Boston
Marcia Town of Concord
Allison City of Quincy - Traffic, Parking, Alarm & Lighting (TPAL)
James City of Westfield
George Town of Wellesley
Matt Town of Winchester
James Town of Northbridge
Debra Town of Chelmsford Council on Aging
Kenneth Auburn Water District
Matthew Town of Chesterfield Highway Department
David Town of Braintree
Jason City of Newton
Matthew City of Holyoke
William Town of Wilbraham
Michael City of Haverhill
Beth Devens Enterprise Commission
John Town of Milton
Christopher MassDOT District 5
Brienne Town of Rowley Council on Aging
Matt Town of Lexington DPW
Nicholas City of Worcester DPW & Parks
Roger Town of Winchester
Theresa Town of West Newbury Council on Aging
Corey Town of Acton
Brian City of Haverhill
J. Michael City of Waltham
Lynn Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority (CCRTA)
Glenn Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Mary Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Ed MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Suzanne Vineyard Transit Authority
Claude Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Julie Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Karen Neponset Valley TMA
Glenn Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA)
Joy MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Jenna Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA)
Michael Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Anna Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Michael Brockton Area Transit Authority (BAT)
Dennis Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Meaghan Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Bonnie Montachusett Regional Transit Authority
Robert Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Andrea MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Pam Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Sara MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Tess Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Diane Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Adam Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Jeff Private Citizen
John Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA)
Sarah Berkshire Regional Transit Authority (BRTA)
Emily MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Thomas University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Patricia Greater Attleboro Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)
Eva MetroWest Regional Transit Authority (MWRTA)
Sarah Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (Boston)
Noelle Center for Living & Working, Inc.
Cathy Watertown for All Ages
John Town of Chelmsford Council on Aging
Jennifer Shore Educational Collaborative
Vinod Private Citizen
Reggie Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
Sheila Quaboag Valley Community Development Corp
Marie Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
Gail Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
Lisa Town of Acton Commission on Disabilities
Brian Minute Man Arc
Mary Ellen Epilepsy Foundation New England
Nancy Transportation Advocacy Coalition
Rhoda MassADAPT
Kevin Private Citizen
Latoya Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Linnea SeniorCare Inc.
Kimberly Minute Man Arc
Ben Minute Man Arc
Mike Center for Living & Working, Inc.
Richard Montachusett Regional Trails Coalition
David Town of Carlisle Council on Aging
Stephen Minute Man Arc
Marilyn US DOT Leadership Team (MA)
Christine Watertown for All Ages
Susan Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
Elizabeth City of Worcester Commission on Disabilities
Lynn Worcester Community Connections Coalition
Irene Town of North Andover
Franny Town of Acton
Sassy MAB Community Services
Jack VISIONS Consulting L3C
Debbie Private Citizen
Kim Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
Rupali The Central Mass Employment Collaborative
Scott Stone Soup
Nicky South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC)
Emmett MA Executive Office of Elder Affairs (MA EOEA)
Stephen Center for Living & Working, Inc.
Sharon MA Commission for the Blind (MCB)
Adam Riders Action Council
Paula Town of Acton Transportation Advisory Committee
James Private Citizen
Matthew Massachusetts Advocates Standing Strong (MASS)
Anne Parent Professional Advocacy League
Raquel City of Worcester Div of Youth Opportunities
Valerie Minute Man Arc
Nora Minute Man Arc
Janice Minute Man Arc
Richard Town of Barre Council on Aging
Meaghan Massachusetts Clubhouse Coalition
Kim Milone & MacBroom Inc (CT)
Meghan FriendshipWorks
Tienam University of Massachusetts Lowell (UMass)
Jason Apex Companies, LLC
Liam 495 MetroWest Corridor Partnership
Drew Bridgewater State University
David Private Citizen
Amani Blue Hills Community Health Alliance
Eric University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass)
Brian RND Consultants, inc
Paul RND Consultants, inc
Matthew Comprehensive Environmental, Inc. (NH)
Boris Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning
Josh Foursquare Integrated Transportation Planning